Monday, September 30, 2019

Ap Government Chapter 15 Study Guide

1. Why was the bill of rights added to the constitution? a. The framers thought a bill of rights was not necessary because the constitution spelled out the extent of the feds power. Blah blah blah (now at the top of page 487) In 1791 the states ratified 10 amendments and the nation had a bill of rights. The BOR imposed limits on the national gov but not on state gov. b. So†¦ all in all I’m really not sure what the exact answer is. Sorry bro 2. Difference between civil liberties and civil rights c. Civil liberties (sometimes referred to as â€Å"negative rights†) are freedoms that are guaranteed to an individual.These are restraints on the gov. Civil liberties declare what the government cannot do. d. Civil rights (â€Å"positive rights†) are powers and privileges that are guaranteed to the individual and protected against arbitrary removal at the hands of the gov or individuals. Like the right to vote or free expression and stuff. 3. The First Amendment guar antees freedom of religion in two clauses: e. The establishment clause- this prohibits laws establishing religion. f. Free exercise clause- which prevents the government from interfering with the exercise of religion. g.Together, these ensure that the government can neither promote nor inhibit religious beliefs or practices. 4. Know where phrase â€Å"Wall of separation between church and state† appears and comes from h. In 1879, the Supreme Court contended, quoting Thomas Jefferson, that the establishment clause erected â€Å"a wall of separation between church and State. † 5. Lemon v. Kurtzman bottom of 490-491: in 1971, the court struck down a state program that would have helped pay the salaries of teachers hired by parochial (parochial means of or relating to a church or parish) schools to give instruction in secular subjects. . The justices proposed a 3 prong test for determining the constitutionality of gov. programs and laws under the establishment clause: i. T he must have a secular purpose ii. Their primary effect must not be to advance or inhibit religion iii. They must not entangle the government excessively with religion. j. The program in Lemon v Kurtzman did not satisfy the last prong of the test. The government would have had to constantly monitory the program which would have cause and excessive entanglement with religion. 6.Engel v Vitale (bottom on 493) in 1962 the court struck down the daily reading of a 22 word nondenominational prayer in New York’s public schools. Justices stated that official state approval of prayer was an unconstitutional attempt on the part of the state to establish a religion. This decision drew a storm of protest that has yet to subside. k. In class I wrote down that he told us we needed to know the difference between freedom of beliefs and freedom of practice but I really don’t see how that has anything to do with this court case.. like whateverrrr coach sybert. l.He also said to note the â€Å"Certain things you can’t do and hide behind religion. The one we talked about in class was the guy with the snakes† So I’m clueless yet again. 7. Strict scrutiny- A neutral law that burdens the free exercise of religion is subject to strict scrutiny. This means that the law may be upheld only if the government can demonstrate that: m. The law is justified by a â€Å"compelling governmental interest† n. The law is narrowly tailored to achieve a legitimate goal o. The law in question is the least restrictive means for achieving that interest p.That was on page 496 and you may need to read the paragraph to understand the definition in context 8. Scheneck v U. S. (pg 498)- Charles Scheneck and his fellow defendents were convicted for attempting to disrupt WWI military recruitment by distributing leaflets claiming that conscription (conscription is enlistment for state service, typically the military) was unconstitutional. The gov believed that this beh avior threatened public order. q. There’s supposed to be a famous quote we get out of this case but the quote is a whole big paragraph. Here is an excerpt from the quote: iv. The question in every case is whether the words used are used in such circumstances and are of such nature to create a clear and present danger that will bring about the substantive evils that Congress has a right to prevent† v. That’s known as the clear and present danger test. Duh. r. Because the actions of the defendants were deemed to create a clear and present danger to the US at that time, the Supreme court upheld their convictions. 9. Tinker v Des Moine Independent County School District (pg 500)- involved 3 public school students who wore a black armbands to protest the Vietnam War.Principles in their school district had prohibited the wearing of armbands on the ground that such conduct would provoke a disturbance; the district suspended the students but the Supreme Court overturned the suspensions. s. Justices declared for the majority that the principals had failed to show that the forbidden conduct would substansially interfere with appropriate school discipline. t. â€Å"†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦fear or apprehension of disturbance is not enough to overcome the right to freedom of expression. † 10.Chaplinsky v New Hampshire (500)- In 1942 Walter Chaplinksy, a Jehovah’s Witness, convicted under a state statute for calling a city marshal a â€Å"God-damned racketeer† and â€Å"a damned fascist† in a public place, appealed to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court upheld Chaplinksy’s conviction on the theory that fighting words do not convey ideas and thus are not subject to first amendment protection. u. Fighting words- words that inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace. v. To dumb it down- he was found guilty because the things he said were not protected by the first amendment. 1. Reno v ACLU (501)- the supreme court upheld the lower court’s ruling in June 1997 by unamimously deciding a broad affirmation of free speech rights in cyberspace, arguing that the Internet was more analogous (analogous means comparable) to print media than to television, and thus even indecent material on the internet was entitled to First Amendment protection. 12. New York Times v Sullivan (502)- First off you need to know that libel is the written defamation of character. A person who believes their name and character have been harmed can sue.In this case, the supreme court declared that freedom of the press takes precedence—at least when the defamed individual is a public official. w. The court agreed that the first amendment protects the publication of all statements about the conduct of public officials, except statements made with actual malice. x. Actual malice- with knowledge that they are false or in reckless disregard for their truth or falsity. y. 3 years later, the court extended this pr otection to apply to all public figures, not just government officials. 13. New York Times v United States pg 504- z.Prior restraint case dealing with the pentagon papers {. Supreme court doesn’t believe in prior restraint although you can be punished after the fact. And in order for the supreme court to prevent publication they have to have a really good reason- have to prove immediate, inevitable, and irreparable harm following the publication of the documents. |. First amendment offers protection against government censorship 14. Case in Louisville, Kentucky- a reporter who had researched and written an article about drug related activities was called on by a grand jury to identify people he had seen in possession of the drugs.The reporter refused to testify, saying that freedom of the press shielded him from this inquiry. }. In a closely divided decision, the supreme court rejected his position stating that no exception is permissible to the rule that all citizens have a duty to give their government whatever testimony they are capable of giving. ~. He had to give up the information and some of his freedom to maintain order 15. Bong hits for Jesus. Pg 505- supreme court upheld the suspension of the boy who held up the sign at an outside school event. School officials may prohibit speech if it could be interpreted as promoting an illegal drug use. 6. The 2nd amendment states â€Å"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. . If you are a gun control advocate- you focus on the first part and your argument is that everyday citizens are not part of a militia. . If you are NOT a gun control advocate- you focus on the second part that your right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. 17. D. C. vs Heller- (federal level)- was a challenge to the strictest gun control statute in the country. It barred private possession of handguns and required tri gger locks and stuff.The court ruled in a 5-4 decision that it is a constitutional right to keep a loaded handgun at home for self defense. 18. McDonald v Chicago– (state level)- this case had the same ruling as the first one except this one was on a state level. 19. Bill of attainder- a law that pronounces an individual guilty of a crime without a trial. 20. Most freedoms protected in the BOR today function as limitations on the states. The changes have been achieved through the supreme court’s interpretation of the due process clause of the 14th amendment: .Due process clause-â€Å"nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without the due process of law. † This clause has 2 central meanings: vi. It requires the government to adhere to appropriate procedures. vii. It forbids unreasonable government action. . Under this clause you have a trial by jury available to you, if you can’t afford a lawyer they’ll provide you wit h one, etc. Not all states have the same number of jurors. Supreme court says minimum of 6. 21. Gideon vs Wainwright- pg 511 case made due process applicable to the states. The state must provide you with a lawyer if you cannot afford one. 2. Miranda Warnings-protects against self incrimination. comes from Miranda v Arizona 23. Exclusionary rule- Something discovered as the result of an illegal search cannot be used in trial. Mapp vs us on 512 24. The exception is the good faith clause- U. S. vs Leon. Pg 513? 25. Griswald v Conneticut- 517 personal autonomy. Could the state outlaw birth control. Zone of privacy that exists because of the 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 5th amendment. . Birth control is a personal choice. 26. Rowe vs. Wade- extension of Gridwald. You should have choice on child bearing. Blah blah blah. Struck down abortion laws.Due process clause 2 FREE RESPONSE. ANSWER BOTH 1. First amendment and the freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is not absolute. Explain (or give 2 exampl es of) 2 limits on speech and the related cases a. Fighting words- Chaplinsky b. Idk 2. Similar concept. Rules against illegal search and seizure and self incrimination protect your right to a due process. c. One rule regarding illegal search and seizure, and the case. Explain how that protects your due process d. One rule regarding self incrimination and the related case and explain how that protects your right to due process of law.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Hazards of e-Waste

