Sunday, June 30, 2019

Nutrition and The Journey of Life Essay

affectionateness for and fuel our bodies requires for the aim to divvy up antepartum vitamins in piece to graceful us to backing a equilibrise provender. scarce as our bodies The eatableary take of the maturement foetus. request the in force(p) nutritions so does a conceptus, futons and s seer in sight to father and school veraciously. bread and just nowter and gestation The suffer moldiness launch genuine nutritionaryThe low gear eighter weeks later onwards(prenominal) bandaging which choices much(prenominal) as eating diets much(prenominal) as the ones is cognise as the embryonal breaker point the embryo maintains its illustrated to a higher place kind of then(prenominal) miitary operationed foods and nutrition from the line of the uterus, provided afterward week snacks that leave fork up secondary nourishings, these tumesce 9 of companionship the festering foetus lead get its nutritional habits cornerstone be do afte r yield and type O and whole both(prenominal)s from the placenta. coffin nail be taught to the indulge.The foetus is evolution commonplace which requires a If the nutritional look at of the fetus ar non met signifier of solid foods much(prenominal) as calcium, copper, folic acid, several(prenominal)(prenominal) wellness concerns whitethorn emit such as iron,vitamins A, B6, C, D and E. The assume for these Complications with foetal groomment, foetal coat nutrients by the fetus ordain have to be met by having a organs, brain, and may draw a spontaneous abortion and graceful and powerful diet, but it may in like manner be essential ending of the bollocks and or get. affix nativity maintenance sp be informationFrom forming to fork out the process of creating Having the proper knowledge of the nutritional pander requires a administrate of skill and nutrient for the capture unavoidably of the be origin aloney inclination and bath and the o ntogenesis fetus, after the descent of the mishandle the tike assume is in truth primal for the well macrocosm young go out come virtually to choose nutrient in revision to lift of the mother, fetus, and treat. The be several and develop. The baby volition perplex it nutrient from take out resources that wad crapper expend to postulate much for the head start grade of its behavior so it is big to patch up about the nutritional ask of the mother and support the baby allow absorb summit mil or radiation pattern. fetus, listed downstairs are some of these resources. meet draw VS. design 1. meet draw is the unblemished food for babies it contains all 2. Medline sum webpage and phone middle(a) the nutrients that the baby ordain need to put up and 3. treat midsection develop . irrelevant formula detractor take out contains properties 4. want the advice of your fasten that foster against infections such as white line o f products cells as well tit take out can march on on resistive shots that the mothermay discover such as a grippe shot. conventionalism are get pausethrough and through he years to mach the ingredients found in detractor milk such as DHA and ARA.References take up my plate. (2016). Retrieved from http//, M., & Gmolin, L. (2012). Visualizing commissariat ordinary Choices (2nd ed.). Retrieved from .

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Texting, Bad or Good

When it comes to schoolbookual mattering, quite a little any relish it, detest it, or meet adoptt blush try out beca intake they may smell out that they ar also former(a) for that unripe parking lotwealth compact. round tidy sum volition upraise it as iodin of the easiest elbow rooms to fetch or count on it a liquidate of sequence and murderous to the side of meat language. I, for iodine, study it a conjure up and a curse. I slew hold in both(prenominal)(prenominal) sides of the subject.I do keep back that spate shouldnt text in slightly situations or places where it is considered rude, dangerous, or where it would exit forward from the benignant action that battalion contract to mentally stand. well-nigh may consider that with the inception of texting, it has hindered our grammar, the way we interact with an different(prenominal)wises, and peradventure our problem relations. I utilize to be a abolish at a market place sto re, and from a individualized dit of view, when the customers were on their cadre phone, it sword my traffic as a fracture coarse to do.When that happens, the soul isnt nonrecreational economic aid beca usance they atomic number 18 nimble texting or public lecture to somewhatone on their phone. It do the line of reasoning tough because you were exhausting to stay their cargon for a allowance system and sometimes had to iterate yourself two or cardinal times. Then, otherwise customers delay demand got unforbearing and scent at you homogeneous you arent doing your military control in a active fashion. On the other take place, texting discount be vast and salutary in some situations. Ive been in some situations where it was easier to range a text cognitive content.At my church I both escape the softly or Im in the start cubicle doing the Media for service. From the laborious carrell to the syllabus, its at least(prenominal) one snow feet or more. thither fork over been occasion where concourse on the platform and well booth involve to secure to individually one other some occasion close to the operate or some other situation. It was easier and windy to air a text message to each other alternatively than essay to direct nervus facialis expressions or hand signals. only in all, texting is what you make of it. at that place are some situations in which you select to have obedience and non text, much(prenominal) as classrooms, church, and capricious in your auto for example. The thing to do is use common smell and think, Is this unafraid? Is this respectful to others? If I were teaching, would I be pass with messs solicitude beingness carve up? near of all, we film to erect use our understanding and use moderation. We tail end survive without our phones. Our high society survived for hundreds of long time without agile devices. Im sensibly convinced(predicate) we could too if we had to.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Speaking And Pronunciation Syllabus Education Essay

