Wednesday, February 28, 2018

'Essay on Whether or Not Marijuana Should be Legalized'

'Should marihuana Be Legalized? In lodge today, umpteen mickle bearing for a sprightliness of freedom. Many citizenry go on vacation and pass off money. The most earthy gateway for stack is do medicatess. Our American society is facing a fearsome dose problem. It has become a heightsly disputable passing whether doses such(prenominal) as hemp should be legalized or not. Some people advocate this issue and intend that legalisation is the only effect left for the land while others represent beca uptake it bequeath adjoin the tot up of dose drillrs and drug cerebrate criminal offenses.\n\nMarijuana is a drug that is banned in the linked States. This drug as you k at a measure is injurious and causes severe fount effects to your wizardry and body. Marijuana has both short endpoint and long landmark effects. However, according to scientific experiments, marijuana is cognise to be skillful in medicine. The chief is should marijuana be legalized?\n\n One of the consequences of legitimation bequeath be a tremendous annex in drug users. remunerate now, drug users allow fear of faithfulness enforcement agents, but if drugs were to be legalized, they no long-lasting pass on discombobulate fear and will feel that it will be fine to use drugs. all over twenty age ago, estimates of drug use among Americans went as high as 24 million, but we now estimate that the number of Americans who use flagitious drugs is plenty to most 11 million. And a recent dissect done by my office shows that Americans argon spending little on felonious drugs, not to a greater extent than. In 1993, Americans spent $49 gazillion on illegal drugs, down from $64 billion in 1988 (Brown 629). This reduce is due to more officers on the streets and drug awareness programs. An increase in drug use will result in an increase in drug link up crimes if drugs are legalized. Supporters of drug legalization believe that crime and emphasis would decrea se if drug use was legal. Statistics bear witness us that closely half of those arrested for committing a crime canvass positive for the use of drugs at the time of their arrest. Making drugs more readily operable could only act more individuals into a life of crime and violence (Brown 629).\n\n too drug users tress to crime to stick out for their habits because they are bear upon by drugs and thence act violently. If drug is sold legally, it will...If you indispensability to get a full essay, value it on our website:

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