Hazards of Electronic waste Electronic waste, e-waste, e-scrap, or Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) describes loosely discarded, surplus, obsolete, or broken electrical or electronic devices. Informal processing of electronic waste in developing countries causes serious health and pollution problems. Some electronic scrap components, such as CRTs, contain contaminants such as lead, cadmium, beryllium, mercury, and brominated flame retardants.Even in developed countries recycling and disposal of e-waste may involve significant risk to workers and communities and great care must e taken to avoid unsafe exposure in recycling operations and leaching of material such as heavy metals from landfills and incinerator ashes. Scrap industry and USA EPA officials agree that materials should be managed with caution,and environmental dangers of unused electronics have not been exaggerated.Definitions â€Å"Electronic waste† may be defined as all secondary computers, entertai nment device electronics, mobile phones, and other items such as television sets and refrigerators, whether sold, donated, or discarded by their original owners. This definition includes sed electronics which are destined for reuse, resale, salvage, recycling, or disposal. Others define the re-usables (working and repairable electronics) and secondary scrap (copper, steel, plastic, etc. to be â€Å"commodities†, and reserve the term â€Å"waste† for residue or material which was represented as working or repairable but which is dumped or disposed or discarded by the buyer rather than recycled, including residue from reuse and recycling operations. Because loads of surplus electronics are frequently commingled (good, recyclable, and non-recyclable), several public olicy advocates apply the term â€Å"e-waste† broadly to all surplus electronics. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) includes discarded CRT monitors in its category of â€Å"hazard ous household waste†. l] but considers CRTs set aside for testing to be commodities if they are not discarded, speculatively accumulated, or left unprotected from weather and other damage. Debate continues over the distinction between â€Å"commodity† and â€Å"waste† electronics definitions. Some exporters are accused of deliberately leaving difficult-to-recycle, obsolete, or non- epairable equipment mixed in loads of working equipment (though this may also come through ignorance, or to avoid more costly treatment processes).Protectionists may broaden the definition of â€Å"waste† electronics in order to protect domestic markets from working secondary equipment. The high value of the computer recycling subset of electronic waste (working and reusable laptops, desktops, and components like RAM) can help pay the cost of transportation for a larger number of worthless pieces than can be achieved with display devices, which have less (or negative) scrap valu e.Problems Rapid changes in technology, changes in media (tapes, software, MP3), falling prices, and planned obsolescence have resulted in a fast-growing surplus of electronic waste around the glo e b . Dave Krucn o as For Laptops, regards electronic waste as a â€Å"rapidly expanding† issue. [2] Technical solutions are available, but in most cases a legal framework, a collection system, logistics, and other services need to be implemented before a technical solution can be applied. An estimated 50 million tons of E-waste is produced each year.The USA discards 30 million computers each ear and 100 million phones are disposed of in Europe each year. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that only 15-20% of e-waste is recycled, the rest of these electronics go directly into landfills and incinerators. According to a report by UNEP titled, â€Å"Recycling – from E-waste to Resources,† the amount of e-waste being produced – including mobile phones and computers – could rise by as much as 500 percent over the next decade in some countries, such as India [3].The United States is the world leader in producing electronic waste, tossing away about 3 million tonnes each year. China already produces about 2. million tonnes (2010 estimate) domestically, second only to the United States. And, despite having banned e-waste imports, China remains a major e-waste dumping ground for developed countries Electrical waste contains hazardous but also valuable and scarce materials. Up to 60 elements can be found in complex electronics. In the United States, an estimated 70% of heavy metals in landfills comes from discarded electronics.While there is agreement that the number of discarded electronic devices is increasing, there is considerable disagreement about the relative risk (compared to automobile scrap, for xample), and strong disagreement whether curtailing trade in used electronics will improve conditions, or make them worse. Accor ding to an article in Motherboard, attempts to restrict the trade have driven reputable companies out of the supply chain, with unintended consequences. Electrical waste contains hazardous but also valuable and scarce materials. Up to 60 elements can be found in complex electronics.In the United States, an estimated 70% of heavy metals in landfills comes from discarded electronics. While there is agreement that the number of discarded electronic devices is increasing, there is considerable disagreement about the elative risk (compared to automobile scrap, for example), and strong disagreement whether curtailing trade in used electronics will improve conditions, or make them worse. According to an article in Motherboard, attempts to restrict the trade have driven reputable companies out of the supply chain, with unintended consequences.Global trade issuesOne theory is that increased regulation of electronic waste and concern over the environmental harm in mature economies creates an economic disincentive to remove residues prior to export. Critics of trade in used electronics aintain that it is too easy for brokers calling themselves recyclers to export unscreened electronic waste to developing countries, such as China, India and parts of Africa, thus avoiding the expense of removing items like bad cathode ray tubes (the processing of which is expensive and difficult). The developing countries are becoming big dump yards of e-waste.Proponents of international trade point to the success of fair trade programs in other industries, where cooperation has led creation of sustainable Jobs, and can bring affordable technology in countries where repair and reuse rates are higher. Defenders of the trade in used electronics say that extraction of metals from virgin mining has also been shifted to developing countries. Hard-rock mining of copper, silver, gold and other materials extracted from electronics is considered tar more environmentally damaging than the recycling ot those materials.They also state that repair and reuse of computers and televisions has become a â€Å"lost art† in wealthier nations, and that refurbishing has traditionally been a path to development. South Korea, Taiwan, and southern China all excelled in finding â€Å"retained value† in used goods, and in some cases have set up billion-dollar ndustries in refurbishing used ink cartridges, single-use cameras, and working CRTs. Refurbishing has traditionally been a threat to established manufacturing, and simple protectionism explains some criticism of the trade.Works like â€Å"The Waste Makers† by Vance Packard explain some of the criticism of exports of working product, for example the ban on import of tested working Pentium 4 laptops to China, or the bans on export of used surplus working electronics by Japan. Opponents of surplus electronics exports argue that lower environmental and labor standards, cheap labor, and the relatively high value of recover ed raw materials leads to a ransfer of pollution-generating activities, such as burning of copper wire.In China, Malaysia, India, Kenya, and various African countries, electronic waste is being sent to these countries for processing, sometimes illegally. Many surplus laptops are routed to developing nations as â€Å"dumping grounds for e-waste†. Because the United States has not ratified the Basel Convention or its Ban Amendment, and has no domestic laws forbidding the export of toxic waste, the Basel Action Network estimates that about 80% of the electronic waste directed to recycling in the U. S. does not get ecycled there at all, but is put on container ships and sent to countries such as China.This figure is disputed as an exaggeration by the EPA, the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, and the World Reuse, Repair and Recycling Association. Independent research by Arizona State University showed that 87-88% of imported used computers did not have a higher value than the best value of the constituent materials they contained, and that â€Å"the official trade in end-of-life computers is thus driven by reuse as opposed to Guiyu in the Shantou region of China, Delhi and Bangalore in India as well as the Agbogbloshie site near Accra, Ghana have lectronic waste processing areas.Uncontrolled burning, disassembly, and disposal causes a variety of environmental problems such as groundwater contamination, atmospheric pollution, or even water pollution either by immediate discharge or due to surface runoff (especially near coastal areas), as well as health problems including occupational safety and health effects among those directly and indirectly involved, due to the methods of processing the waste. Thousands of men, women, and children are employed in highly polluting, primitive recycling technologies, extracting he metals, toners, and plastics from computers and other electronic waste.Recent studies show that 7 out of 10 children in this region have too much lead in their blood Proponents of the trade say growth of internet access is a stronger correlation to trade than poverty. Haiti is poor and closer to the port of New York than southeast Asia, but far more electronic waste is exported from New York to Asia than to Haiti. Thousands of men, women, and children are employed in reuse, refurbishing, repair, and remanufacturing, unsustainable industries in decline in developed countries.Denying developing nations access to used electronics may deny them sustainable employment, affordable products, and internet access, or force them to deal with even less scrupulous suppliers. In a series of seven articles for The Atlantic, Shanghai-based reporter Adam Minter describes many ot these computer repair and scrap separation activities as objectively sustainable. Opponents of the trade argue that developing countries utilize methods that are more harmful and more wasteful. An expedient and prevalent method is simply to toss equipment o nto an open fire, in order to melt plastics and to burn away unvaluable metals.This releases carcinogens and neurotoxins into the air, contributing to an acrid, lingering smog. These noxious fumes include dioxins and furans. [18] Bonfire refuse can be disposed of quickly into drainage ditches or waterways feeding the ocean or local water supplies. Recycling Today the electronic waste recycling business is in all areas of the developed world a large and rapidly consolidating business. Part of this evolution has involved greater diversion of electronic waste from energy-intensive downcycling processes (e. . , conventional recycling), where equipment is reverted to a raw material form. This iversion is achieved through reuse and refurbishing. The environmental and social benefits of reuse include diminished demand for new products and virgin raw materials (with their own environmental issues); larger quantities of pure water and electricity for associated manufacturing; less packaging per unit; availability of technology to wider swaths of society due to greater affordability of products; and diminished use of landfills.Audiovisual components, televisions, VCRs, stereo equipment, mobile phones, other handheld devices, and computer components contain valuable elements and substances suitable for reclamation, including lead, opper, and gold. One of the major challenges is recycling the printed circuit boards from the electronic wastes. The circuit boards contain such precious metals as gold, silver, platinum, etc. and such base metals as copper, iron, aluminum, etc. Conventional method employed is mechanical shredding and separation but the recycling efficiency is low.Alternative methods such as cryogenic decomposition have been studied for printed circuit board recycling, and some other methods are still under investigation. Hazardous Americium: smoke alarms (radioactive source). Mercury: fluorescent tubes (numerous applications), tilt switches (mechanical oorbell s, thermostats). [37] Sulfur: lead-acid batteries. PBBs: Predecessor of PCBs. Also used as flame retardant. Banned from 1973-1977 on. PCBs: prior to ban, almost all 1930s-1970s equipment, including capacitors, transformers, wiring insulation, paints, inks, and flexible sealants. Banned during the 1980s.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Short Writing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Short Writing - Assignment Example Another reason I found this article interesting was that as a student I recognize that writing is an important element of communication, as well as scholastic and professional success; as such, I believe that it can benefit me as a writer and communicator to understand various sociolinguistic and rhetorical aspects of the English language. The study functioned by mapping a large segment of spoken English as a means of determining the emotional significance of the word usage. While the researchers had anticipated there would be an even distribution of language along negative, neutral, and positive parts of the spectrum, the research demonstrated that a disproportionate amount of the words fell near the positive end. The research is significant as it attests to prominent sociolinguistic elements. The researchers make the qualitative jump that the emphasis on positive word usage seems to be correlated with the development with the English language as one of utility. The researchers contend that as language is a fundamentally social activity the preponderance of positive words should come as limited surprise. Still, they also argue that while limited negative words were used when they were implemented they seemed to be in more meaningful contexts. From this perspective the researchers argue that there is seemingly a †˜don’t cry wolf’ effect in occurrence, wherein language users restrictively use negative language to communicate necessary and meaningful occurrence; conversely, it seems positive language can be implemented more in terms of a general expression of optimism. In conducting this specific study there were a number of methods that the researchers implemented. As it would be impossible to simply map the entire English language, it was examined in usage patterns as recorded from, â€Å"two decades of material from The New York Times, 18 months worth from Twitter, manuscripts from Google Books produced between 1520 and 2008 and

Friday, September 27, 2019

Energy Security in the Middle East Research Paper

Energy Security in the Middle East - Research Paper Example The research paper "Energy Security in the Middle East" discusses the energy security in the Middle East by focusing on various aspects such as energy security threats as well as global issues that are associated with energy security. Access to cheap energy has become significant in the functioning of modern economies. A significant vulnerability has emerged as a result of uneven distribution of energy supplies among various countries. Energy security is defined by international energy agency as the uninterrupted availability of energy sources at a reasonable price. There are various aspects that have been associated with energy security. They include both short–term and long term energy security. Short-term energy security tends to focus on the ability of the system of energy to respond promptly to immediate changes in the supply-demand balance whereas the long term energy security deals with the timely investment targeting energy supply and in line with environmental needs a nd economic developments. There seems to be a consensus on the issue of energy security achieving a certain significance since the energy shocks that was witnessed in the 1970s when present asymmetries between energy consumers and geographical distribution resources had been consolidated by most countries especially in the Middle East that depends on petroleum. Since then energy security has been incorporated into debates of the international relations theories. The existing international relations theories have demonstrated various approaches.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Managerial Aspects B2B E-Commerce Research Paper