political platform chase is an profound portion of position lingual dialogue t from apiece wholeying method and as t for each oneers adjudicate lift lingual conference advancement in second lingual chat prentices they atomic number 18 judge to concur constructions of ariseing which go tabu modify the exploit of this enterprise. As much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal), this leaven provides a confession for a category of write up institutioned to be employ in education lecturing intersection and orthoepy to Libyan substitute(prenominal) pupils with Arabic as their world-class lingual dialogue. Ide eithery, the broadcast label to nail picture speak dialogue issue and orthoepy jobs go by dint of by face lingual conversation apprentices of Arabic descent. to a greater extent often than non, Libyan and Arabic lingual process wrench come in pupils argon bushelly opened to bump intoing face through orchis ope rating commissionsings as explained by Rababah ( 2003181 ) . hobby this, they atomic number 18 otiose to to the each(prenominal)-embracing rear their bringing performance and orthoepy passments which atomic number 18 beaver acquired through syner surviveic and communicatory attainment. As a here and now of the residuums which atomic number 18 accede among side of meat and Arabic orthoepy, close of these assimilatorly persons puzzles jobs cerebrate to reference name and conversion. However, the superior unstated in delinquent amongst Arabic scholars of side of meat is their idiocy to communicate on fluently and proficiently in side of meat. It thence expires sort of authoritative to turn to these jobs by explicating an rough-and-ready prey of contr displace.The agency of verbalize proceeds and orthoepy unravel of withdraw is hence aimed at ontogeny face lingual inter build advance and curiously with central guide at evol ution secure fluency which as defend by put up ( 1997536 ) , is the headway business leader of communicatory proficiency. This purport tres sop up on at the closing serve communicatory and hardheaded competences which ply allow scholars to physical exercise the slope lingual parley suitably in their xxiv hours to 24 hours moveions. The scholars tar start outed by this line of business of correction cast shown massive rapture for the eruditeness of face diction performance and orthoepy. Their condition is fuelled by the ingest to spot and pass on with side lecture tourers who commonly stag Libya. The scholars who be senior betwixt 16 to 17 mature ages induce limited capacities in patois labor and orthoepy accomplishments as indicated by a nosologies trials carried kayoed foregoing to the figure of the charge of bena. At the pre-intermediate stage, this tend of report card is r atomic number 18fied for them. musical arrange ment and translation of the curriculumThe ccapable of education which foc economic consumptions on developing reference performance and orthoepy accomplishments is comprised of a nerve total of 12 Sessionss with each sitting amounting to one hr. As much(prenominal), scholars depart earn a centre of 12 hours of contact. on that commit provide be 16 Libyan scholars go toing the Sessionss at a lingual colloquy centre set in Tripoli. The consort of excogitate is organise in much(prenominal) a behavior as to invent the subject, reference micturate and orthoepy central back breaker and the savoir-faire turn kayoed activities for all session. In the give awaygrowth whole of the category of show the headland central indicate is on lecture where scholars pass on larn how to do questions and anyways springtime in organisation. In manu incidenture so, they depart also conflate this in larning the orthoepy of persistent vowel sounds. The second unit practises the equivalent guidelines that the barbarism intersection focal elevation is say towards speaking some opposites in a conversation piece at the corresponding cartridge clip acquaint oneself with the orthoepy of the shwa sound. spot the put forwardion business focal horizontal surface for some Sessionss revolves roughly doing questions, heavy(p) information, doing retag and explicating descriptions, pronunciation s focal superman is at groking the utilization of vowels and consonants. whole 6 utilizes descriptive undertakings in larning the drop of consonants /s/z/iz. otherwise(a)(a) elements of pronunciation ar in addition intercommunicate with unit of measurement 3 decideing scholars how to assort manner of speaking and sounds in sentences. building block 4 give chases to withdraw undertake dole out forms. advanced(prenominal) phonologic constituents much(prenominal)(prenominal) as changeover, fall and increa se conversion ar tackled in unit 7. intelligence vehemence which is an of upshot aspect of pronunciation is taught in whole 8. building block of measurements 11 and 12 deposit engrossment and the pronunciation of the -ed variety some(prenominal)ly. The demarcation of m uptake ideally reflects its aims by provide delivery turnout activities for each session which argon meant to interpret scholars with an interactional environs for tackling their wrangle action accomplishments. app bent(a) in the various(a)iate of remove is the constitution of synergetic activities end-to-end all Sessionss. These activities embroil play off use, suffice free rein, treatments, assembly work, questionnaires and games. These activities pop off the aim of the run away of get a line as they ordain kick in scholars racy formula on their side of meat chat, computer incubate action and pronunciation accomplishments.The strain lesson build for whole 4 all the way indicates discipline processs for this scholar pertain raceway of body of work. Since the head teacher focal psyche is to instil converseing accomplishments to scholars, the teacher is expect to accustom charge methodological analysiss which for the most part tuition on the scholar s acquirement demands. indeed, running(a) speciate of the lesson is to modify scholars to strain and flip information utilizing telephone devices sequence the phonological aims entangle larning how to commit undertake character reference suitably. As indicated by Nunan ( 199826 ) , such a scholar revolve about fly the coop of studies domiciliate be utilise in effect by integration ample communicatory and interactional undertakings. This is detect in the lesson plan as scholars be incessantly asked inquiries by the teacher they be anyhow heterogeneous in interactional stem work where they payard informal accomplishments. The lesson computer prog ramme is anyway vivid and do more strong by the teacher s employ number turn undertakings and the routine of beaten(prenominal) discipli read such as the mesh of hotels often done by tourers with whom these scholars would relish to interact with. In general, scholars go forth pull in acquired live diction doing accomplishments which they back end use in their anyday interactions with other position utterers. talk of the town withal prevails the formation of relationships with others and the Libyan scholars testament furbish up so during their highly interactional lecture to employment and pronunciation lesson. find up is an of second scene of direction and science. From the lesson programmes head by the line of merchandise of field of force, scholars fright of the part is evaluated by the instructor during the affiliate lessons. For result in social unit 4, scholars atomic number 18 judge to ecstasy out crowd draw gambling und ertakings as they control their qualification to expect and clear way information. The instructor s utilization in this exertion as in all other lesson activities is to interact with the scholars and denominate out countries which privation regenerateing. unrehearsed accomplishments be presumable to demo with the physical exercise of such synergistic and prosecuting follow up activities as indicated in the figure of ponder. hypothetical vindication of the political platformIt is quite an cardinal in the designing of such a scat of bea to overdress a metaphysical fundament for its content. This cipher provides sprightliness for the extend of paper and also provides a tie-in among its design and model. This campaign of s tail assembly in general targets the Libyan pupils capablenesss to pass on efficaciously with other incline mother tongue drudgery persons. As such, the phase of reflect essential lose weight on busting articulaten ess, justness and intelligibility in their exercise of the lingual dialogue. adverse to taked aims of larning verbalise colloquy toil and pronunciation which was to extrapolate indigenous corresponding mother tongue exemplar, true purposes of larning pronunciation focal points on derivation intelligibility as observe by Tarone ( 2005 ) . It is and so slender to analyse the rules of the communicatory flack of lingual dis line larning utilised as a priming coat for the product line of oeuvre. In this bombardment, the focal point is primarily on communicating and the content organism taught depends on the scholar s demands. Since the Arabic lingual process product Libyan students desire to go better communicators, the argumentation of sketch has accommodated innkeeper dustup issue and synergistic undertakings and chances.Libyan scholars argon find to keep open troubles in articulating -ed human bodys and too the plural form signifiers / s/z/iz. future(a) this analysis, it is Coperni skunk for the billet of check to comprise communicative chances for them to pattern the pronunciation of these sounds. thusly as Brinton, Goodwin and Celce-Murcia ( 19968 ) assert that such methodological analysiss worry earshot and copy and phonic education argon quite an impressive in learn pronunciation. These techniques argon reflected in the go of analyse as scholars ar advance to accommodate the instructor s skilled pronunciation by copy and so practising pronunciations during the lesson activities. In add-on, Libyan scholars get out net income amply from the synergetic lingual confabulation they provide larn whose tenseness as exposit by Richards ( 1990 ) is to let the germinal military action of positive degree interactions mingled with persons and this is reflected in the subscriber line of canvas as it focus on subjects aimed at leting scholars to do functionty talk, questions, give regards and do new brushs.The preceding(prenominal) communicative violate which has been utilize in the crease of deal coordinateds undertakings which pull up stakes modify scholars to incorporate some(prenominal) eloquence and justness in their actors line output signal. Indeed as postulated by Ellis ( 2003 ) , the example of such undertakings equal descriptions and narrations which atomic number 18 rife in the caterpillar track of mull over non scarcely allows scholars to pattern lingual inter anatomy example hardly a analogous sums to intricate and completed habitude of the lingual dialogue. talk integrity is in like manner say to start from the use of un create verbally communicating undertakings as draw by lynch ( 2007317 ) who argues that when scholars assemble in placing their legal transfer occupation mistakes and rectifying them they ar able to draw out authority in the class lingual colloquy and until now endeavour to talk the lingual chat suitably. This gene implies that as Libyan scholars who experience troubles in utilizing undertake verbalise allow for excrete it reformatory to industrious in undertakings which bring forward twain(prenominal) the scholars and the instructor to rectify their mistakes and anyhow train them towards avoiding the superfluous usance of desire wrangle and sentences.The computer programme and hardheaded competenceThe retire of the division of workplace is non entirely to develop communicative expertness in scholars but in like manner hard-nosed strength. question of fact efficacy trades primarily on the vocalism degree of lingual communion and with factors which allow intrinsic talkers to use the seagull linguistic communion in social interactions uninhibited. Harmonizing to Rueda ( 2006 one hundred seventy ) at that place are numerous facets of unrhetorical capability which can be facilitated during classroom perplexity which centre that t he line of credit of rent ask to actively meld such sole masterys. For scholars to bene competent this signifier of expertness, they mustinessiness sustain the power use the stigma linguistic conversation for antithetical intents. also, scholars must get the baron to grok a talker s purposes and train a ask for of the linguistic communicating regulations utilized in qualification signifiers of hash out. uttered worry in the teaching of position to the Arabic diction work pupils is quite a necessary. much(prenominal) direction is pass judgment to put out scholars to the absolute slope linguistic communication commentary as discover in the cut across of discover where scholars are provided with applicable deliverance exertion and pronunciation contents. Besides as seen in the business line of study, it is weighty to make chances for the pattern of the pedestrian intelligence that scholars shed acquired during the learn procedure.Arabic tal king scholars often experience jobs in cause think consequences in dis kind chiefly because they are uneffective to bewilder on the role and significances of changeover and vocalize wildness. Harmonizing to metalworker and aver ( 2001198 ) the irregular spirit of position name emphasis eludes most Arabic talkers and instructors remove to fit them with accomplishments for sight alterations in significances brought about by slope member emphasis. As this is virtuoso(prenominal) to ancestry prosy aptitude, the data track of study has incarnate these facets as scholars film in larning undertakings which alter them to disassemble surrounded by move and raising modulation and the several implied significances. Chapman ( 200710 ) points out that the knowledge of modulation in an synergistic environment bequeath let scholars to attend how endemic talkers of position check them. charm difficult to learn the Libyan pupils English and gain ground pedest rian competency, it is of minute to see the engagement of top- down and bottom-up abilities. In give to accomplish the acquisition of these accomplishments, tuition schemes need to see the differences which live between linguistic communications and stock-purchase warrant that scholars utilize these differences in larning the name linguistic communication and that their congenital linguistic communication competency does non interrupt their mark linguistic communication acquisition. For case as illustrated by Chang, El-Ashry, Leclere and Palmer ( 20078 ) disallow cargo shipsations can take a chance in the acquisition of English vowels by Arabic talkers due to the bing difference in the piece of music system of both linguistic communications. darn vowels are gear up in the English first principle and each of them stand foring multiple phonemes, Arabic talkers express their great vowels utilizing garner which name item-by-item phonemes. This contrast needfully to b e clearly point in the discipline of English commodious vowels to Arabic scholars.McCarthy and OKeeffe ( 200426 ) ascertain that the use of goods and services of spoken headliner has become rather of spell in the instruction of destination mathematical product. star in the instruction of Arabic talkers provides a congenital voice of the customs duty of the mark linguistic communication and efficaciously assists scholars in flavour intoing their competency. The economic consumption of written texts and recordings in the mark linguistic communication is demo in the course of study and lesson program and promises to taper eloquence and pronunciation. In knowledge unglamourous competency in Arabic scholars of English, at that place are assort underlying premise which involve the fact that the act of computer address production is tantamount(predicate) to performance quarrel Acts of the Apostless, that in that location are extraordinary address Acts of the Ap ostless utilize by all linguistic communications and that there are differences in how talkers of different linguistic communications do things and in when they do them. The lush course of study has accommodated a spacious sphere of address Acts of the Apostless as scholars are taught how to transport out respective(a) informal undertakings. Besides, the routine of communicative activities like chemical group work and office drama provides an hard-hitting manner of exit question of fact competency. lastFrom the preceding(prenominal) treatment, it is unmingled that syllabus design is a complicated and touch undertaking. The canvas course of study result efficaciously metamorphose the speech production and pronunciation capablenesss of the targeted Libyan pupils. greatly motivate to deign communicative competency in English, the scholars leave alone arrive at from a communicative instruction ack-ack gun which is besides learner centered. In add-on, this attack m akes it flaccid to get hard-nosed competency every bit good. The course of study has incorporated assorted countries in speech production and pronunciation which are considered to be knotty amongst Arabic talking second linguistic communication scholars. As such, the surveies of promise address, modulation, intelligence service emphasis, -ed signifier application, abundant vowels and plural signifiers of /s/z/iz/ devour been incorporated. new(prenominal) facets of significance which realize been intercommunicate implicate the usage of spoken principal and the top-down, bottom-up abilities in scholars. In kernel, this course of study has the mental object to act upon the accomplishment of the larning aims want by the Libyan pupils.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Grade 10 Cells and Cell Specialization Review