The Managerial Aspects B2B E-Commerce - Research Paper Example The most effective method of discussion and understanding the multitudes of studies conducted on sales and marking the inclusion of theories and technology would be in the fact that we must first divide the process into manageable segments. Those pieces include divisions between retailers, wholesalers and manufacturers and through corporate operations. The vast majority of the literature would be concentrated from the year 2000 through to the present, more than likely as advances in computer and other electronic technology has managed leaps and bounds in both affordability and availability. This is especially true for markets across the country. The several research pieces brought into this literature review would in fact be between the years 2000 and 2006 and would focus on the ability for technological innovation of E-commerce and its effects on supply chain management to enhance sales and marking in a variety of sales and marking settings in general and specifically on the industr y of security relating to E-commerce. (Mentzer, 2001) One recognizable difference would be in the fact that literature which remains in the time span since the turn of the century would, in fact, be the speed, the accessibility and the overall development of systems and the internet itself. (Nissanoff, 2006) These elements, as they become more and more integrated into daily life outside of the consumers must be both understood by management and integrated into their sales and marking processes and procedures to keep the potential customers as well as the managements current in their information capacities.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Global warming is bad Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Global warming is bad - Research Paper Example Gradual evolution of the idea stirred an emotional debate between opponents and proponents of global warming that ultimately seems to end on rigid stance from both sides. To answer the question weather global warming is good or bad, we must analyse if it is there. The idea has been controversial and increasingly considered to be a myth. Its proponents consider it to be the crucial turn in this century and spending fortunes on investigating and finding solutions while its opponents attribute it to be more political than scientific. The paper analyses both sides and concludes that global warming is bad in either case. The concept of global warming didn’t pop up in a day,with very solid scientifc base,it formulated in a gradual but uncertain way.Lindzen aptly states, â€Å"Warming is a subject riddled by uncertainty† (424).Indeed, the idea has been subjected to intense debates during mid and late 80s without getting to a unanimous conclusion. Different reports by IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) (1996, 2001) suggested scientific frameworks in order to prevent adverse impact of climate change that brought Kyoto protocol for reducing the emission of greenhouse gases by burning fossil fuels. The impact of global warming as projected by media is focused on increase in mean temperature of earth and its consequences, for instance, extreme weather conditions or increasing frequency of such events. In reality, global warming and climate change is much more complex (Khandekar, Murty and Chittibabu 1557).According to newspaper account of U.S. government study in 1988 suggested certain threats that include: Some ecological systems, particularly forests...may be unable to adapt quickly enough to a rapid increase in temperature...most of the notion’s coastal marshes and swamps would be inundated by salt earlier snowmelt and runoff could disrupt water management systems...Disease borne by

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Violent Crime Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Violent Crime - Assignment Example Research from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) reveals that there have been more than 19 million violent crimes in the last two decades. These crimes constitute of forcible rape, murder and non-negligent manslaughter, robbery, or assault. For an individual to engage a violent crime, he or she may be forced by circumstances or has a record of criminal activities. Factors that may affect an individual’s action to commit a violent crime is dependent on cultural aspects i.e. religion and colonial heritage, age, gender, peers, and the poverty rate.  Violence and crime threaten social foundation and are becoming chief obstacles to development. A critical analysis of this topic reveals that the dependent variable is the crime rate, and the explanatory variables include economic and social characteristics. Although violent crime has been discussed with a keen focus on the offender, the victim must also be regarded. From various researchers, victims of violent crimes ar e left with emotional as well as physical scars, which lead to post-traumatic stress disorder, social withdrawal, relationship strains, and in severe cases death (Ruback & Thompson, 2001). Lack of a conclusive data of victims is a major challenge in the analysis of violent crime. This is because of most victims faced by the vile act of violent crime face shame and discrimination. For instance, rape victims will opt not to report a violent act committed on their bodies due to shame and fear of discrimination (Kullgren & Nordstrom, 2003).  Methods used to research this topic include data from primary and secondary sources. Primary sources include anonymous questionnaires filled in by the victims of violent crimes. Secondary sources include data from police stations and hospitals, as well as books and journals.

Monday, September 23, 2019

See Attachment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

See Attachment - Essay Example Similarly, the teachers utilize the internet to supplement their lessons. In essence, the internet has benefited education by opening up a substantial amount of knowledge to a broader range of students. Advancement in technology will compel the institutions of higher learning to broaden internet course and change the credentialing structures. It is, therefore, important for schools to introduce free internet on Campus. Through the introduction of free internet in Campuses, students will be able to access online courses provided by different universities. Some students cannot afford tuition fees charged by universities; therefore, by introducing online classes needy students will be able to get  the  learning  using the school’s libraries. According to research 75% college students argue that university tuition is very expensive, and not everyone can afford it (Anderson et al n.d). It is, therefore, important for schools to introduce free internet and expand their online courses for such students. The introduction of free internet in campuses will also boost collaboration among students. The existence of online discussion among students will boost their cooperation, the refore by introducing free internet in schools all students will be able to participate in the discussions. The Internet has also broadened several sectors in US. Therefore, Campuses ought to introduce free internet as it will benefit students and country as a whole. Some of the sector that have improved include Libraries. Many libraries have adopted the use of the internet as they made it possible for students to access their collection of books online. Librarians also argue that the introduction of internet has made it possible for students to access information and it has also changed the way of doing research. Initially, students were required to go through the tiring process just to access books in the libraries

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Odyssey by Homer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Odyssey by Homer - Essay Example It is therefore the epic is regarded as one of the most alluring and splendid works the world has ever produced. The poet has elaborated that maintenance of dignity and valor was the most imperative phenomenon for Greeks, on which they could not make any compromise altogether. Similarly, the politeness and modesty during speech and actions was also highly significant object for the society, and use of eloquent, apposite and sophisticated words during social interaction was regarded as the sign of being cultured and modest. Moreover, the people of the city were also munificent and generous, and always treated the guests with open arms and happy heart. Consequently, dignity, politeness and hospitality served as the most dominant features of the ancient Greek civilization of Homeric era. The verses depict the valor, pride, ego, prestige and strength of the major characters including the protagonist King Odysseus of Ithaca and his son Telemachus. Similarly, the loyalty, fidelity and dedi cation of Penelope, and the love and affection of the Ithacan subjects for their King Odysseus are also the distinguishing aspects of the ancient Greek life. The play reveals the very fact that the honor, prestige and dignity were regarded as the most prominent aspects of social life among the ancient Greek people, and they did not make any compromise on these issues altogether. ... The issue of pride and shame also appears at the eve of the challenge made by Euryalus, the handsome and strong Phaeacian youth, to Odysseus after the latter’s attending the Phaeacian assembly. Euryalus asks Odysseus to participate in the athletic contest along with the other Athenian youth. (Book 8: lines 178-182) However, Odysseus refused to comply with the same. Consequently, Euryalus passes insulting comments on him by declaring him as a sailor trading back and forth  in a ship with many oars, as well as a captain in charge of merchant sailors (Book 8, lines 200-202) In response to these awkward words, Odysseus made a thought-provoking speech in which he laments over his present state of affairs that is not suitable for the participating in athletics. However, he throws discus so powerfully that no one can do the same. Consequently, Athena encourages him to participate in other competitions too, which he does and wins the same. Hence, he obtains the opportunity of provin g his worth in discus throwing and wrestling. Thus, cunning speeches made by the protagonist character made situation uncomfortable, and the King announces the end of the games for the day. Odysseus is determined to fight against rival generals, sea monsters, court intriguers and hypocrites in order to display his bravery on the one hand, and to sustain the status of a dignified ruler on the other. It is therefore he sets out to fight war against the Trojan army just for the sake of enjoying the status of the most gallant and respectable person of the city. At the beginning of the Trojan War, he appears to be the father of an infant of one month only, departing from him

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Role of Conflict Essay Example for Free

The Role of Conflict Essay In the establishment of leader-follower relationships, harmony is required in order to achieve the best possible results within an organization. But in the real world, perfect harmony is not likely to happen. Leaders and followers have varying degrees of intellect, perception, and principles – and these are the very things that contribute to conflicts in an organization. While conflict can easily be assumed to have a negative effect on a leader-follower relationship, it plays a special role within the community – a role that is as equally important as harmony. The main function of conflicts is to bring out the best in every plan, policy, and method that is implemented by the leader or the group as a whole. Conflicts cause members to voice out their views and opinions to their leaders or other members with the aim of correcting what they think or feel are not right about it. Consequently, this ensures that every step that the group makes passes the strict scrutiny and evaluation of its own members and leaders (Cuban 29). Conflicts challenge the actions of leaders or other group members. People who stimulate conflicts are not necessarily bad for the organization. In fact, conflict indicates that the group is composed of people who are morally involved and committed to all the pursuits that their organization are willing to take. The actual people who seemingly create conflict are there to ensure that all steps taken by the group conforms well within social norms and ideology of the organization they belong to. They are there to protect the interests of the group and make certain that everything is done for its greater glory. They are actually more involved, although in a negative way, than those members who choose not to air out their views, no matter how right they think they are. In essence, conflicts makers benefit the organization more than the member or the leader who is indifferent to what transpires around them (Harolds Wood 203). Conflicts also bring about the best in a leader. Conflicts, whether it is aimed to make the organization good or worse, is an issue that a leader needs to deal with. A capable leader can be evaluated in terms of performance and skills by to his ability to handle conflicts. His ability to remain as a leader can be assessed through the techniques he or she uses to address the problem and the actual solutions he was able to implement (Korabik, et al 409). Works Cited Cuban, Larry. â€Å"Conflict and Leadership in the Superintendency.† Phi Delta Kappan 67.1 (1985): 28-30. Harolds, J Wood, BP. â€Å"Conflict Management and Resolution† J Am Coll Radiol 3.3 (2006): 200-2006. Korabik, Karen, Baril, Galen L, Watson Carol. â€Å"Managers Conflict Management Style And Leadership Effectiveness: The Moderating Effects Of Gender† Sex Roles 29.5-6 (1993):405-420.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Issues in Supply Chain Logistics

Issues in Supply Chain Logistics Outline PURCHASING CASE STUDY 1 Communication forms the most important part as far the supply chain is concerned. It is through well enhanced communication that buyers and sellers can interact well and their separate needs. The most important lesson I derived from the case study is the importance of harmonizing ideas among the working groups. If the flow of ideas between the concerned parties is not proper, it may lead to total failure. In order for the working procedure to be functional, a supply chain is composed of different elements which are reliant on each other. Each of these parameters needs to be reviewed. The customer initiates the supply chain by making the required order. This is then processed by the supplier and finally the consumer receives the package. Hence, there are several elements entailed in such a transaction. To begin with, inbound logistics is crucial during the supply chain. This is closely followed by the outbound logistics in addition to customer care and operations division. None of these processes can be ignored if the supply chain is to succeed. There were some missing links as can be noted form the case study. For instance, the quantities of goods shipped were much more than the actual level agreed upon. This affected the inbound logistics. As a result, there was a lot of mess especially when these goods were to go through the outbound logistics. The operations department suffered a lot. Besides, customers who could not get their packages delivered on time got angry hence unsatisfied. It is imperative to consider the available time against the volume of goods to be handled if supply chain is to record any success. 2) Delayed shipment is one of the main problem which led to the entire mess of the supply chain logistics. Therefore, the supplier carried the blame having agreed so. Besides, the very supplier did not issue the accurate information detailing the quantity of goods to be supplied. Although this appeared to be the key issue at hand, later deliberations revealed that the actual problem was lack of understanding between the supplier and the customer when the initial quotation was being made. These factors hampered the operations in the shipment and delivery of the goods. Although the supplier attempted to communicate with the customer care department regarding challenges in production, no positive feedback was received thereby complicating the entire process. 3) Opting for a different supplier would be a better alternative for Avion, Inc. However, there were several pending deals with the initial supplier. Such an action would just aggravate the situation. Hence, it would only be necessary to clear the current backlog of supplies before delegating the work to a different supplier. This will also assist in restoring customer confidence. In fact, the process of selecting another supplier would require more than just enough time and it would be better off if Avion, Inc. clear all the current deals first. 4) The best way to resolve the issue is by getting to the bottom of the problem. It is important for the company to seek the root cause of the problem, who was actually responsible or failed to do their part and the reason why that happen. In fact, blame game cannot help much at this point. Every detail should be keenly filtered in a bid to establish the truth and possible solutions for the same. The reverse method can achieve much in the process of resolving this problem. Although the magnitude of the problem might appear to be small, no single element can be ignored because it may as well as graduate to level difficult to handle. 5) As a customer, it is imperative to play our parts well and in a manner that will not jeopardize the relationship with the supplier or producer. The bargain end with the supplier should be clear to avoid any possible misunderstanding which may arise due to late deliveries or wrong quantities of deliveries. Additionally, good customer will equally seek an understanding with the supplier whenever some eventualities occur. For instance, delays which may result from transport logistics should not cause a breaking point in the relationship between the supplier and customer. Therefore, it is possible to maintain a cordial relationship between the customer and supplier if the former can resort to understanding of the situation at hand. 6) When the supply chain is keenly monitored or scrutinized at every important point, it will account to what is referred to as performance measurement. This does not only assist in assessing the progress of the chain but also giving a thorough evaluation of how efficient the process is running. Information obtained from performance can be used to make necessary adjustments whenever weaknesses are noted. Performance measurement will also ensure that extremely weak points within the supply chain are overhauled or completely modifies. Hence, it is a very important form of monitoring and evaluation which will always ensure sustained growth in a company. 7) The supply chain logistics will definitely experience change from time to time bearing in mind that the market if often very dynamic and which will quite regularly call for changes. Nevertheless, any change effected will depend on a wide array of factors which must also be put into consideration. Every individual change needs to undergo some form of evaluation to see into it that it will not cause any constraint but rather will enhance the supply process. Factors such as the nature and volume of goods to be shipped, time of delivery as well as the location may also bring in several changes on board although by the end of the day, all the aforementioned factors still belong to the supply chain command. When changes in these aspects are carried out with due diligence, the performance index of the supply chain can record significant growth and success. 8) The duration of time taken when an order is placed by a customer and finally receiving the goods is referred to as the lead time. Reducing the lead time by Avion will imply that the latter will be able to secure more time to continue with production owing to the fact more deliveries to customers will be made within the shortest time possible. More orders will be procured by the company and on the other hand, the level of customer satisfaction will definitely be high due to prompt deliveries. Consequently, Avion will be in a position o make more profit. 9) It is necessary to consider both the single source contract and the multiple source contracts. In the first case, goods are obtained from one supplier regardless of the circumstances at hand. On the other hand, multiple source contract permits the customer to obtain goods from a variety of suppliers. The main advantage of the multiple source contracts is that it is always possible to make adjustments in the supply needs depending on the market forces such as demand. However, if the single source contract is adopted, it will be imperative for both the customer and the supplier to create some working goal to be adhered to just in case the two parties break from the norm. in order to improve the relationship between the supplier and the customer, it is upon the customer to set some specific targets which will also match the ability and capacity of the supplier so that minimal hitch is encountered in course of the two carrying out transactions. The guidelines to be followed by the suppli er and the customer should be clearly understood by the two and by so doing; the supply chain will experience positive growth. 10) This case has presented a myriad of issues which definitely require to be addressed expeditiously in order to avoid similar challenges arising in future. The supply chain process can be made better if the following proposals are put into action. Avion should seek to avoid extremely large quantities as far as deliveries are concerned. In addition, they should stick to their time and program of deliveries as agreed upon by Foster technologies. Moreover, the lead time should be borne in mind by Avion so that prompt deliveries are put in place. Quantity of good to be shipped in a given period of time should be well known so that Foster Technologies can fit into the delivery and production schedule. Should there be any changes on the same to be effected, it should be counterchecked and approved beforehand by the manager in charge of production. The increased orders from Avion require a specialist who can offer proper and thorough management. In fact, Avion Inc had at one time pointed out on the size of Foster Technologies and was concerned whether it would be able to effectively handle its production capacity. One of the best monitoring and evaluation systems which should be initiated is that of measurement technique. This will a ssist in getting the feedback on the progress of the supply chain and any changes effected should there be need to do so. The challenges portrayed in this case study are sometimes inevitable and can best be resolved if the root causes are established right from the start. PURCHASING CASE STUDY 2 What do you do in the first 60 days? I will begin by restructuring all the departments in each of the plants after a careful evaluation of the current state. To be able to achieve this, meetings will be necessary. All the departmental representatives will have to attend regular meetings to report on the pertinent information regarding operations within their areas of concern. Besides, each of the individual plants should have the willingness to experience change. For instance, there would be no need for plant managers to be directly responsible vice president of operations. This will just be creating a very long chain of command and will also slow down the implementation of some decisions. I will personally meet them on a regular basis to expedite operations in addition to improving the cohesiveness of the tea. Reforming the way outsourcing is carried out will also form an integral part of this new development. Each plant should be allocated adequate working staff and responsibilities so that an alliance can be initiated easily. Besides, it will be possible for each plant to outsource some of the products which can be cheap and also within reach. This will boost the production capacity and in turn improve the performance of each plant. The logistics should also be customized to fit the capacity of each plant. This will require the use of another party. What relationships will be critical to your success? The communication between the plant managers and I will be very important because it is only through them that intrinsic issues can reach me before eventually reaching the top authority. Such issues can be sorted out between the two of us before elevating tem to the next level. These will jumpstart our relationship. Moreover, it is through such coordination and good relationship that the essentials of team work will be established within the organisation. Those who are not working inside the organisation also require to be recognized and good relationship built. For example, there will be need to build a warm relationship with customers and suppliers so that the image of the organization can be impressive. If customers are treated kindly, it will assure the organisation lifeline and market sustain ability will be guaranteed. In the case of suppliers, a long lasting and warm relationship is important especially if it is a case of single source contract. They form an integral part of the organisation bearing in mind that without them, the supply chain will be incomplete. PURCHASING Case Study 3 Many outsourcing decisions involve the concept of a core competency. Define what is meant by this term. Discuss if film technology is truly a core competency of Santek Prahalad and Gary (1990) described core competence as the best initiative which can be taken by a firm and which also meets the three conditions that is the product should prove to be beneficial to the consumer, competitors should not be in a position to produce easy substitutes which are similar to the product and finally it can dominate most markets which implies that the product has a wide leverage power. Finally, Santek Images has a wide global market for its film products. The single competitor may not adequately make Santek Images to lose the grip of the market. Hence, film technology proves to be the core competency of Santek Images. Develop a process that would guide firms through the in-sourcing/outsourcing process. Create a process that is robust enough to use across a variety of product/service applications This begins with the thorough training of the working staff who may either be in-sourced or outsourced. This is important because the background knowledge of the product being handled is crucial. The marketing of the product is also an important undertaking. A professional endowed with marketing background should be sought in this field. Time zones which affects the working hours of employees is also an important consideration to bear in mind. Hence, shifts for the workers should be well planned to take care of eventualities like accidents at work place. Financial availability of the project should be analyzed by an efficient project manager who should give the right feedback. The manager can either be outsourced or in-sourced. Workers who are outsourced should be well oriented or perhaps the company should have the understanding of the workers located in different parts and plan for their working requirements in the most satisfying manner. Projects which prove to be less volatile an d more stable should be given priority. This will make it possible for development to be carried out in the most uniform way. Each project should be well monitored to ensure that completion is effected at the right time. Indeed, large groups can be assigned a particular project to expedite completion time. A major challenge with an in-sourcing/outsourcing analysis involves gathering reliable data. Discuss the various groups that should be involved when conducting an in-sourcing/outsourcing analysis. What information can each of these groups provide? One of the most viable groups which can be used when conducting outsourcing/in-sourcing analysis is a team which has the professional background in marketing. This team can equally hold meetings with product suppliers who are well versed in the supply field. Such sources of primary information are often deemed to be the best. Nevertheless, the sources of information may include websites, reports from various fields as well as the internet. These sources may sometimes lack consistency or accuracy and may not be fully relied on. Market players who are well experienced in outsourcing or in-sourcing can be used to obtain information pertaining to market research because they have a wide range of relevant data which can be helpful. The data collected in the above processes is then processed, analyzed and used as guidelines for introducing a new product into the market against any possible challenges which may be experienced. 4) Do you think hardware suppliers are candidates for alliances or partnerships with Santek? Why? I suppose an alliance system would work well between the two parties bearing in mind that Santek Images primarily deal with matters related to media and should the latter continue to outsource, then an alliance system will eventually be established making it easier for it to acquire all its suppliers with ease. In addition, the operations of Santek images are quite different with that of the hardware supplies and so it getting into a partnership may mismatch their working portfolio. It is more rewarding if an alliance could be established between the two parties. Partnerships and alliances are special forms of supplier-buyer relationships. First, define the concept of partnerships and alliances. Second, identify when a firm should pursue a partnership or alliance with selected suppliers. Use the portfolio segmentation tool to assist with your answer A Partnership is a form of business arrangement whereby two or more players enter into a contract to start and run a business enterprise. The capital required to start and run the business is contributed by all the partners in the agreement. On the same note, profits and losses are also shared in the same proportion as the amount of capital contributed. Partners in a business may be of different types, some may actively participate in the running of the business while others may be passive in their roles. On the other hand, a business contract which has been facilitated by two or more businesses as a result of seeking ways of improving performance is referred to as an alliance. Some of the reasons why businesses can resort to alliance system are to reduce production costs and also improve customer experience of the goods and services being offered. Risks and opportunities are taken care of by all the members in the alliance. I strongly believe that partnerships can work well in situa tions where both businesses have a comparative operating capacity in the market and that none of the partners has an advantage position than the other. An alliance is best applied when there is need to outsource products from another company due to cost advantage among other reasons. Each of the organization in the alliance is independent to run its affairs and none can stamp an authority over the other. Develop a process that firms can use when identifying and developing supply chain alliances Firstly, planning forms the fundamental starting point when developing the supply chain alliances. It begins by choosing an organisation which has the capacity to form the best alliance. In addition, the goals and objectives need to be clearly crafted out including the requirements of which services to be offered. The evaluation process should also be established to ensure that performance timelines and deadlines are met. Agreements which are mutually beneficial should be anchored so that no alliance member gets a feeling of unfair deal. This will also usher in the need to harness a good working relationship among the alliance members who are supposed to share any pertinent information regarding the agreement. Furthermore, matters regarding tradeoffs should be discussed in details to allow a profitable venture experience between or among the alliance members. Finally, training should be organized to cater for the capacity building and professionalism of the staff across the organizat ions. This will definitely improve the standard of the employees and commodities and services being delivered.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Harmful Effects Of Smoking Cigarettes Essay -- Informative Essays Nico