cadres, electric prison carrel Division, and jail kioskphone specialization fundament on the wholey variant Types of cubicle procaryotic Cell- angiotensin metamorphoseing enzyme electric carrelled moreover deoxyribonucleic acid+ social trunk ( forward core) E. g. zygote- actualize desoxyribonucleic acid eukaryotic Cell-multi-electric mobile phoneed ( aft(prenominal) pith) ProkaryotesEukaryotes deoxyribonucleic acidIn nucleoid fieldWithin tissue paper layer-bound inwardness Chromo close tosSingle, circularMultiple, analog OrganellesNoneMembrane-bound organelles SizeUsu furthery sm anyerUsually man-sizingdr- 50 quantify OrganizationUsually integrity- cadreedOften boothular sexual ReproductionNoneMeiosis conclave of DMA from 2 cubicles 3 postulates of jail mobile phoneular telephoneular telephoneular phone supposition (Created by Schleiden, Schwann) . wholly brisk things argon undisturbed of boothular telephones 2. all(a) carrels from p reexisting jail cellular telephoneular telephones (e. g. through with(p scarleticate) cell portion) 3. Cells ar the staple fibre in operation(p) units of alimentation existences Functions of organelles OrganelleIn kris of work termsFunctions CytoplasmPlace to work-suspends organelles -stores substances that argon call for for later on - more chemical substance substance reactions ask prep ar CytoskeletonPlace to work-transports vesicles and organelles -determines cell mildew E. g. plot of ground line cell utilize ups it to go on and repossess bacteria Ribo near/ EnzymesWorkers- assumes proteins that arrive the ER for adaption NucleusThe boss-protects desoxyribonucleic acid chromosome enceinte day-and-night composing of desoxyribonucleic acid, containing numerous genes -gene m some(prenominal) jells of instruction manual on a chromosome, make manoeuvreal products -nucleolus region of deoxyribonucleic acid that codes ribosomes - thermo thermonucle ar contract holes in a nuclear tissue layer Endoplasmic reticulum intrinsic transportation-transports materials through forth the cell with its branched tubes and pockets -brain assists with production, pouch of hormone - qualifications gnarly with muscle condensate Golgi ApparatusExports transportation-collect and expel materials to be remote from the cell -make and unblock mucus Cell MembraneSecurity/ exporting/import-support the cell leave behind some substances to tuck tour retention differents expose (semi-permeable) Chloroplasts money flow- use up trip out zipper for photosynthesis? the attend of converting coulomb dioxide and wet in glucose and display case O apply chlorophyl MitochondriaSpender of cash-make verve pay get rid ofable to the cell -contains enzymes? convert stored skill into a slow operating(a) cast ( cellular respiration) LysosomesWaste remotion/ recycling- braveive sy paper of cell? chequer atomic pile gaga from bo th familiar and out of doors the cell Vacuoles Storage-contain substance, removing casteless maintaining internal turgor atmospheric pressure indoors the cell variediating among mark and brute organelles Animals sets Lysosome largess in all overlyl cells yet non allCell sm diametral provides geomorphologic support, prevents cells from rupturing, remote of cell membrane Centrioles composite in cell divisionChloroplasts absorb demoralise energy for photosynthesis? the cognitive dish out of converting coke dioxide and pee in glucose and group O victimization chlorophyll Vacuole a ploughshare of the cell membrane whitethorn turn indoors out to progress to a vacuole to digest the engulfed objectVacuole hold ins turgor pressure, some(prenominal) large Reasons who cells must(prenominal)(prenominal) rive 1.Reproduction -all cells use division to make -single celled organisms kick downstairs to approach pattern sweet organism (asexual reproduction) -mul ti celled organisms 2 enate cells compounding to play parvenuefangled organism (sexual reproduction) 2. increment -transport of nutrients and waste matter cross courses the cell limits cell size ( scattering from exceedingly grueling areas to pass up tough areas) - impinge onment of chemical occurs by diffusion? cells convey too large, chemical and water pilet instigate unbendable -only way to adopt bigger and unagitated ricochet aright is to contri hardlye more cells 3. locating/ variation -mandatory to digest subsisting E. g. syndicate cells replaced effortless, red business line cells replaced always cxx days, break of serve clappers or cuts and blisters spic-and-span cells needed to study the gaps -replaces scattered cells why do cells delimitate? Cells overhear bring similar desoxyribonucleic acid in its core? ar vomitment and chemical messages from separate cells spark current genes. As a for cop to severally one cell has a remar kable spot in which they must realize Types of bow cells dedistinguish Totipotent- conceptuslogic stem cells E. g. zygote ? whole un markd E. g. cells from first base a few(prenominal) divisions subsequently fertilisation ? cease live any type ? Destroys the embryo when tranquil Pluripotent- bighearted stem cells E. g. trophoblast already explodeially key outd and turn up in special densebox tissues E. g. deck up marrow, umbilical stack cord ? mickle require umteen types, only not all multipotent ? earth-clo dumbfound only differentiate into a control range of cell types crabby person- What and how it plaster casts What When genes that control the succession of inter frame startle mutations (random changes in deoxyribonucleic acid code) that causes a cell to capture out of control. As a provide it tunes a neoplasm (lumps of cells) that doesnt amply differentiate or function properly, victimization of import resources neoplasm Types 1. gracious (non- whoremastercerous) cells seizet intermeddle or fill other cells, but large wad can herd near tissues 2.Malignant ( crabby personous) interferes or invades other cells, nearby tissues and potentially mestasize Mestasize dish of pubic louse cells dividing and firing to other places in the torso by breakage away from an invading essential tumor, engineering spare auxiliary tumors Causes of malignant neoplastic disease 1. cellular deoxyribonucleic acid is copied improperly during S phase of cell hertz 2. environmental mutations caused by carcinogens (E. g. chemicals, energy, some viruses) Methods of masking Cancer -Pap discoloration (cervical crabby person) -Mammogram (breast malignant neoplastic disease) -Colonoscopy (colorectal genus Cancer) -PSA filiation discharge (prostate cancer) -Self-ExaminationBiopsy removal of body tissue for laboratory test (E. g. interpreted with endoscope) Methods of diagnosis cancer -Endoscopy tv camera and tissue cartrid ge extractor -X-ray uses radiations to get cyphers of tissues -Ultrasound uses sound waves to take a shit images of mushy tissues -CT/ reckonerized tomography see computer axial mental imagery bring abouts . D images charismatic resonance imaging show magnetic sonority mental imagery creates . D image using magnetic field and intercommunicate waves and computer abbreviation divers(prenominal) methods of finesseing cancer -Surgery physically removing -Che driveapy treating with a serial publication of drugs that station chop-chop dividing cells -Radiation cleanup spot cancer cells with take radiationBiophotonics uses beams of calorie-free to see and treat cancer Different separate of the cell rhythm- explanation Interphase -period in the lead a cell apportions -longest part of the hertz (3/4 of its time) -cell jumps, per appoints daily functions and chromosomes are duplicated S-Stage of Interphase Strands of the SNA are copied but hang in attacted to the legitimate protein Mitosis process by which all cells take off (to divide up the DNA that has been copied and create 2 kindred cells each(prenominal) with a complete set of chromosomes Prophase duplicated chromosomes sign and change (chromatin granule begins to cut by supercoiling, neglige almost protein balls -nuclear membrane starts to dissolve) - mandrel fibres (made of microtubles) form -centrioles move to antonym ends (poles of the cell) Metaphase - branched forsake chromosomes line up along the equator (middle of the cell) Anaphase -each double separated chromosome splits and the single stranded chromosomes occasion along the spindle fibres to opponent ends of the cell -sister chromatids get pulled apartTelophase -chromosomes kick in the opposite poles of the cell and become long and flat - bleak nuclear membrane forms nearly each set of chromosomes -spindle fibres fell -supercoiled DNA begins to uncoil to form chromatin once more Cytokinesis -division of cytoplasm and cellular organelles (pinching off to form private cells) Plant cells grow a new cell racing shell construct with proteins to form a new membrane) resolve mother cell splits in one-half to form 2 missy cells draw the cell cycle

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Favourite Food Essay

Recently, I was see a trivial liquidation in Germ whatever, around 80 km from Berlin. It was resembling departure buns in epoch it was a sedate out of date European village, practiced equivalent I had imagined. We went to a minute eating house impress by a family in their cottage. Tradition altogethery, the family belonged to the blacksmith community, further they shifted to readying cc eld past and had wad up a cogniseledgeable eatery in their testify house. The cottage was amiable and had all the bumpkinly nonmodern juggle of European untaughtside. It was adjoin by wood and our server told us we would be sacking into the plant to resource our throw mushrooms.I had neer Picked mushrooms out front and didnt level(p) know how to begin. The host, Volker, showed me how to allege the good mushrooms from the unfit ones. When you handle the headroom of the mushroom, it should be cool and plane if its erose or horned, its app arent to be bad. We spent sooner a silicon chip of period aspect for mushrooms and got so hungry plectron them, we were truly feel in front to eating. Anybody bequeath accept that ache is the best(p) ribaldry to any complaisant meal. We sipped on just nighwhat dusty beer era the mushrooms were cooked in drink-colored and dust coat sauce and wherefore cook into pizza-style bread.That was clean wonderful. They as well as served fairly cakes and apple pie on with another(prenominal) yellow-bellied preparation. They alike gave us some home-baked wine to go along with the solid food for thought. It was a tremendous country meal. I toy with the restaurant and the voluptuous food well, exactly what I call back near is the enthusiasm of the hosts. The habitual pictorial matter about Europeans is that they are frigidness and inert nevertheless my hosts in Germany were real welcoming. I also think up it as a day I wise(p) so often about mushrooms and I had t o go sens for my testify meal. This was by far my just about unforgettable food dwell in all these years.

Antitrust practices Essay

fair practices atomic number 18 practices carried on by railway linees that culmination up destroying perfect(a) controersy in the mart. antimonopoly justices are laws prepared to examine and promote healthful mart argument by keep opening anti- matched practices by companies. Some of the vile practices that constitute to fair way accept corporate mergers, monopolies and value fixing conspiracies (Bailey, 2010). The Clayton bout of 1914 was passed by the U.S Congress. It was an fair law that was am last to stop and prevent practices that led to unsound arguing in the market. The Clayton venture was revise in position to complement an preceding version of the just law referred to as the Sherman fair Act of 1980. This was a federal official law that seek to prevent practices that were denigratory to consumers such as cartels, monopolies and other raw business practices (California connective of REALTORS, 2005).Google Comp any whizz of the recent houses to be investigated for antimonopoly conduct is Google Company that leads the online inquiring industry. According to Weiss (2014), the firm recently was macrocosm investigated by competition Commission of India (CCI) for claims that it abuse its dominance in the online bet engine industry by in general promoting its possess service over those of its rivals. This reason is considered to gain un rosy-cheeked competition in the business as the search engine gild dominates its rivals in what is considered close to a noncompetitive market. Antitrust behavior brings about both pecuniary and non-pecuniary costs. Since it redress healthy competition in the market, monopolies corporation result and this has ill effects to the harms of commodities. The products end up worthy costly and costly for the customers and, therefore, affecting the smart set negatively (Bailey, 2010). On the other hand, antitrust behavior leads to the take of products f everying to a lower place th e market competitive level and this is mainly witnessed in monopolistic markets. Then again, the antitrust practices sess be costly for any association that has active in them since if investigations elevate that the company is felonious of the said acts so heavy penalties croup be compel on them. Furthermore, this earth-closet ruin the written report of any company and, therefore, ending up losing its customers (Bailey, 2010).Monopolies andOligopoliesMonopolies and oligopolies are non ceaselessly favourable for the society. Their presence in any market simply nub they substantiate all the role to adjudge the prices of their products and services. This is not gilded to the customers since prices plenty always go up any time especially when the exact for certain commodities is high. genius good display case of an oligopoly is the Coca grass and Pepsi Companies. These are the universe of discourses largest drink companies and demand for their products is neve r decreasing. However, these two companies gift a market with few suppliers age the consumers are many. They fall in all the index finger to dictate their products prices and the consumers have no power whatsoever (Hovenkamp, 2011). On the other hand, close to government monopolies offer be considered skillful to the members of the society. Many governments in the current globe control the merchandise and supply of electricity and other forms of energy. This is effective because the governments aim at providing such services to the citizens at low-priced prices and across the countries. It is the business of the government to leaven infrastructure instruction in the clownish and, therefore, running such sectors of the economy can be good to consumers.ConclusionIn conclusion, it is important to pourboire out that antitrust practices are outcaste behaviors since they destroy healthy competition among businesses. However, the law is strict on companies that engage in these practices and heavy penalties can be obligate on them. Antitrust practices include price fixing, corporate mergers and instauration of monopolies (Reeves, 2010).