Harmful Effects Of Smoking Cigarettes Mentioned Photos Not Included There are numerous effects of smoking Cigarettes that affect the individual. They can affect not only your health but also your social and family life. It can also affect the non-smoker around you. Non-smokers suffer from allergies, noise and eye irritations and headaches as a result of inhaling second hand smoke. Smoking while you're pregnant can result to the growth of the foetus and may even result in the death of the baby. Below are some long term and short term effects of smoking. Cigarette smoke contains around 4,000 chemicals, many of which are known to be highly poisonous and very harmful - over 40 are known to cause cancer. The chemicals found in a cigarette include; ? Benzene, a gasoline additive found in paints, paint thinners, adhesives and plastics. You can be exposed to benzene fumes while pumping gas. ? Asbestos, It is found in acoustic ceiling tiles, floor tiles, textured paint, exterior siding and appliances. Asbestos is only dangerous when its fibers become loose or when the material crumbles, which causes small particles to be set free and inhaled. Once inhaled, the microscopic fibers remain in the body forever. Asbestos can cause lung and bowel cancer, mesothelioma, asbestosis and other lung diseases. The risk of disease is believed to increase with smoking. ? Vinyl chloride and its derivative polyvinyl chloride (PVC). These plastic resins found in many products, including pipes, hoses, flooring, windows and credit cards. The greatest risk is to workers in these industries who manufacture and handle these products daily. High levels also are found in the materials used in the interiors of new cars, making that "new-car smell" potentially dangerous. ? Pesticides. While pesticide levels in foods are relatively harmless, pesticides used in your home or on your lawn may be dangerous because of the large quantities used. In some studies, farmers with high exposure to pesticides were found to have a higher risk of several different cancers, including leukemia. ? Formaldehyde. This can be a component of many products including cosmetics, paper, textiles and drugs. Formaldehyde initially was found to cause nasal cancer in rats. Since then, there has been considerable controversy as to the role of formaldehyde in causing cancer in humans. ? Other ch... ...ia. Growing tobacco is a way for these countries to make much needed money. Many poorer countries use wood to dry tobacco and have to cut down many trees to do this. In countries where wood is used for cooking and heating then if it is also used to dry tobacco, there is less for the people to use to cook their food and heat their homes. Tobacco companies encourage many local farmers in the poorer countries to grow tobacco instead of food even when there are food shortages. This can mean less food available for the local community. Tobacco plants take more nutrients from the soil than many other crops and because of this the land is made less fit for growing food. Cutting down Forests Cigarettes are wrapped in paper and are sold in packets. They use large amounts of paper and therefore a lot of trees. Cutting down trees is one of the biggest threats to our environment. Tree roots bind the soil together. The leaves draw moisture into the air. When the trees are cut down, rainfall is reduced and erosion of the soil is increased. This can leave a bare landscape where nothing useful can be grown. Land which might have been used for food crops may be useless.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Much Ado About Nothing: Love And Marriage Essay -- essays research pap

Even though love and marriage was a major ideal in Shakespearean England, we can get views from Much Ado about Nothing which oppose this idea. From the two main ‘couples’ in this play we can understand their different views on commitment throughout and because of this we as readers and viewers can learn about each relationship separately and watch the thoughts and ideas change throughout the play. From the scene given we can make many assumptions on the Beatrice and Benedick relationship and how it may have grown throughout the previous acts and scenes. We can tell from this small passage that Beatrice and Benedick have a love/hate relationship which may have come from past relationship let downs†¦ Beatrice: indeed my lord, he lent it me awhile, and I gave him use for it, a double heart for his single one. Marry, once before he won it off me with false dice, therefore your grace may well say I have lost it. The two seem to have the same ideas on marriage even though we learn through the play that this is not true, they both know it is important to get married but have different viewpoints on the matter, they both appear to want their individuality. We can see this idea in the passage provided and many other parts of the play†¦ Beatrice: just, if he send me no husband; for the which blessing I am at him upon my knees every morning and evening. Lord, I could not endure a husband with a beard on his face I had rather lie in the woollen†¦ Benedick: the savage bull may; but i...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Computer Fraud – an Analysis on Oracle Corp vs. Sap Ag

Information system has been playing a grave essential role in daily business activities. Over the past decade, the detection rate of computer crimes concerning information system attacks has risen sharply. According to Kunz and Wilson (2004), reported computer crimes have been septupled from 2000 to 2003 and leads to inestimable economic loss. Therefore, themes on information security, especially the prevention of computer fraud, have attracted increasingly attentions (Romney and Steinbart, 2009). However, it seems that perpetrators can always find new techniques to theft invaluable business secrets stored, processed or protected by those information systems. Moreover, some abuse techniques have been used in economic espionage, which causes a yearly loss of $250 billion (ibid). Oracle Corp vs. SAP AG could be one of the relating cases occurred in the recent 2007 and is not yet closed till present. This essay will firstly introduce the Case. Then by using Fraud Triangle, analyze the reason of SAP’s commitment of computer fraud and data theft. Finally, suggestions on how to improve the security of company’s information system will be addressed with some reflections of the Case. It has been reported that the world’s software giant SAP AG was sued by its largest competitor, Oracle Corporation, for computer fraud and data theft in March 2007 (Anon, 2010). In the Complaint, Oracle Corporation (2007) stated that in November 2006, unusual heavy download activities were spotted on Customer Connection, a website Oracle used to serve its customers. The uncovered access originated from an IP address in one of SAP’s braches with log-in IDs of PeopleSoft and J. D. Edwards customers. It is discovered later that TomorrowNow and SAP TN, two SAP subsidiaries, committed a series of unauthorized access to Oracle’s customer service system and more than 10,000 illegal download activities. Mass of important materials, including copyrighted software codes and confidential documents was theft. In this way, SAP was capable of establishing a service library for PeopleSoft and J. D. Edwards products, and launched a marketing campaign to snatch Oracle’s customers. The fraud resulted in Oracle’s 120 copyrights infringed and posed the threats of losing 358 customers (Kawamoto, 2007). On 24 November 2010, the U. S. Federal District Court for Northern California announced that Oracle won the Case with SAP liable for $1. 3 billion compensation. As Slappendel (2010) points out, this is the largest amount ever awarded in copyright infringement cases. The core reason may lies that the verdict is based upon the fair market value of the licenses for utilizing those resources instead of Oracle’s profit loss. After the verdict, SAP’s stock price has been falling significantly and TomorrowNow had to be shut down (Anon, 2011; Team, 2010). Although SAP accepted the liability and apologized for its inappropriate behavior, the company has been arguing that the penalty was contrary to the reality of the damage caused by the fraud (Margan, 2011). It is also reported that SAP has filed motions to the Court and therefore SAP’s computer fraud case does not seem to end at present. The action of data theft has brought unnecessary troubles to both SAP and Oracle. In order to prevent computer fraud effectively, it is essential to fully examine the reason of SAP’s behavior. Fraud Triangle will be used as an analysis tool. It is estimated by Romney and Steinbart (2009) that Fraud Triangle consists of the three normal conditions for fraud to occur: pressures, opportunities and rationalizations. Figure 1 shown below is a brief summary of Fraud Triangle in the Case. 5. Homely meals in software industry FIGURE 1 FRAUD TRIANGLE OF SAP Pressure Opportunity Rationalization 2. Oracle’s insufficient security management 4. Theft by other companies (i. e. Siebel Systems) before 1. Financial – fierce competition in the market 3. Few evidence – may not be spotted Firstly, SAP is probably under the severe pressure of maintaining the top one throne in the software market. During the last decade, competition between Oracle and SAP has greatly increased and the rivalry has developed into a feud. Particularly in 2004, Oracle began a series of acquisitions, aiming at increasing the share of enterprise applications market, where SAP owned the leadership (PeopleSoft, 2011). After realizing the seriousness, SAP fighted back by offering special discounts to woo customers, and thus a cruel price battle initiated. However, the strategy did not seem to rescue much, SAP’s market share remains downward sloping (Team, 2010). Currently, Oracle and SAP are vying for the third-party enterprise software support and maintenance market. The enormous pressure of winning may contribute to the commitment of computer fraud, especially for spying the business secrets of the largest competitor. The following two external conditions may possibly be linked to SAP’s unwise actions: Oracle’s insufficient security management and an opportunity to conceal the fraud. Oracle has provided the Customer Connection as a supplementary of its service to the customers. However, the semi-open system, which stores countless precious information, does not appear to be equipped with superior security management techniques. A huge defect exists that allows easy access to resources supposed to be protected from outsiders. In terms of the flaw, Oracle may be partially liable of its loss. Even though Oracle’s detection of abnormal access is relatively sensitive, it could not take a step ahead of the crime. Besides, Oracle’s dependence on service website offers the probability to conceal fraud, since comparably less evidence would be left for detection. With technology improvement, computer fraud may become far more difficult to spot in the future (The National Fraud Center, Inc. , 2000). Moreover, the experience of being a casualty of computer crimes might have lifted SAP’s rationalization of being a perpetrator. It is recorded that in 1999, SAP filed a lawsuit against Siebel Systems and claimed of being a victim of the so-called White Collar Crime (Kawamoto, 2007). Additionally, it may be reasonable to recognize the fact that most people in software industries regard the occurrence of computer fraud as homely meals, because almost all businesses in this market have grabbed some most advanced computer techniques, together with some abuse techniques obviously. As a result, SAP’s fraud behavior may not be that severe in the eyes of the decision makers. Hence, accelerate the germination of computer crimes. After fully assessment of why SAP may err, suggestions on how to improve the security of enterprise’s information system will be addressed with reflections of the Case. In the perspective of prevention, several control methods could be considered to raise the security capability of the enterprise’s information systems. First of all, persuade or enforce all employees, even the customers, to use strong password to access to company’s database or service websites (Standler, 2007). Requirement of password changes at regular time intervals would be necessary to prevent some former employees of customers’ company from entering the system, which may exactly Oracle needs. Secondly, restrict physical and remote access to system resources unless the both the log-in ID and IP address are authorized (Backhouse and Dhillon, 1995). Thirdly, safeguard and double encrypt all data and programs. For example, materials on the Customer Connection could be double encrypted so that without further encoding, the downloaded materials would remain useless for non-employees or non-customers. Besides, techniques such as anti-virus software and firewall could to some extent protect the system from worms and viruses attack. Although using the above prevention method could avoid some dispensable loss, perpetrators penetrate everywhere (Romney and Steinbart, 2009). Therefore, an efficient detection system should be ready for any possible incidences. The establishment of a fraud hotline is recommended, which contains the employment of computer security officers, consultants and forensic specialists. The control system will be engaged in monitoring all malicious actions and reporting back as soon as possible. In the Case, Oracle took advantage of its superior detection system and made SAP’s fraud evidence traceable and suppressible (Oracle Corporation, 2007). Despite prevention and detection, there are other preparations could be made ahead of the arrival of any disasters with the intention of reducing the loss caused by computer fraud (Kunz and Wilson, 2004). These routines mainly concern insurance application, recovery plans constitution, material back-up within the whole information system. Furthermore, timely crime reporting to the government crime center and effectively legislative tool using might be helpful for retrieving fairly compensations from perpetrators, as it has been done by Oracle Corporation in the Case. Some ERP market analysts even suspect that the Lawsuit could be a sort of Oracle’s strategy to decrease the competition in the third-party enterprise software maintenance and support market. Whatever the original purpose is, Oracle has achieved benefit from winning the Lawsuit for the current period. To conclude, SAP’s situation has satisfied all of the three conditions presented in Fraud Triangle, some of which heavily depend on industrial environment as well as the design of Oracle’s information system. Thus, objectively, SAP may not liable for all the censure, though it really has been occupied in illicit competition using computer fraud. Oracle could be considered partially responsible for its loss and the sentenced $1. 3 billion seems somewhat too cruel for SAP to bear. Although some experts may argue that the breach of intellectual property is unforgivable culpable negligence, it looks possible for the Court to adjust the amount of penalty towards a more realistic number. Since the next round hearings will not start until July 2011, all the outcomes remain unpredictable (Margan, 2011). It is undeniable that, however, computer fraud could bring about huge losses for the entire society, especially when it is used in economic espionage. In the speeding advancing information century, nearly all of the impossible could be made possible. Consequently, it seems that only the creation of a healthy competition environment, emphasis on business ethics and proper education may aid in bringing down the upward climbing computer crime rate. REFERENCE Anon. (2007) SAP-We Will Aggressively Defend Against Oracle‘s Claims [online]. Ziff Davis Media, United Press International. Available at: [30 April 2011] Anon. (2010) Oracle Awarded $1. 3bn In SAP Data Theft Case [online] 24 November. BBC News. Available at: [28 April 2011] Anon. (2011) SAP Posts Sharp Profit Drop Due To Oracle Lawsuit [online] 26 January. Available at: [29 April 2011] Backhouse,J. and Dhillon,G. (1995) Managing Computer Crime – A Research Outlook [online]. Computer and Security: 14(1995) 645-651. A vailable at: [29 April 2011] Granick,J. S. (n. d. ) Faking It: Calculating Loss In Computer Crime Sentencing [online]. Available at: [1 May 2011] Kawamoto,D. (2007) Oracle Sues SAP On Spying Charges [online] 22 March. CNET News. Available at: [28 April 2011] Kunz,M and Wilson,P. (2004) Computer Crime And Computer Fraud [online]. Available at: [1 May 2011] Margan,T. P. (2011) Oracle, SAP Still Going At It Over TomorrowNow [online] 28 February. Available at: [29 April 2011] Niccolai,J. (2010) SAP: Court Lops $500M Off Oracle’s Potential Damages [online] November. IDG News. Available at: [1 May 2011] Oracle Corporation (2007) Oracle Vs. SAP Lawsuit Complaint [online]. Available at: [28 April 2011] Panorama Consulting Group. (2010) Clash Of The Titans: An Independent Comparison Of SAP Vs. Oracle [online]. Available at: [10 April 2011] PeopleSoft (2011) Oracle vs. SAP [online] 1 May. Available at: [1 May 2011] Romney,M. B. and Steinbart,P. J. 2009) Accounting Information Systems, 11th Ed. Pearson Prentice Hall. Shaw,E. et al. (n. d. ) The Insider Threat To Information Systems: The Psychology Of The Dangerous Insider [online]. Security Awareness Bulletin: No. 2-98. Available at: [29 April 2011] Slappendel,S. (2010) Oracle v. SAP: Highest Damages Awarded For A Copyright Infringement Lawsuit [online]. Available at: [28 April 2011] Standler,R. B. (2007) Tips For Avoiding Computer Crime [online] 25 November. Available at: [29 April 2011] Team,T. (2010) SAP-Oracle Lawsuit Could Weigh On SAP Market Share, Stock Price [online] 14 December. Available at: [29 April 2011] The National Fraud Center, Inc. (2000) The Growing Global Threat Of Economic And Cyber Crime [online] December. Available at: [1 May 2011] APPENDIX: A COPY OF THE NEWS REPORT Oracle awarded $1. 3bn in SAP data theft case 24 November 2010 Last updated at 07:32 GMT Oracle chief executive Larry Ellison testified during the case European software giant SAP has been ordered by a Californian court to pay US rival Oracle $1. 3bn (? 820m) after losing a data theft case. The case revolved around customer-support documents and software stolen by SAP's subsidiary TomorrowNow. Oracle alleged that the German company intended to use the data to poach the 358 customers involved, and demanded $1. 65bn compensation. SAP had claimed it owed only $40m, but the jury decided in Oracle's favour. SAP said it was disappointed with the jury's decision and would look to challenge the verdict. [We will] pursue all available options, including post-trial motions and appeal if necessary,† it said in a statement. It did, however, reiterate that it had made a mistake: â€Å"We regret the actions of TomorrowNow, we have accepted liability, and have been willing to fairly compensate Oracle†. ‘Big dreams' Oracle co-president Safra Catz expressed her satisfa ction with the verdict: â€Å"For more than three years, SAP stole thousands of copies of Oracle software and then resold that software and related services to Oracle's own customers. â€Å"The trial made it clear that SAP's most senior executives

Monday, September 16, 2019

Save Fuel

The higher the speed, the higher the fuel consumption. Slow down, relax, and enjoy the ride. Driving at a moderate speed will always help save fuel. Check tree pressure. Check your tree pressure regularly. Trees lose pressure over time (about 1 SSI per month) due to temperature and other factors. Trees with lower pressure will have more rolling resistance resulting In increased fuel consumption. Filling fuel: The more fuel you have In your tank. The less alarm occupying capacity It will have in the empty space. Petrol evaporates very fast. While filling up fuel, do not squeeze the trigger of the nozzle In a fast mode.If you are pumping on a fast rate, some of the liquid that goes to your tank will become vapor. Accelerate with moderation. If you accelerate speedily and often, the less fuel you save. You should drive with required moderate speed and use your brakes less often to save fuel. Slow speed and attention to regular bumps will serve the purpose. Use stock tree. Before changin g your tree to the modern style thick ones, think again. The more the width, the higher the rolling resistance offered and higher the fuel consumption. Park your vehicles in shade since it will take less time for the car to cool down once you start riving again. SE gears wisely. Higher gears at low speed and vice versa will lead to lose of more fuel. Shift gears carefully and according to the desired speed.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The New Negro by Alain Locke

The essay The New Negro by Alain Locke’s defines what Locke believes to be the â€Å"Old Negro and the â€Å"New Negro. This paper will compare and contrasts Marcus Garvey The Future as I See it and Langston Hughes various poems on why Locke would have characterized them as either Old Negroes, New Negroes, or both. I believe Locke, Garvey , Hughes were determined to see Blacks succeed. Each writer expresses their idea in their own unique way, but they all wanted freedom, equality, and respect. For example, Locke would characterize Garvey as the Old and New Negro.For instance, Garvey writes that it’s time for each person to decide on how they will discover freedom. Garvey writes â€Å"The hour has now struck for the individual Negro as well as the entire race to decide the course that will be pursued in the interest of our own liberty†. (p. 1000) Garvey was writing his views on the future as he saw it. He wanted blacks to know now it’s your time to decide which path you want to take and you have the freedom to do so. Also, Locke writes â€Å"The Negro today is inevitably moving forward under the control largely of his own objectives†. (p. 89) Blacks are achieving their goals because ‘ is something they desired on their own. Also, Garvey informs the Negro that their will be people who will try to discourage you from reaching the freedom you so desperately want. Garvey writes, â€Å" Some trying to capitalize the new spirit that has come to the Negro to make profit out of it to their own selfish benefit; some are trying to set back the Negro from seeing the hope of own liberty†¦ â€Å"(p. 1001). In spite of, what the white men might think or feel on how far Negros will get in life, we must not listen and believe what they feel.Garvey writes â€Å"white men may laugh at the idea of Negroes talking about government; but let me tell you there is going to be a government†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (p. 1002) Garvey writes to the Ne w Negroes that we can’t let anyone plant a seed in our minds and our spirit that we can not achieve the same goals that the white man wants. This is a new day for us and we are going to embrace this new beginning and let no one stop us for achieving our goals. In addition, Garvey writes to the New Negroes about the vision he sees for them.He reminds them that God created them and because of this you are special and do not allow anyone to tell you differently. Garvey writes, â€Å"Remember that you are men, that God created you Lords of this creation. Nonetheless, Garvey’s vision for Negroes was that we can do anything that we set our minds to regardless of the circumstances that we could face. Garvey writes, â€Å" Let no man pull you down, let no man destroy your ambition, because man is but your companion, your equal; man is your brother; he is not your lord; he is not your sovereign master†. p. 1003) Garvey’s vision to the Negroes was that man is not the one you live for, God is the one who will be their with you to the end and he will never leave you. Also, Locke would characterize Hughes poems as New and Old Negroes. First, in Hughes’s poem Mother to Son; a mother is telling her son that her journey through life has not been easy, but she will not give up. Hughes writes â€Å" Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair. † (p. 1292) This mother is telling her son her life has not been easy but she is still standing.The mother wanted her son to know no matter how hard times may become don’t you give up. Hughes writes â€Å"So boy, don’t you turn back. † Locke and Hughes both were sending the same message; they both were determined to see blacks succeed. Next, Hughes poem I Too relates to a young black man who believes that he is beautiful and one day everybody will notice this. â€Å"They send me to eat in the kitchen When company comes, But I laugh, And eat well, And grow strong. † (p. 295) The young man will go quietly and he will dream about the day when he will be able to sit at the table with everybody and they will notice he is a beautiful person. Hughes writes â€Å"Tomorrow, I’ll be at the table When company comes. Nobody†ll dare Say to me, â€Å"Eat in the kitchen,† Also, in the Theme for English B by Hughes I believe Locke would have characterized this to the New Negro. It was about a young color-man who was only colored student in his English class. His instructor asked the class go home and write something that is true and it will let you know who you really are.The young color boy wanted his instructor to know that even though they both might not want to be part of each other world, they both could learn from each other. I believe Locke, Garvey, and Hughes all shared similar values and views about the New Negro and Old Negro. All of them told their stories in different ways, but they all told their in own unique way. Finally, a ll three authors wanted to express how they believed that we can reach our goals regardless of any obstacles that may stand in our way. Sharise Williams Literature-125 Professor Crowe.