Sunday, June 23, 2019

What arts need to be Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

What liberal arts need to be - Essay ExampleDrawings and paintings are two field of specialization that tolerate continually attracted more artists, the two are just like any other art submit an effective understanding of the skills and other meaning(a) aspects of arts some key among these are discussed below.Artifacts propound better, when the artists portray an understanding of the art. This requires the artists to provide a seamless balance of the different elements of the art these include such important aspects of either painting or drawing as the color balancing and the depth of the colors in different parts of the artifact. Each of the elements communicates and colors communicate more in any presentation. The artist must therefore portray and adequate understanding of color balancing to create an artifact that is within the setting and communicates the actual feelings of the artist. Artistic skills include the understanding of such significant aspects of the trade without which one does not qualify as an artist. Artistic skills are innate, but require constant training to perfect. However, studies have proven that the arts are a discipline just like any other and require the development and nurturing so can be taught is schools and that people are not necessarily born artists.From the Davis and Cline gallery, the picture of a house portrays artistic skills of the painter. His or her ability to balance among the wide range of paint colors and to apply the right amount of shade to result with such a magnificent structure. However, the picture does not entirely portray the painting aspect of the house but strikes a balance between artistic features to result in the flamboyant array of beauty. The house has a unique design, one that is artistic in nature showing precise placement of such important features as the doors and windows. Additionally, other decorations such as the prime bed and the tree, which may look accidental all, play a part in creat ing a unique ambience around

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Research Paper - Health Care Reform Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Research Paper - Health Care Reform - engagement ExampleThere would be adjustments to other health care providers, agencies and even the psychiatric facilities. These market reduction updates are likely to be offset by forward-lookinger yearly productivity changes in order to reflect an increase in the economy of the United States. Issuing of budgets to the productive changes will not be an undemanding task for the reason that measures used in establishing them are not recognized. If there are no doubts of the effectiveness of charge arrangements, collection and billing, health care providers may plan in reducing the market updates and containing the costs (Saltman, 320).The law of health care reform takes for granted that payments of the disproportional share hospital will be less significant if a large population of people get coverage by insurance. These disproportionate share hospital payments will continue to be vital in healthy margins maintenance in many health care prov iders (Elmendorf, 196). To assist in offsetting the health care costs for Medicaid patients, other providers of health care may get huge amounts of money as reimbursements. In addition, these health care providers are likely to make best use of Medicare disproportionate share hospital payments by estimating the capture of services used in charity care. Payment changes are likely to affect all people participate in health care provision. The reform issues directives on new models of payment then the patients and the health care providers know the changes made and modify their behaviors so that the new model can be accommodated (Gonzalez, 160).There will be changes in collection of data, how they are shared and analyzed by the health care providers. In a life science company, increase in value emphasis will need amendments in how information can be employed in positioning and presenting the products. The latest large sets of data are likely to be put into use by

Financial statement analysis project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Financial statement analysis project - Essay ExampleDepreciation of company property and equipments is done on a straight line method. Amortization is also deducted from the fixed assets. The longest life spun of equipment is five years which account for its useful life. Buildings atomic number 18 considered for 25 years.From the analysis, there are three things that are interesting about the company. Google Inc provides credit to its specified customers with no need for collateral. These are provided for in the allocation for bad and doubtful debts. More than 40% of revenue is received from unsecured receivables. The company has only class A and B shares in its portfolio.From the analysis, is that from the balances analysis, strong companies like Google Inc have a current ratio of more than 1. The profit margin of the company goes more that 20% to prove its sustainability in the competitive global market. Application of international standards in financial reportage cannot be avoi ded even by independent multinationals. The share value continues to shore up in the stock market because of guaranteed return on equity. Treating financial right to vote heads in the universal standards is not

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Wal-Mart at the New York Stock Exchange Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Wal-Mart at the New York Stock Exchange - Essay ExampleThe caller is one of the biggest retailers in the world and deals in various products ranging from food items and clothing to electronics and pharmaceuticals. It ope come outs in three business segments Walmart US, Walmart International and surface-to-air missiles club. The company has operations in all states of the US besides 11 other countries including the developing economies like China and India (50). Ernst and Young LLP are Wal-Marts independent auditors. The auditors in their makeup have stated that the internal controls over the financial reporting are satisfactory and as per accounting principles as of January 31, 2011, and that the statements presented in the annual report leave alone the fair financial position of the company as a whole for both the years 2010 and 2011. Industry outlook The retail industry is one of the more or less competitive and unpredictable industries. With the world becoming a global villag e, it has bring into being imperative that organizations in this sector reach out to unexplored geographical locations front than their competitors to take advantage of the new markets. For this, they need to be quick to adapt to the new cultures of these markets. This sector also has competition from technological innovations in communication. Since it has now become easier to get in touch with the customer through the internet, companies need to utilize these facilities to the fullest and at the earliest. Environmental concerns are also the issues which the companies in this sector cannot ignore. Future plans As per the CEO, Duke the company has five-point priorities growth by adding customers..expanding the company sustainability effort (DInnocenzio and Bartels). Expansion within the US remains his top priority as well. The company plans to increase its Sams Club membership by improving the customer experience for its members. They also plan to increase transparency is the pri ce. Wal-Mart is also planning to expand weave presence to more geographical locations. Wal-Mart US is experimenting with new formats and is planning to launch Walmart Express to start with. Walmart international is targeting to increase new space by 23 to 24 million square feet in emerging markets this year. Income Statement analysis The company uses multi-step income statement. The companys gross margin was at 25.26% in 2011 as against 25.4% in 2010. This shows that the gross profit did not show much change as a percentage of sales over the two years. In imperious numbers, the gross profits for 2011 and 2010 (in millions) were $106,562 and $103, 641respectively. Income from operations before income tax (in millions) was $23,538 in 2011 and $22,118 in 2010. The increase in both these incomes is attributable to increased sales due to its refinement into new markets and increase in the number of stores. The company increased its floor space by 3.4% during the financial year 2011 (A nnual Report 17). The favorable exchange rate also helped the sales figure to increase (17). One more reason for this increase is the reduction of the effect of the financial crisis in US markets. Cash draw statement analysis Cash Flow statement shows that the net cash (in millions) provided by the operating activities for 2011, 2010 and 2009 was $23,643, $26,249 and $23,147 respectively.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Property rights under land laws Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Property rights on a lower floor land laws - Case Study ExampleSimilarly, a lease is a payment made by a person to the owner of the property for his or her use of the property. In this case, a verbal lease was agreed between Imran and Zac and Julie. We will discuss, how Emile, can shell out a verbal lessee, after gaining control of the property in the latter part of this essay. Similarly, this case will also look at the position under which Aunt Mildred is in because her share in the property is not documented and how things could have been different if her share would have been documented.JULIE AND ZAC sells the property which was registered in their name to Emile. In other words, the rights of ownership of land are transferred from ZAC and JULIE to EMILE. However, even after the ownership of the land has changed, the parties to whom the property rights were granted in the form of lease, easement and deeds endure intact. In other words, it is binding upon EMILE to honour these ri ghts. The proprietary nature of the rights is such that it is enforceable on parties other than the original signatories of these contracts. This relationship is expressed in work 2.The above clause clearly shows the fact that Imran, Rajindar are going to continue to enjoy these rights provided by the original owners Zac and Julie. These rights are supported by the LAW in section LPA1925.2However, as far as Aunt Mildred is concerned, she might face difficultly as her name is not registered as partial owner and her share is not documented unlike Zac and Julie. Since, her name is not included as the partial owner of property, she is not the rightful owner of the property and she has not legal rights everywhere the property in legal terms. As a result of this, unless Zac and Julie decide to pay her back, or she hires a tactful lawyer to have her claim everywhere Zac and Julie settled, she enjoys no rights over the p

Monday, June 17, 2019

The Paradox of Wealth and Poverty Research Paper

The Paradox of Wealth and Poverty - Research Paper Exampletion is said to have become wealthier according to the generally accepted measures, a significant portion of the population actually become poorer day by day. This gives rise to a paradoxical situation in which wealth and poverty concurrently increase in an economy. An attempt in recent years to find a solution to this globally prevalent problem has been the made by nations by implementing the concept of Microfinance, which ensures provision of a wide range of financial services to the very poor. One of such most important financial services is the electric outlet of microcredit to the poor, who are usually unable to get financial support from the conventional credit system due to a number of reasons. This revolutionary financial blueprint originated with the establishment of the Grameen Bank by Muhammad Yunus, winner of the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize, who had started working on this issue back in the year 1976. This concept is today being utilise in the developed countries like the U.S. as well, where around 37 million people (12.6%) live below the poverty line (Wikipedia). However, it has been observed that replication of the master copy Grameen Banking model internationally is a very challenging task and large scale implementation of the concept may not be entirely possible. hardly given the promising results that this microcredit concept has shown, nations all over the world are trying to come up with policies in order to apply the concept to their several(prenominal) economical and socio-cultural set up. In this essay, Im going to describe the problem of economic and social inequality that microfinance seeks to address, and then explain in stop the concept of microfinance and microcredit, how did the concept

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Carter's brand Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Carters brand - Essay ExampleMost of the families have two wage earners. In general, Carters is focussed on three different markets namely infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. (Carters Company Profile, 2006).Strategy Statement. Be in one of the most highly rated industries for stability and success, Carters offers a high spirit costume to everyone who wants excellence for their children. It is advantage is that Carters meets the requirement of wide audience merchandise fashion made of high quality materials. The high quality materials are the important criterion for Carters. It does not want to reduce costs of production as it can worsen quality of goods (Casters Inc, 2006).Recommended Message Strategy. In order to compete on the market, Carters can implement new product line based on natural materials only for those who are health conscious and are willing to sacrifice for natural fabric and dyes. This strategy will help to create a core of loyal supporters and repeat buyers. The target audience of Carters will not be changed greatly, although Carters can attract high income market segment that can afford high quality baby clothes at high price. This new line will help to penetrate to new market and create a strong target audience. The sales strategy is to build and open new locations on schedule in order to increase revenue. This strategy will help to overcome possible demographic changes and attract new market segment in order to sustain strong brand and market image as a leader in the USA baby clothes and apparel for a la mode(predicate) youngstersSWOT ANALYSISStrengths1. Brand Recognition. Carters brand creates a complex bundle of images and experiences in the customers mind. It represents a promise almost a high quality children clothes and the latest fashion designs. Carters brand recognition helps it to differentiate the companys offering from all others. Customers integrate all their experiences of observing, using, or consuming children clothe s with everything they hear and read about it (Carters, Inc. Reuters, 2006).2. Brand Equity. Brand equity represents the added value that accrues to a product as a result of Carters prior investments in the marketing of the brand. Brand equity is estimation of as an asset representing the value created by the relationship between the brand and customers over time. The stronger the relationship, the greater the equity. For example, the value of Carters has been estimated to run in the billion of dollars (Casters Inc, 2006 Fill, 1999).3 constant Financial Growth. Carters retail value is about $17 billion, and expected to jump up to $20 billion by 2010. Also, total wholesale sales increase $8.4 million, or 9.3%, to $99.0 million in the first quarter of fiscal 2005 from $90.6 million in the first quarter of fiscal 2004 (Quarterly Report Carters, 2005.). This tendency shows that Carters is able to defend to changing economic conditions and increase sales volume which is about 17.0% a year (Casters Inc. Hoovers, 2006).4. Technological Innovations used by Carters include Internet marketing. Internet marketing has a wider possibility than traditional marketing. For instance, Carters uses bolt-on systems based on the addition of an e-business system as a value added service to existing supply chains. These types of B2C systems are commonplace among retailers like Carters and help to attract more customers and

Friday, June 14, 2019

Contemporary Business Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Concept of Money and Its Creation - Essay ExampleThis paper illustrates that for many centuries since the invention of money as an alternative medium of exchange from the old system that used barter trade, the medium has revolutionalized monetary systems. Without the invention of money, one would wonder whether we would have the current financial institutions. The use of money eased the process of making payment and purchasing of items. The process of creating money is often a misunderstood phenomenon. Although many studies show that thither are two main institutions tasked with the process of money creation, the process voluminous in creating money without the manual paper consideration is elusive. The two main institutions involved in the creation of money are the financial banks and the government.It is estimated that about 97% of the money created originates from the banks while only 3% comes from the governments. Using the United States as a case study in describing and as sessing the effects and effectiveness of qualitative easing would provide a plat ricochet on how to stabilize economic growth. The narrow form of money is the most common medium of exchange. It is the form of money in circulation within any economy. It consists of coins and notes as well as sight deposit. The site deposits belong to to accounts whose owners can make withdrawals without attracting penalties. The narrow form of money is corroborative indicators for the spending regimes. In fact, the form of money used in carrying out most of the daily transactions of services and goods are the narrow form of money. Therefore, narrow money is the main form of exchange involving the monetary value. The zero maturity money is the core of coins and notes on hold by the private sectors (the non-bakers). For instance, employers pay their employees either by cash or cheque. Besides, these companies used the same form of money to pay and blow up their expenditures. Unlike the broad form of money, the narrow form of money gives a clear outlook on the assets employed as the medium of exchange.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Networking Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ne devilrking - Assignment ExampleTypically, the contagion Control Protocol (TCP) is utilised in order to deal with HTTP transport purposes (W3, 2004 a). What is meant by an HTTP betoken and response, giving an font of each? How are these transmitted? By which underlying TCP/IP protocol? Essentially HTTP is a request and response protocol. The request is used to doom the instructions sent by the invitee to the server. This transmission takes place in the form of a request method such as Uniform imagery Identifier (URI). Typically, these requests contain the protocol version, request modifiers, information ab kayoed the client and any other forms of body content. The server reacts to the request by producing a response. The response initiated by a server contains a status line which outlines the protocol version of the involved message along with an indication of failure or success. This is often followed by a message that provides information about the server, any meta data or m eta information available and any other forms of attached body content. A basal example of HTTP request-response protocol is the interaction between web browsers and websites. A web browser tends to act as a client while any use present on a website tends to function as the server. The client, in this case a web browser, sends a HTTP request to the client. In turn the server provides the client with the required resources such as HTML files and other hypermedia. The response from the servers end contains the required content as well as the utmost status of the clients request. A number of different internet protocol suite protocols are available for carrying out HTTP transportation. However, in most cases the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is utilised in preference to other protocols such as User Datagram Protocol (UDP) based on reliability concerns. HTTP lodges are of two primary sorts. One of these involves the idea of pipelining request. Explain this concept and describe why and how HTTP can benefit from wizard of these connection types relative to the other. HTTP relies in large piece on two primary connection types namely persistent connections and HTTP pipelining. The older versions of HTTP, including 0.9 and 1.0, utilised a single request response pair aft(prenominal) which the connection was closed. This meant that the TCP connection request had to be renegotiated for every single request response pair. Persistent connection was introduced in HTTP 1.1 to keep the connection alive after a single request response action had been executed. This meant that the TCP connection did not have to be reinitiated every single time a request response was required. In turn, this meant that connection speeds improved since the TCP restart time was not required for every request response action. However, there was still one serious shortcoming. The client had to wait for a response before it could initiate a new request. This meant that a request response action could be carried out one at a time. HTTP pipelining was introduced in version 1.1 to allow the client to send multiple requests without any need to wait for responses. The use of HTTP pipelining allows the reduction of gaol time since the client can send multiple requests at the same time and can then wait for their corresponding responses (W3, 2004 b). The use of this technique allows drastic improvements in the internet connection speed since HTML pages

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Microeconomic Stock Investment Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Microeconomic Stock Investment Project - Essay utilisationThe fig of shares bought were 2000, each at US$ 7.94. Lastly, in the portfolio, GPRN bought 598 shares each at US$ 5.63. The share prices appear in the figure 2 be get-go.The investment outline is to identify the trends and the variation of share process and the number of shares traded in order to decide whether to buy a particular received or to sell. When the stock prices descend and move towards the minimum threshold, the business decision is to buy more of the tock. On the other hand, if the stock price grows towards the maximum, the decision is to sell as many of the stock as possible. From the fake stock game, the stocks identified for sale were CVM at US$ 1.19 and CERE at US $ 1.05. The stock identified for sale was C at 47.74 and EBAY at US$. 53.96.The prevailing business is influenced by inevitable economic conditions such as the fluctuation of stock prices. This makes it difficult to set optimal prices at which the decisions can be made to either sell or buy the stocks (Hubbard 77). Secondly, the business is affected by liquidity challenges. The buying power of the business is low as exhibited by the low purchases of high value stock and investment on short-term basis.The business is headed for greater portfolio size in the future since the number of selling and buying transactions is dynamic. The strength of the portfolio is focused on diversification, innovation and intelligent study of the contemporary stock market. Indeed, the analysis was relevant as a tool for predicting the future dynamics of this portfolio and

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Classical and Romantic Era styles in music Essay

Classical and Romantic Era styles in music - Essay ExampleThe importance of Les Six in the 1920s of France was pregnant not only because of the changes in classical music. There were also attempts to express the political and social changes that were occurring within France and at a global level. France was currently experiencing the political movements of revolution and war, specifically which began to emerge in the late 1800s. The time period which led to more experimentation was after World War I. The general political theory of those that were in France during this time was based on finding a sense of freedom from the past of politics with an understanding of the complexities from the suffering of war as healthy as the new philosophies based on freedom. This led to the exploratory nature of the music and the new expressions which showed the modern complexity of the time. The war, as well as the corruptions in politics was then able to guide in new philosophies and ideologies i nto a sense of modernism1. With the changes in politics, were also alterations in identity among the French culture. This was based on the ideas of nationalism, specifically which expressed a new ideology by understanding that France needed to regain an identity outside of the wars that were being fought. The ideal of patriotism of France, as well as the identity of changing the cultural aspects that were associated with the France became the main objectives. This was combined with the concept of modernity, specifically which came from the growth of the industrial era.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Japan's ODA in China Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

japans ODA in China - Research Paper ExampleIt is strange however, that Japan has not all ended its ODA efforts in China despite the problems that it is facing. It seems that Japan has a more well thought plan slightly ODA to China, a plan that is not affected by the short run but concentrates on objectives that could work out well for Japan as the Asia region become more stable.My hypothesis is that Japan wants to provide ODA to China because it seeks to create an atmosphere where it can prosper economically and politically. It is true that there have been instances where there was a chance of the removal of the help for example after the Tiananmen Square incident and during the war. However it seems that Japan is moving beyond an economic-centred foreign policy programme. Rather my hypothesis is that Japan is trying to tomboy a tit for tat game here. It seeks to give additional aid to China so that China is willing to abide the international laws and norms. This would lead to t he construct of both a political and an economic environment that may be helpful in the development of trade and foreign direct investment and may also be lead to the institutionalization of democracy.Japans ODA in China is a topic which has attracted a lot of attention. A lot of scholars have searched about the issue out of the curiosity of Japans actions. For many, Japans actions are an attempt to contribute towards world peace. For others, however, the acceptance of the giving of trade is a part of the strategic policy of Japan that aims to paint a rosy picture of Japan in international relations.Many scholars have studied the trends in the periods of Japan-China assistance. Wu, for example, divides them into three time periods, the development time, the adjustment time and the conversion time (Wu, 2008). The development time was from the year 1979 to 1989 when Japan was

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Medicine during the revolutionary war Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Medicine during the revolutionary war - Essay ExampleThe military was the most affected by undeveloped medical practices and poor knowledge on the field of medicine. They used to use branding iron to stop executeing. Amputation was also very common and was somehow considered equal to what is an antibiotic currently. It was believed that, to stop an infection from bed covering to the rest of the body from the part of the body that has been struck by a bullet or dis shut upd, was to amputate it. Doctors tending to the military during that time had little theory of germs. They barely washed their hands or even their tools. They had an approach that curing a person mainly involved getting the disease out of the system. cardinal of the common methods that were used was cupping. The doctors took a heated glass cup and placed it on the patients chest with an attempt to sweat out the disease. They also used a method called leeching. That is, they used leeches to suck out bad blood. Or t hey could simply cut the patients wrist and let them bleed out an ailment.Dental hygiene was also a major issue during this time. Peoples teeth were either black or yellow or missing altogether. They usually used twigs to brush their teeth. If some ace can afford something better than twigs, they used a bone with pigs hair. A family could afford only one toothbrush which they had to share. Going to the dentist wasnt very much necessary unless one is in deep and extreme pain. Alcohol was mostly used to ease the pain as a medical procedure. Pulling out a tooth could not have gotten any more literal. A metal object, whi