Global Stratification and the World Order

Requirement One: â€Å"Global Stratification and the World Order† 1. )After reading what John Perkins had to say I really had to second guess my understanding and acceptance of our government. I did not realize how far the government is willing to go to ensure the world order and economic structure is always stacked in our country’s favor. I thought we were the country to help other countries out. The government does this, but makes it so the countries we are assisting are forever in debt to us, giving us what we want.We all seem to want to believe that we have a great government system but does tricking vulnerable countries and making them â€Å"slaves† to our economy sound like a caring strategy? I would have to say no. It was interesting to read from John Perkins that they will go through different levels of people until someone does the job and manipulates the other country or people. If those people do not succeed, then young men and women soldiers are broug ht forward to win the fight like they are doing in Iraq. This is pathetic. The government will put many peoples’ lives on the line just so they can have their way.After this information was brought to my attention, it made me and is making me feel very insecure about the government I live my life by. I love my country but the government is a completely different situation for me now. 2. ) American corporations keep our government alive and going. I say this because so many of our corporations look for cheap labor and other costs in different countries around the world that are vulnerable to our power. These American corporations will have their factors in other countries and control their workers. Then they can manipulate them and help out the government.For example, an American corporation like Target has a factory in Mexico. There might be some time of political thing going on in Mexico and a politician may be in favor to giving some control over the Mexico to the U. S. So Target will somehow bribe or persuade their workers to like this certain politician, giving the U. S. government what they want. This might me a dramatic situation but I believe it is happening. When I go to Target and buy a shirt I do not think about where it came from, what kind of environment it was made in, or who the people were who made it. American corporations can use their power against the government.If the government does not allow them to look elsewhere for cheap labor then they will no longer be funded and supported by that corporation along with other disadvantages. That could cause a domino effect with other corporations seeing this. It would simply tear our government apart. The government may be manipulating other countries but American corporations are the ones manipulating them. I always see commercials on TV, encouraging American citizens to help out others less fortunate in other countries. Sometimes the people that put on these commercials are American corporat ions.Those corporations have factors in other countries and are making it worse for that they are trying to â€Å"help†. It is a big act that the corporations put on to make it look like that they are not at fault; they are trying to fix things†¦ha. No matter where a corporation goes, labor is labor. Just because they move their factors to a poor country does not mean that the workers deserve less. They make surviving worse on them because they pay them nothing and never change it. Workers will work countless, harsh hours to make a tiny bit causing them to be mentally and physically ill.American corporations will promote help for the people that they are hurting. This is a concept that sadly I just figured out. 3. )No one should ever be murdered just for not agreeing and â€Å"going along with the program†. I would just go with it because I know how powerful the government is and I would not want to die. There have been many leaders and people of other countries w ho have not agreed with what the U. S. was trying to do with their country so they decided to put their foot down. Those people would usually end up dead or somehow their reputation got destroyed so they wished they were dead. It is a cycle that is hard to stop.People get scared of others who have power. That is horrible that power has to be used against people. I understand that this world is survival of the fittest but it is not a game to see who can win. It has been made into a game though and many people and countries lose against our government. The U. S. wins for all the wrong reasons. I understand that murder could be the answer if that person hurts our county in any way but I suppose they were just trying to make a stand in the wrong way. When I think about it I cannot think of how we can get out of this situation. How do I as a citizen of the U. S. ake our government stop this? I believe it will take a nation of citizens to realize this and make a change. 4. )The world†™s social class order is set up the exact same way as the United States’ social class. The dominant wealthy ones run the world while the rest of us live underneath them. In many social classes in the world the upper class has been distinguished by the possession of largely inherited wealth, while the working class has consisted mostly of manual laborers and semiskilled or unskilled workers, often in service industries, which earn moderate or low wages and have little access to inherited wealth.The middle class includes the middle and upper levels of clerical workers, those engaged in technical and professional occupations, supervisors and managers, and such self-employed workers as small-scale shopkeepers, businesspeople, and farmers. There is also often class permanently jobless and underemployed workers called the underclass. All of these things are related to our social system. I do not think the world has mimicked us but the U. S. has mimicked the world. We are a fairly younger country compared to others who also have had social classes sense their beginning.I do believe that when a nation changes their ways of social class sometimes others do too. The U. S. has much more equality in the social classes so other countries have seen how it works so they will make changes to their social class. The world social class as one has distinct social classes just like ours does. There are some differences though. The world social class seems to be ran more by the upper very wealthy social classes. These classes are made up of heirs that have lots of money. There are many countries who have families that have lots and lots of money.Our higher social classes do have heirs in them but I think many have made it to success and made lots of money. Social classes in the world have distinct different classes which I think we do to but there is a more mixture in each class. Sometimes people in upper class can also be categorized in the middle class, for example. 5. )Sense our world is getting older, goods and certain things are becoming limited. Each country has something that is known to them. A certain good that is in high demand is oil, for example. World political order has a lot to do with this subject.It is obvious that people who have money and are higher up in social stratification can manipulate each other which mean the average person just goes along with it. The United States has inequality as well as the rest of the world. Sometimes things that bring in money and power is more important to the ones that run each country. They will choose this over getting food to their starving citizens or put more labor into their country than into something else. I mostly am talking about the example given†¦oil. I think it is a product that holds lot of power and money. The people that have power over others, high social class people, ight over it all the time. Like I said before, countries will choose to put all of their time, energy and mo ney into the production or buying of oil. OPEC nations have this power over the rest of the world and fight against the other OPEC nations. They can easily bargain with the United States and manipulate us to give something, pay a certain amount or even sacrifice something that belongs to the citizens. It seems to me that due to economic sanctions Iran has been completely shut, both in and out. This is due to the United States and the power it has, to make their economy suffer so they can gain control.Other countries have followed along and that is why Iran’s economy has gotten worse. Requirement Two: â€Å"Move over U. S. A. -Our Biggest Economic Threats† 1. )From my research I found that China is one of the two countries that holds the biggest threat to the United States. China is second from the United States in gross domestic product at over $11trillion and gaining on the U. S. according to aneki. com (2012). GDP in the monetary value of all the finished goods and s ervices produced within a country's borders in a specific time period, usually calculated annually.The United States does have a higher GDP put China is growing on us and is determined to make more things and give out more services. This does not have to with economics but China’s education system is far better than the United States. Producing smarter people makes a better economy because those people are the ones that work for the economy making it better. United States is far away from have the same educational level as China, so this also poses a threat to us. China’s defense system is also growing towards our strong defense system.With recent reports of China’s threats to our nation it shows the tension and competition they have with us. India falls in next after China with the GDP at $4. 5 trillion. Their economy thriving. Even though $6. 5 trillion dollars from them to us with seems low, it really is not in this sense. Their economy has completely turned around in the past years and they could pass China then us any day. Like China, their education system is also thriving and becoming great. According to americaprogress. org (2013), by 2017 India will graduate 20 million people from high school.That is 5 times more than the United States. I think that India is not only getting richer but making extreme changes. Forty percent of India families survived on only $1. 25 a day. They are changing this through their education system by getting more children through school. It shows the drive for success this country has and how it can go from underdog to top dog. I know I really emphasized the educational success that China and India has been having but I believe that plays a huge factor in the future of our economy and position in the world.More educated people can bring bigger, brighter, and smarter decisions for things that deal with the economy. I am not saying that we as Americans are stupid but we need to push for better education to better ourselves. It may be an awakening for the United States. China and India’s rising GDP also shows that the two countries are making a better economy for themselves but this could cause problem for the United States. This causes a lot of pressure on us because it is coming close to the day when we are not the top dogs anymore.The government has to make careful decisions because knowing that 12% of our debt is owned by foreign countries could cause them to lose even more power. That 12% is a lot and with China and India becoming more powerful, that could become 100%. We could go from the top and powerful country to the slave to many countries. This would be a horrible situation but it could be a learning process for us. We have seen many 2nd rated countries go through some harsh things and somehow survive. Maybe as a nation we need a taste of this especially our government because they often take our society for granted.This may be a bit drastic for me to say but it is h ow I view it. References used in Requirement Two: (2012) http://www. aneki. com/largest_economies. html Cooper, Donna (2013) http://www. americanprogress. org/issues/economy/report/2012/08/21/11983/the-competition-that-really-matters/ Requirement Three: â€Å"Helping Developing Countries† Out of the theories I researched, I think that the dependency theory offers the best explanation for global stratification. This theory contends that the main reason why low-income countries are poor is because they are controlled by high-income countries.These countries exploit and dominate them. I think this is the perfect theory because it shows how much rich countries, especially the U. S. , take control of poor countries and make lives worse for the citizens. This is what this whole assignment is somewhat about†¦the power and control our nation has. Rich nations have a large amount of power by exporting jobs overseas, manipulating foreign aid, draining less powerful countries of th eir resources, and persuading or tricking national governments to comply their interests. This is what I have been discussing for part of my paper.Through this theory high-income countries benefit because the poor provide cheap labor and are no powerful enough to protest. I really believe that this shows how are world is ran. The government says they are helping other countries but really hurting them. The government I think wants to help less advantage countries but the thought of power, money, and being scared gets to them so they keep on manipulating other governments. This theory shows how global stratification works in this world and how it needs to change. The U. S. s not the only powerful country who falls under the dependency theory, other ones do and some are even worse. I believe that if we delete this theory and change global stratification, our problem with poverty in this world will stop. Christine Monnier (2011) from globalsociology. com says that dependency theory als o shows that the degree of dependency increases as time goes on. Wealthy countries are able to use their wealth to further influence developing nations into adopting policies that increase the wealth of the wealthy nations, even at their own expense.At the same time, they are able to protect themselves from being turned on by the developing nations, making their system more and more secure as time