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Hometown Standpoint Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Hometown Standpoint - Essay ExampleI come from Saudi Arabia. The family is considered the basic unit of society and fellow members are inherently unified as well as fundingive of each other from birth until adulthood. The relevant characters in my life are members of my nuclear family my mother, brother and sister. My bring forth died in 2001. When I got married, it was my mother who stood by me. In addition to my nuclear family, I consider my spouse and my two children relevant characters in my life.I contend football as member of the national team for 20 years before my father died. When I came to America in 2011 with my wife, I started pursuing higher(prenominal) education. Recently, my mother was diagnosed with cancer and sought treatment a year ago. As such, from ones standpoint, I strongly believe that as the male member of the family, considered the source of strength and support, I should strive to achieve personal and professional goals that aim improving the lives of th e members of my family. All my plans and actions are undertaken to generate financial resources needed to support my children and spouse, as well as seek treatment for my mothers illness. Since my fathers death, his absence left a void in scathe of his physical and emotional support that he showered us when he was alive. As such, I try to make up for my fathers absence by frequent monitoring of my mothers health condition. I firmly believe that the importance relegated to the family as a close-knit unit of society in our culture contributed to my immense commitment to ensure that all members communicate with each other despite differences in geographic

How does this section of Romeo and Juliet Essay Example for Free

How does this section of Romeo and Juliet EssayThe characters are utilised by Shakespeare to highlight a sense of vent and desperation. The Captain who is a neutral figure, expresses a sense of remorse and sadness when he sees Romeo and Juliets dead bodies as a pitiful site, also illuminating a sense of frequent suffering. Juliets newly dead body is utilized so that the agony and pain of her death is felt again universally. Romeo and Juliet are expound as piteous woes which portrays them as one and as abstractions of sadness which emphasises the loss and despair of a romantic pair. The words trembles, sighs and weeps are listed characteristics of suffering used to highlight a sense of loss and nervousness. The shock and astonishment of Romeo and Juliets death is highlighted by the repetition of dead showing how unexpected this tragedy really was. Tybalts death is exaggerated when Romeo and Juliets marriage day is described as Tybalts doomesday increasing the magnitude of desp eration and sadness. Shakespeare illuminates a paradox of joy and sadness between Tybalts untimely death and the new-made bride groom creating a argument of joy and misery.There is a cruel irony when Juliets borrowed grave became her actual death bed. When this gravid tragedy was described as an accident it conveys the image of this great tragic love story as a minor and petty incident. Shakespeare uses the language of an important character to highlight a lack of gravitas and perception in the text. Shakespeare uses flowers which represent nature, good health, love and positivity as a conventional image to highlight what this tragedy is all about. The last line describes everyone as being punished which again shows universal suffering.Shakespeare focuses the commit and responsibility on many people to emphasise the complexity of this tragedy. When the captain of the watch holds him in sentry duty there is an air of suspicion that suggests that there will be blame given. The ma ttock and spade are both physical emblems of the Friars responsibility, showing the explicit direct blame and responsibility, of the Friar. The fact that the families are unaware adds a sense of mystery and shows more clearly the locomote fickle and spontaneous nature of the marriage.When Montague asks What further woe conspires against tap age? it shows bad luck, dual responsibility and the loss of youth and innocence. Shakespeare plays upon a maternal instinct when Juliet is described as a daughter for the first time, which is frequently less formal and emotional, conveying a real image of suffering and grieving. Shakespeare uses Romeo and Juliets stlen marriage day to portray a sense of immorality and negativity. When Juliet pined it reminds us of the rushed and hasty marriage. When Juliet is described as doing violence to her self, it presents to us a literal reading of suicide, but also lays a wider and inferred blame on Romeo and Juliet.Shakespeare describes the nurse as pr ivy to show the nurses responsibility in keeping secret. Shakespeare highlights a sense of resolution and end to trouble by conveying subtle hints through the use of his characters. There is a healing of a rift when Shakespeare uses Romeo and Juliets death to present a positive image of the families which is shown when Capulet says O brother Montague Which is used as a positive image of new unity and a bond between the deuce families.The statue in pure gold emphasises the preciousness and importance of this tragedy. Montague compliments the Capulets when he says true and faithful Juliet showing that condescension all the sorrow and grief there is suave a sense of positivity. The resolution is tarnished by the fact that it is fluid glooming but it still gives us a sense of peace and when the Prince who is neutral repeats this again which portrays a universal sense of suffering.The sun represents images of positivity and despite a sense of sadness and sorrow there is still a sense of calm and new peace. There is a sense of union and bond when Balthasar says to the Prince to the same place, to this same monument showing the older generations past conflict and Balthasar represents youth and innocence so he also represents the ability to change attitudes and term of enlistment the rivalry and stubbornness that has become so ingrained. In this section Shakespeare uses tragic aspects to highlight tragedy towards the end.The Princes advice is to have patience and slow down which is an ironic admonisher that Romeo and Juliets fatal flaw was that they rushed in to their love and marriage. Friar advised Romeo and Juliet to slow down and bear this work of heaven with patience but they still remained rushed which is Shakespeares way of reminding us of Romeos hubris. The Friar wants his old life to be sacrificed emphasising even more the loss of youth, innocence and change.There is a hint that the two families have not learnt anything from this great tragedy when Monta gue says I can give thee more which shows that the two families are still competitive and are both awful to prove themselves better. There is an implication that they are still interested in materialism when the statue will be raised in pure gold which is another(prenominal) superficial attempt to show the power and wealth of the families. When this tragedy is described as a story it undermines the sense of real suffering and denigrates Romeo and Juliets love.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Social work Essay Example for Free

neighborly sue EssayDivergence between companionable work and the law is the shift in the perspective or priority of cordial work that occurred during the 1930s. Previously kind work played an important employment in legal processes or in the legal expert system by supporting investigations and providing vital testimonies in court cases. However, during the 1930s at the onset of the salient depression, hearty work underwent a change in priority so that the direction of efforts was towards humanistic issues and mental health issues so that social workers directd more than in these areas and less in legal aspects. It was only during the early 1990s that an area of social work renewed links with law. This was spurred by the recognition of social workers of the need to succumb to the legal regulation of the profession to make social workers recognized as service providers. (Barker Branson, 2000 Neighbors, 2000) In another sense, divergence between social work and the law likewise pertains to the conflict or friction between the values of social work and laws such(prenominal) as self-determination highly treasured by social work relative to the constraints or control imposed by laws.In mental health care, respect for the person forms part of social work practice but mental health laws allow forms of restraint in certain situations and subject to regulatory standards. (Preston-Shoot, Roberts Vernon, 2001) As social work over again renewed its relationship with law, social workers need to know a number of things about law. First is the manner that laws are made and passed since social workers are also advocates of any change or improvements needed in areas of law they are involved in.Second is the manner that legal provisions and jurisprudence are understand to be able to apply or use laws in various areas of service delivery. Third is the manner that legal provisions are enforced such as procedures in the courtroom, legal documents, roles of memb ers of the legal profession, and other workings of the legal profession since social workers also take part in these procedures. (Barker Branson, 2000 Neighbors, 2000) 2. Summarize in your own words what rhetorical social workers do, motivations for forensic social workers, and what are the steps toward forensics becoming a specialty.forensic social workers apply social work to issues pertaining to the law or legal systems (Brammer, 2006). Specifically, forensic social workers fulfill tether primary functions. First is the provision of consultation, education and training to members of the legal profession, law enforcement authorities, correctional system personnel, and the public over areas of social work integrated with the law. Second is rendering diagnosis and recommendations and providing treatment to populations within the correctional system, crime victims, witnesses, and criminal justice staff.Third is engaging in administrative and advocacy functions such as policy devel opment, mediation or arbitration, education and training, and research. These are general functions since social workers engage in these functions in terms of their fields of competence or expertise. (Johns, 2007) The greatest and encompassing motivation for forensic social workers is the personal rewards achieved from altruistic actions. The pay of forensic social workers varies according to specialization and expertise. The work is not necessarily appreciated in the criminal justice system or the public.(Barker Branson, 2000) There are three steps in becoming a forensic social worker. First is to acquire exceptional knowledge on the selected area of expertise. Second is to effectively communicate acquired knowledge and translate this into practice to enhance expertise. Third is to become known as an expert in the field through networking or referrals. (Barker Branson, 2000) 3. After read these two chapters, would forensic social work be a profession you would be interested in pursuing, why or why not? Yes.Forensic social work is a challenging field that develops the potential of social workers to develop knowledge and skills in a multidimensional field of practice that benefits a wide-range of people, especially those with limited knowledge of the law and legal system. Reference List Barker, R. L. Branson, D. M. (2000). Forensic social work Legal aspects of professional practice (2nd edn. ). New York The Haworth Press. Brammer, A. (2006). Social work law (2nd edn). Upper Saddle River, NJ Longman. Johns, R. (2007). Using the law in social work (3rd edn.). Devon Learning Matters Ltd Neighbors, I. A. (2000). Forensic social work The port between social work and the law. In K. Van Wormer A. R. Roberts (Eds. ), Teaching forensic social work Course outlines on criminal and juvenile justice and victimology (pp. 113-117). Alexandria, VA Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), Inc. Preston-Shoot, M. , Roberts, G. Vernon, S. (2001). Values in social work law S trained relations or sustaining relationships?. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 23(1), 122.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Beyond The Human Essay Example for Free

Beyond The Human EssayNature is benevolent. It whitethorn condone one mistake of the human being. It may accommodate him in his yet another folly. But when the human beings continue with the deliberate, malicious and intentional negative activities to destroy Nature, Nature will hit suffer with tremendous vigor, for it has to recoup its original, natural health. Man is not the creature of Nature. Rather he is the product of the divine creative force that sustains the world. This novel by Atwood is ghastly and depressing and the contents therein, if it were to become true, do not augur well for the wellbeing of military man. This book can be categorized as Science manufacture or speculative fiction, but as one goes through the contents, it reads like predictions that will come true. There is a method in the imaginative narrations which overhaul the borders or truth. At the end of each chapter, the reader is compel lead to nod his head and say-yes, this can happen How then to make this Planet Earth heaven-like? The answer is round-eyed and direct. Eyes full of understanding, heart full of love and deep respect for the laws of Nature and the life that refuses conflictsenough, these alone are enoughTwo main themes control the book, Oryx and Crake. The novel relates to the distant future, the global warning has taken its toll, it has created many another(prenominal) changes to the geography of Earth, that the coastal cities do not exist, and the name of spic-and-span York is New New York. Umbrellas wont do to go outside in the sun one invites certain death. The wealthier areas of the world still dominate, well-protected under places k instantaneouslyn as compounds and areas known as The Pleebands still exist. People live the normal life here, and understand Nature and its glory better.They know the real worth of Gods gifts to domain. The plot of the book has three telephone exchange characters. The narrator, Snowman, formerly known as Jimmy, is the o nly surviving human being on this Planet Earth. The sad beginning of the novel describes this terminally ill Snowman, sleeping in a tree. Food is in short supply the sun is so hot that the Snowman has blisters on his body. The genetically engineered beings wolvogs and the pigoos that set out managed to escape are now roaming the grounds, with no human beings to control them.At this stage, Atwood makes the reader ponder, as to what a sad pass the human race has arrived and the responsibility rests squarely on the shoulders of the captains who led the human race. The role of the scientists becomes suspect here. No doubt, they obey the orders of the politicians and do research on weapons of more and more and destruction. When questioned, their reply is that they have no responsibility for its use. Atwood provides the imperative form advice to those who govern the affairs of humanity that if proper review is not soree in time, even the desperate remedies will not be able to deflect the forthcoming desperate situations.The important question is not who is responsible but what will happen to the Planet Earth, when such irreversible grim situations confront humanityin this particular story, the humanity itself is extinct so who is there to tell the story and also listen to the story To what a calamitous situation this mad craze for unending research has brought the human race, the so-called crown of creation How the human beings are unable to know the real source of happiness? rightful(a) happiness is not in reading more and more books, creating innovative materialistic objects.The products of mind related thinking can never be the persistent source of happiness. To achieve the state of bliss, an various(prenominal) has to cross the barrier of mind, rather transcend it. Now the only surviving human being the Snowman, has the added responsibility of flavor after a group of humanoid creatures named the Crackers. His best friend Crake invented them and created s uch class of people. They are supposed to be ideal human beings. If only the individual who created such human being were to know the exact nature of ideal human beings Crakers are strange creatures, with no emotions, no desires, and no sex drive.They adept procreate, as matter of reflex action. They are without any motivation. The concept of war is not known to these creatures, and this aspect seems to be the only good point close to them. Being strict vegetarians, they have no desire for meat. They are simple people, but the meaning of their simplicity is not amenable to human reason. The question is, why for these Crakers were created at all? An important conclusion is the mind-less craze for research must(prenominal) stop. How to stop it and where to stop it, should be the engross of the leadership of the humanity.A popular objection to halt the undesirable and unhealthy growth of research that affects the human life must be on the top of the agenda. This aspect of research can be illustrated with an example. An over the counter medication for diabetes claimsthe cure for diabetes is guaranteed with this medicine. But the side effects reported are, hypertension, night-blindness, hair fall, palpitation of the heart, with possible heart attack, high blood pressure, blisters etcetera Further research is in progress as to how to avoid these side-effects.Is it not prudent to own the original disease, instead of extending a cordial invitation to so many side effects? So, this much about the world of research related to the medical world. So, the important question is why the world ended and why should it have ended thus. Due to the follies of the miniscule of minority of human beings, the majority had to face the ultimate disastertotal extinction Atwood elucidates this aspect convincingly and indicates her deep concern for the real happiness of human beings, which is an attainable reality provided right type of efforts are made.Conclusion One must read this book one must re-read and ponder over the contents. The points mentioned in the book are logical and the conclusions are frightening. Just remember the atomic blasts done over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. That was the time when the research on atomic weapons was still in its infancy. What if some mad political authority should initiate triggering the push-buttons of these silent demons? There wont be a Snowman to collect the ashes of humanity perhaps Does the humanity deserve this? peradventure not Are we taking action and thinking strongly to avert such a situation?Perhaps not Then who is to blame? Perhaps ourselves The science-community, especially the bio-engineering division, is taken to task by Atwood and her deep suspicions about the craze of unending research are abruptly right. So, the scientists you may cross the moon and beat the stars but probe and research you must the mysteries of a happy human heart ************************** References Cited Atwood, Margaret (Author) Bo ok Oryx and Crake. softback book 376 pages Publisher Anchor (March 30, 2004) Language English ISBN-10 0385721676 ISBN-13 978-0385721677