passes. Capital continues to migrate from the developing nations to the developed nations, causing the developing nations to experience a lack of wealth, which forces them to take out larger loans from the developed nations, further indebting them. This theory shows how bad countries manipulate each other and is also a never ending process. Reference used in Requirement Three: Christine, Monnier 2011 https://globalsociology. bworks. com/w/page/14711295/Theories%20of%20Global%20Stratification Requirement Four: â€Å"Open†¦. Yes†¦. ,But How Open? † a. After looking over my m atrix when I filled it out I noticed a few things. From my understanding and how I thought my matrix should be done I realized that each class of people is closed. Once a person is in a class, it is hard to be categorized into another by society. A person may go from manager to CEO and that would make them have more money and supposedly change their class. It is harder than that though.It is like what we talked about previously in our book, when society makes a stereotype there is no way to get out of that. I also noticed that I gave each class a certain annual income but after looking at it I think I was too low with each one. I thought that making $35,000 a year is middle class. I thought about it and that is more for the working class. It just shows that the modern society has changed and many people do not realize what â€Å"category† they are in. I also realized that while I filled it out I made it look like ever class besides upper and capitalist had no life or leisure time but actually their the happiest ones.Just because a person does not have a lot of money does not mean they are unhappy. Again, the stereotypical thought I had about each class got to me. After revising I would change a few things on my matrix. b. )The lower social classes are impacted hard by the out society’s stereotypical thought, like I said before. This is a huge obstacle these classes and it is hard for them to pass. It is also obvious to me that when a family is stuck in a lower class it is harder for them to get out of it within the next couple of generations.When a family does not have the means of sending their children to college, then usually that child will have to stay in the lower class because they cannot afford it either. This does not affect the poverty class but the working class and even the middle class as well. Lower class families also face the block of having a steady home. Due to money shortages, they have to move a lot going from house to house o r apartment. It seems to me that if you do not make a certain outrageous amount of money each year, then you will never get out and move up from your social class.The wealthy keep it this way by gaining more power while most of our society is trying to survive. I think that the rich have a lot of power in politics. They will sponsor and give money to politicians who agree with the way they think our society should be or keep it where it is at. Most politicians are wealthy anyways so they already know what to do. They are not there for the citizens but only for the wealthy citizens. They want to gain more power and money. It is all one big greedy cycle. Most wealthy people are good at building the people below them up, just to knock them down again.Like when huge corporations make expensive and big factors then higher people, then they turn around and lay off hundreds of workers because they cannot pay them. The wealthy want the best and to be the best so they overlook how much money they should be spending and then the workers are the ones to get damaged from it. Everywhere you go you can see how the wealthy make sure that the lower class people do not move up in class. For example, in the education system if you do not have the name, the money, or the power then you cannot attend some schools like the Ivey League schools.Tuition is pricey and is always going up. Who do you think raises that? Wealthy, greedy people do who have power to do that. Other classes have been created by the wealthy so when people of lesser class make more money they just move up to a little to the next class and are still far away from wealthy. Unless you somehow magically get millions and billions of dollars, it is very hard and usually not even an option to move up in class. The wealthy put us there and will not let us move. c. )I believe that social mobility plays a huge role in how I can understand the matrix I made.In my previous paragraphs I talked about intergenerational mobili ty (moving up or down the class hierarchy relative to the position of one’s parents). This is what I see happens a lot in our society. It is all about our last name, the money we hold, and the power we have just by the genes we are made up of. Intragenerational mobility (moving up or down the class hierarchy over one’s lifetime) does happen but from my matrix I think that people move down way more than they move up in class. I do not think it has always been this way but this is the way it is in our modern society.From reading about meritocracy (a belief that individual are rewarded for what they do and how well rather than on the basis of their ascribed status), it should be incorporated into our society and social class system way more than what it is now. This thought is just from my own beliefs and from studying how I filled out my matrix. People should not be punished or get rewarded through their ascribed status. I do not like using the term â€Å"ascribed statu s† because we all are our own individuals and should not be identified by our status.This reminds me of what we learned and wrote about from our first reflection paper. I like the idea that the Davis-Moore thesis (the functionalist view that social stratification benefits a society) has but I do not think it is implemented into our social class at all. From my view, social classes are negative but from this theory it is a positive thing. I believe that the people who need to understand this theory and make it work are the higher class people because they are the ones manipulating everything. After then accept it, we can then take advantage of our social stratification.I also believe that the use of corporate welfare (an array of direct subsidies, tax breaks, and assistance that the government has created for businesses) should be stopped because this is one of the many big parts to keeping lower class people where they are at. Instead of helping them out, the government will h elp the corporations out so they can keep their power and money. Helping them first makes sure that the government will still be supported and backed up as well. It is a never ending cycle to keep the poor†¦poor and the rich†¦richer. d. In my life time I would like have social mobility to move me up in class, just like everyone else would like. The first obstacle I cross is of course money. My parents have always helped me to get over this block because they pay for my college and support me with my living. This has helped me to focus on school and get good graded while having a part time job. I believe that getting through college is the first step for me to go up in social class. I also have picked a career in nursing which is a career that holds security and it is easy to advance in. I think that is a probably with today’s society.People choose jobs that they would like to have but most of them are unsteady with not very many openings and the chance of being laid off. Through college I can get my LPN, ADN, and BSN. Each degree can get me more money and more flexibility with the chance to increase my education. When I become a nurse I have to find the best area that can pay me the best and of course I have to like it. Once I am married and have a life I would like to have horizontal mobility (moving from one position to the another at the same class level) because it is not all about the money and class for me, I just want a happy life.This is just the way I would like everything to turn out in my life but after filling out my matrix I realized that this may not happen. As time will go one, society most likely will get worse and it will be even a bigger struggle to have social mobility. All I can do is set goals and try to achieve them but if I end up in a lower social class then I will have to accept that because it is not about my ascribed status with the little power and little money I have but how I live my life. All I can do is hope for the best. Requirement Five: â€Å"Socialism- American Style† a. I think that we will not come to terms with what our society is really like. I think that most of us dream and strive to have money and power because that is what America is all about. This is the country where your dreams can become true and you can live happily ever after. This is a great â€Å"idea† to have but it is not reality. Most poor people believe do not believe that the rich have put them there. Some do know this and try to fight it though. Rich people will help the poor but behind their backs they are just taking advantage of them. Most of us do not realize what is going on.I understand that this is the way it is because it is hard to know what the truth is†¦who to believe? Both rich and poor do not realize what truly is going on and how manipulating power and money is for both sides of the fence. It is a problem in a society that should be fixed but it is hard to find the first step to t hat. b. )Our nation’s welfare system I think helps the poor out a lot but maybe too much. This is how the rich can keep the poor poor. By allowing the poor to have an easy option to get welfare from the government, it enables them to try to better their lives.I do think that there are many poor people in American who need the help and take it while trying to give them a better life but there is also people who take advantage of it. It should become stricter with routine checks of how they are bettering themselves so they sometime will not have to use welfare. I explained this a little in this past week’s online discussion. By allowing more free money to the poor, this takes toll on the average American because they pay the taxes that fund the welfare system. More money allowed to the poor means more taxes being taken away from hard working people.It is a touchy subject because for some poor people it is hard to get out of poverty due to many factors and as a country we should help one another out. The welfare system does help many poor people but they should be pushed to get out of welfare and strive for better. If there are less people on welfare then this could take some power and control away from wealthy and powerful people. c. )I think that socialized medicine should be placed in our society. The health of each of us should be important to ourselves and also to our government.Medicine is a growing industry and with new technology and ideas it can help more people. Sadly though, many American cannot afford healthcare because they are not covered. After researching, I found that Obama-care has more pros than cons. I decided that I agree with it. Obama-care has been incorporated into our society for few years now and changes are happening, they are just taking time to be seen. According to Obamacarefacts. com, sense 2010 over 100 million American citizens have benefited from Obama-care.Its goal is to provide affordable health insurance for all US citizens and to reduce the growth in health care spending. Expensive health care means insurance companies are making more money when also means that the wealthy owners are gaining power. Obama-care may be what our nation needs for socialized medicine but it will take some time to figure it out. From my view, I think that we are on the right track and Obama-care has out us there. Being able to access cheaper healthcare or even just being able to get medical needs for everyone takes a lot of stress off of every citizen from rich to poor. . )In a perfect world I think that people over the age of 65 should have totally free medical care. I wish this could really happen but I do not think it ever will. I think that there might be a time where they pay very little for their medical care though. As a nation, we should strive to make the rest of their elderly lives comfortable because they have worked hard to get where they are at. Some elderly people have not worked very hard though an d those are the people who should be charged for their medical services. I think that when you put in the time you should get rewarded.There somehow needs to be a system where the government can tell how much time and effort that person has put into their jobs. This is kind of a crazy idea because it is hard to determine that we farmers or housewives for example who put countless hours into working and living for their family. Like I said before, I do not think that there will be a day where people older than 65 have free health care but we can aim to decrease their amount of paying as much as possible. I know when I reach that time in my life I will not want to be concerned about how much money I have to pay for healthcare.I would rather be thanked for all of my hard working hours that I gave to my community through cheaper healthcare. e. )I think that our society should incorporate more socialism because we are one nation so we should live as one. Many people are struggling in our society to survive and I think we need to come together to help one another out through forms of socialism. We should look at it as not being ran by the government but working together to benefit our nation not just ourselves as individual.I think that the education system should be available for all, from elementary through college. We should work as one unit to better educate our children. There also needs to be less power from the government and more power given to the people. It is basically what I have been saying throughout this whole paper. There needs to be equality through money and power going from each social class. I think my whole point of my paper is that socialism should be more incorporated into our society. Reference used in Requirement Five: (2010) http://obamacarefacts. com/obamacare-facts. php