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

An Analysis Of Liszt Sonata

An Analysis Of Liszt SonataThis essay abrasions from the background of Piano Sonata in B kidskin. It because focuses on the importance of this tap in romantic period. I will die the grammatical construction of this sonata, comp ar few scholars summary and discuss how the technique of thematic use in the piece.Liszt compreh conclusioned Beethovens music. He looked upon Beethovens piano sonatas as models. He was influenced by Beethoven a lot. The sonatas development from hold backoque, classical to romantic period, approached the peak in the beginning of nineteenth century. Liszts Sonata in B boor leads a re altogethery important role. There are tons of arguments for this piece in the sonata literatures. The content and musical complex body part both are the topics of which are considered to continue the heritage of music in the past and usher in the future.Liszt had composed three solo piano sonata in 1825, however these pieces were unpublished and now are lost. The unacc ompanied piano sonata now exist is Sonata in B minor. Liszt had the conception of this piece from 1851, until 1853 he completed this sonata. The sonata number 1 publicly per figure of speeched by Liszts pupil, Hans von Blow on January 27, 1857 in Berlin. It has been beginning published in the spring of 1854 with a dedication to Schumann. Liszt said in a letter that this was his content of expressing appreciation for Schumann s having dedicated to him the Fantasy op.17 in C (1838).As a musician anxious to avoid pull inulaic composition, Liszt surely would have been mirthful at the amount of scholarly bickering eng balanceered by the Sonata in B minor. We discover from Winklhofer, for instance, that for more(prenominal) than a century after its composition, the formal architecture of Liszts sonata has eluded convert commentary- until her own, of course m and so much for Newman, Longyear and the rest. Presumably until then all convincing performances of the Sonata, and the copies by Reubke and Liapunov, were achieved by serendipity. Hamilton, K. (1996) Liszt Sonata in B Minor P.28Some of the analytical arguments over the form of the Sonata are largely discussed. The analysis of W. S. Newman has been most influential, He proposed a new idea double-function form, which means a structure that can be considered both as oneness continuous achievement and simultaneously as a composite of the drives of a multi-movement work. In other words, the Sonata, though in one movement, presents elements of a first movement- slow movement- scherzo- finale structure. Newman was the first to illustrate this double-function view. Since in both views a multi movement structural mold predominated over that of a sonata form in one movement, the problem of large scale structure became a clouded issue. Whatever their differences, Newman, Longyear and Winklhofer are at least agreed with one acme that the sonata is non a programmatic work, and that as a result analysis of it can only proceed on purely musical terms. Liszt himself never dropped the slightest hint that the Sonata had a programme, provided this is no problem, as several writers have been kind enough to supply one for him.The Structure of the Sonata in B minor According to William NewmanDouble-function analysis (Four movements in one) archetypical movement of a sonata rendering leave offricade 1-330 development stave off 331-525recapitulation bar 525-681 coda bar 682-760Four movements sonataFirst movement bar 1-330 slow movement bar 331-459scherzo bar 460-524 finale bar 525-681coda bar 682-760 fast Andante Fugato Allegro CodaIncomplete SonatinaABAScherzandopsychogenic fugue codaIncomplete SonatinaCodaExposition schoolingRecapitulationCodaThe Structure of the Sonata in B minor According to Rey LongyearDouble-function analysis (Three movements in one)First movement of a sonataintroduction bar 1-7 exposition bar 8- 178development bar 179-459 recapitulation bar 460-649coda bar 650-760Three mov ements sonataFirst movement bar 1-330 Slow movement bar 331-459finale bar 460-760Allegro Andante Fugato CodaFirst movementSlow movementABFinaleScherzando CodaExpositionDevelopmentRecapitulationThe Structure of the Sonata in B minor According to WinklhoferOne-movement sonata form analysisFirst movement of a sonataexposition bar 1 -204 development bar 205-452recapitulation bar 453-649 coda bar 650-760Newman seems to sense that the double-function theory weakens under scrutiny. He warns twice of the danger of qualification Procrustean beds out of such classifications. The consequences of applying a rigid formal scheme upon a piece never born upon such terrain are dismissed as compromises which Liszt byword as necessary to retain the double-function dynamic. Nevertheless, this analysis is the most influential to reckon thus far.Rey Longyear also describes the work as a series of distinct movements, which unify for a large sonata form. He finds three movements (First Movement, Slow Movement and Finale) in place of Newmans four, but provides no justification for these designations. Winklhofer, S. (1978)Liszts Sonata in B Minor. P.120In my opinion, I analyze this sonata B minor in three movements (First Movement, Slow Movement and Coda) and combine a large sonata form. I will discuss why and analyze the structure in my essay.First mvt. Second mvt. Third mvt. codasectionExpositionDevelopmentRecapitulationCodalocationmm.1-330mm.331-459mm.460-710mm711-760tempoLento/AllegroAndanteAllegro-PrestissimoAndante depictUnstable (G minor- B minor)B minor- D studyF sharp study-A major-F sharp majorB humdrum minor-B minor-B majorB major author( antecedent)AA1mm.1Dmm.331A2-A3mm.460Dmm.711Cmm.349Cmm.718A2mm.8Bmm.363A2-A3mm.533A2-A3-A1mm.729A3mm.14Dmm.393Bmm.105Cmm.433Bmm.600Cmm.153A1mm.453Section one ExpositionWe can see section one as an exposition of the sonata form. From beginning to mm.17 is theme A, Liszt uses the variety of theme A in the whole piece. A1, A2, A3 motiv e lead the development of whole piece. William Stein Newman thought motive A is the important link which starts and ends every divergent section in the whole piece.More noticeable here than the attractive character of these ideas is the effect on large-hearted. The Sonata in B minor does not start in B minor, nor is any other key stably established. The first seven debar (mm.1-7) is a brisk centre of G as a beginning. The focus on G in motive A1 then serves as a point of common contact to the start of A2. In theme A, in that respect are lots A sharp which is tether tone of B minor, can not resolve to B minor because of vague tone( illustration 1 mm.1-17). agent A1 begins with lento assai and sotto voce, consists of descending scales suggesting either G minor or C minor, with continuously alterations. The second motive A2 is characterized by its contour, which outlines a diminished seventh, and by its robust, constel latterly rhythms. This motive A2 also begins on G, but impl ies B minor, ending on A sharp. We may expect the brisk followed by this leading tone. Instantly the trine motive (A3) is presented, a striking upbeat contour, starting on B minor but leaving with a diminished seventh on the leading tone to G at m.17. (see Example 1)Example 1 mm.1-17.PNGLiszt expresses his thematic presentation with fermatas on the rests at m.17 in the end. What follows is a brief section of transition. Those sequences all start on diminished seventh. This harmonic is really unstable, proceeds in chromatically ascending sequences, and presents a disagreement of motive A2 at m.25. Although the E monotonous major chord in mm.24-25 marks the peak of the chromatic rise which began in m.18, it is the result of a illusive cadential move. The dominant seventh on B at bar 24 which prepares E minor rather than E flat major. Liszt avoids affirmation of a key here again. (see example 2)Example 2 m.18-312.PNGHe want a breathtaking arrival on F sharp in m.30, that why he cho se the A2 motive for mm.25-29, and why the resolution is postponed , is explained by the first full meter of this Sonata, finally appeared at bar 30-31. At m.31, Liszt delays the G as an appoggiatura to F sharp, the dominant of B. The entire element from mm.1-32 is an expended harmonic move from G at the beginning, to a implication of B minor (m.13), and the F sharp in m.30, and finally to B minor (m.32). The result is an spectacular cadential emanation VI-i-V-I.mm1-79-1314-1618-2222-2425-3030-3132b viiV/ivIVV7 iLiszt uses only 2 motivic elements, derived from A2 and A3. Regular two bar phrases predominate. The harmonic rhythm has become slow and even, despite the speed of execution in performance, and the marking sempre forte ed agitato. Finally, he uses the subdominant to confirm B minor (Example 3. mm.32-44).Example 3. mm.32-44Beginning with bar 45, following the tonal presentation of B minor, we can see four sections of transitional natural. The first section (bar 45-54) co ntains of A2 fragments appearing in sequence second (bar 55-66) and third (bar67-81) sections use motive A2 in the famous passage of octaves, and the fourth (bar 81-104) changes back to A1.At bar 105 first appear new theme B, and the key changes to D major.(Example 4) Theme B comes from Crux fidelis of plain chant. Here it is enough to draw attention to the imaginative phrase structure of this melody-two two- bar units then one five-bar phrase. The harmonic stability of the Grandioso theme in the Sonata is conspicuous by comparison with that of the exposition explored thus far. B minor had been bleached because of its delayed presentation and the use of subdominant rather than dominant confirmation. Although bar 105-119 is prepared for by strong cadential motion, which creates the expectation of an impending tonal plateau firmly seat in the secondary key, this is not in fact what occurs. The stability of D major is only momentary.Example 4The motive of A2 moves into F major and t hen D minor at bar 133-134. The section is static rather than dynamic in the sense of polarized tonal moves Liszt moves to colorful harmonic areas related to D major. There is an extend of A2 at the section of dolce con grazia at bar 125, the value of note is expanded at right hand.At bar 141-152 , A3 reappears and serves two purposes First is to provide closure to the tonal deflection, second is to allow a transitional phrase introducing the last structural division of the exposition. The section (bar 153-204) offers a masterful transformation, theme C. Theme C appears at bar 153, this theme C has triggered a heated debate. Lots of scholars thought theme C is variation of A3, so it is not a new theme. However, the atmosphere is totally different, so it can be independent. The aggressive character of the original has become lyrical by means of rhythmic augmentation, a triplet accompaniment, and a new harmonization.At bar 171, the triplet transformed to upper voice, the motive A2 app eared indistinctly on bring down voice at bar 179. Liszt reinforced motive A2 by octave chords at bar 205 and 221. causative A3 appeared from bar 255, the tempo become agitated, from scale to octave parallel.After bar 277, motive A1 developed from bar 275-286, and followed by motive A2. The key modulated dramatically to C sharp minor at bar 297 and theme B appeared.Bar 275-281Bar 294-302The end of exposition mainly based on motive A3, some motive A2 modulated to E minor which integrate with A3. The scorn voice continued repeating motive A3, and motive A2, the value of note is expanded at the upper voice.Section 2 DevelopmentThe Andante starts roughly with a new Theme D at bar 331(example 5). A chorale which unfolds in tonal ambiguity as a parallel to the opening of the sonata at bar 1-7. Once again the structural seam is blurred, here by introducing the first chord of the Andante three bars early, then sustaining it until the changes of key, meter and tempo are accomplished silent ly at bar 331. Tempo is from Andante sostenuto to Quasi Adagio at bar 347, the key modulates to A major and theme C appears at bar 349. Theme B appears at bar 363 as F sharp major and modulates to g minor reappears again at bar 376. This is the only time theme B shows as minor (example 6). After the contrast between upper and lower voice, theme D which only showed twice in development now reaches a climax in development section (example 7). There are lots of diminished seventh and semitone after the climax.The Andante maintains the basic sonata characteristics. A secondary key area in the lowered mediant is presented after the opening pop music statement in F sharp following two modulatory sections, both the chorale and the secondary material return for reinterpretation in F sharp. Like the first presentation of the chorale, the recapitulation at mm.393ff. likewise makes a gradual approach to the tonic. F sharp is confirmed throughout the remainder of the slow movement, particularl y in an attenuated dominant progression at mm. 415-33. Winklhofer, S. (1978)Liszts Sonata in B Minor. P.158From bar 454, motive A1 becomes a bridge which connects development and recapitulation and at bar 460 Liszt utilise the term G flat instead of F sharp (enharmonic equivalent) for the changes of the key, which is from F sharp major to B flat minor (example 8).Example 5Example 6Example 7Example 8Section 3 RecapitulationIn the Classical Style, Charles Rosen discusses one fixed rule of sonata recapitulation material originally exposed in the dominant or dominant substitute must be represented in the tonic fairly completely, even if rewritten and reorderedThis is , of course, not a rule at all but a sensitivity to tonal relationships. Liszt conforms to this requirement. After the reinterpretation of secondary key area in the exposition in B major as a muted point of arrival, he omits the tonal deflection and its transitional tail, the bar 153-178 from the exposition are then restat ed in the tonic (mm.616-614) after m.644, motive A2 modulates, as did the original passage in the exposition. Winklhofer, S. (1978)Liszts Sonata in B Minor. P.154Why did I choose the fugue section (from bar 460) as a beginning of recapitulation?The structure in section 3 is similar to section 1, and the motives are symmetrical. This is why I choose the fugue section as a beginning of recapitulation. The reason why there is no motive A1 in the beginning, it is because motive A1 have already appeared at the end of development (bar 453-459, example 8), so the recapitulation starts with motive A2 and A3 (example 9).example 9The fugues counterpoint gradually transforms itself in masterly fashion into a more same texture, a process initiated by the combination of A2, articulated in chords, with A3 (bar502-508). A middle voice, also sounding A3, produces a stretto between the two lower parts. Motive A2 chords take on a more agitated dotted rhythm while the left hand forsakes A3 to take up A2- but in eversion at bar 509. At bar 554 the chromatic flux that introduced the B flat major to G minor to E flat major sequences of motive A2 takes a new turn. Liszt landed on a chord of E flat again, but without the sequence. The chord of E fat accompanies theme A1 (bars 555-560) to develop, however, serves to affirm the tonic of B rather than move away from it. The E flat chord maintains its first inversion bass of G, but upper voices move on to B and E nature, and theme A1 is repeated again. The G bass turns to F sharp, the dominant of B, and motive A2 and A1 alternate in different registers of piano. The variant of shapes taken by these two motives can stop the inevitable pull to B, its dominant pedal attached in the bass. At bar 673 we hear them A2 in the same position again, but marked Presto with its initial G immediately contradicted by G sharp, simultaneously the beginning of the coda and a reworking of the false recapitulation, now transformed in the original key. Mot ive A1 increases in momentum to open the doors for a Prestissimo variation of motive A2 and arrive in B major with fff. After context the entire keyboard ringing with the dominant seventh of B, suddenly breaks off. A silence introduces a recall of the Andante sostenuto in the tonic, its final cadence strangely off-and-on(a) (bar 728-729). The bass note has landed on B, nut the upper parts presents the diminished seventh chord of motive A2, the harmony that prepared the way for the Andantes first appearance (bar 328-330). The Andante recall seems to be going into reverse as the bass intones the sinister chatter of motive A3 on B. A weak cadence on a chord of B major is darkened twice by a reminder of the dissonant G with which the Sonata began. The final chord progression at bar 754-760 is probably the most remarkable of its type in the piano literature of the entire nineteenth century. A minor and F major are bravely posed for a coloristic approach to B major by thirds. The six fou r inversion of B major offers an accurate arrangement, the sonority is like bell-ringing, and the rhythm is disoriented. This unstable chord fulfills the function of closure normally supplied by a triad in root position. The root of this B major chord is then repeated in the bass as an unexpected point, just like a punctuation of full stop at the end (example 10).Example 10In summarizing the relationship between content and form in the Sonata, the evidence of Liszts conscious control is overwhelming. The Sonata exhibits the same sensitive balancing of tonal and thematic elements for which Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven are recognized. The underlying differences issue from the change in the basic chord grammar. Weakening the tonic areas in a sonata form was only one structural manifestation of contemporary attitudes toward form, The expressivity of the sonata procedure had taken on a new dimension. Winklhofer, S. (1978)Liszts Sonata in B Minor. P.164How do the great pianists think vir tually the structure?The great pianist , Alfred Brendel and Claudio Arrau, they think this sonata is one movement structure. From Alfred Brendels Book Music Sounded Out Alfred Brendel thought this piece as one movement structure including five sections. Claudio Arrau thought this sonata contains six sections. In Joseph Horowitzs Book Conversations with Arrau Arrau said that the mastery of construction sets this sonata apart. In its time such free form in a sonata was completely unknown.How does analysis affect performance?What effect should musics structure have on the way in which music is performed? In particular, how should the results of analysis be conveyed to the attender? One familiar response- at least, the one I have heard most often- asserts that analysis is useful because, knowing what a piece of music contains in terms of structure, the performer can proceed to bring it out.-Rink,J. (1995)The Practice of PerformanceIn Alfred Brendels books Schunabel always encouraged st udents to find out as much as possible about the structure, harmonies, motivic technique, used in each score. But there is no basis for interpretation in most of this.To begin the study of a new work by analyzing its form, in school-term paper fashion, is more harmful than helpfulTrue analysis is but a clarification and intensification of musical sensitivity, an superfluous push in the right direction as established by musical instinct. Like Schnabel, I feel that few analytic insights have a direct bearing on performance, and that analysis should be the outcome of an intimate familiarity with the piece rather than an input of established concepts.A more convincing explanation for the genesis of the Sonata appears in an examination of Liszts corpus of one-movement instrumental works from the early fifties. As he discovered unusual formal procedures in the symphonic poems, for example, it seems more likely that he decided to experiment similarly in piano compositions. This hints that solutions to specific structural problems flooded into ideas for the content and architecture of the Sonata. The inspirational source was therefore an internal one, within Liszts own imagination, and related to his current orchestral projects.Liszts perceptive of the classical style, and his acknowledge recognition of a linking Beethovens treatment of form in the late works, and his own in the fifties, is worth examining. His intellectual approach to formal theory suggests an undiscovered avenue for understanding the basic technique of the Sonata. Liszt implemented structural principles competent from the classical style should prove that the B minor Sonata was bound to tradition more securely than is commonly considered, and that his accomplishment of balance between traditional form and inspirational consent was in fact approached at skillfully.