Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Great Depression Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

The Great Depression - Essay Example As the research declares most farmers and companies hence began to incur losses and default on their loans. The situation got worse after some parts of the nation were hit by a terrible drought. America was also operating on a laissez-faire economic policy that did not impose any regulations on businesses. Most companies paid low wages to their workers leading to uneven wealth distribution. The above factors coupled with the fact that Europe was also going through the depression led to an increased decline in the market for American products. It led to the closure of businesses, increase in debts, massive unemployment, and foreclosure of banks. The final blow resulted from the collapse of the New York stock market that led to the loss of billions of dollars of investor money. As the report stresses President Hoover tried to end the economic crisis by encouraging cooperation between government and business, establishing government agencies, fostering labor harmony and attempting to balance the budget. He refused to involve the federal government in manipulating the currency, fixing prices or controlling businesses. He also refused to use federal money to give direct aid citizens hence operated on the principle of rugged individualism. President Franklin Roosevelt, on the other hand, held a much more liberal philosophy as he believed the federal government was required to step in and give direct aid to its people.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Chapter 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Chapter 1 - Essay Example Diagnoses by medical practitioners are also not correct, absolutely, and some conditions are misdiagnosed or are not diagnosed at all (Improvements in Healthcare p3). One of the implications of Princess Alexandra Hospital researchers’ finding is that it might reassure internet users of the reliability of Google and the internet at general in self-diagnosis. Many people are increasingly resorting to the internet to find out their possible medical conditions despite warnings about its unreliability and Google’s high success rate for diagnosis might change this perception. The other implication is that Google might now compete more favorably with other trusted internet sites used for self-diagnosis. MedLinePlus is one such site that is trusted by many online users for information because the National Library of Medicine manages it (Improvements in Healthcare p3). An important implication for Google’s 57percent success rate is that if continually refined, the internet can serve as a complementary and alternative diagnostic tool. The contemporary world has become increasingly dependent on the internet that has traversed many aspects of life and medical field is not an exception. The reservations that most medical practitioners have with the internet as a diagnostic tool should be countered by improving on its shortcomings. After all, to many, the internet is more accessible than a medical practitioner is. Medical practitioners should therefore not feel threatened by the internet. Rather, they should embrace and incorporate it in their practice (Improvements in Healthcare p3). Google’s success case demonstrates the potential of the internet in helping to provide more people with access to healthcare with minimal costs. Hospital settings are limited by space and time required to accommodate and attend to all the patients seeking treatment. These deny physicians quality time with every patient and this is something that can countered by using the internet.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Performance Appraisal System In British Airways Commerce Essay

The Performance Appraisal System In British Airways Commerce Essay Effective People resources include not only the acquisition of quantity and quality of people, as well as management employees to endorse that performance is constantly reviewed, and at a level that meets the objectives of the organization. It is important that employees should know what is expected from of them, not only in terms of roles and responsibilities, but also in terms of performance. The research proposal involves mainly the performance appraisal system of British Airways. The study aims to analyze the performance, evaluation, monitoring, hearten and build up and improve their effectiveness, in turn contributes to the success of the organization. Performance appraisal includes an assessment of the employee, opinion for people and confrontation, as productivity can be improved. Definition of performance appraisal: Managing people at work of all fears in the management of the interaction between what is inside people have the human potential, and the inclination and needs, and the fact that in the work, i.e. quantity and quality output, and the satisfaction that people can get from their work. By BSPS 2003 expertise is regularly record the evaluation of the employee, the potential and development needs. Certification is an opportunity to take an overview of the work content, loads and volume, to look at what was achieved during the reporting period and agree objectives for the next Reference Organization: The structure of the worlds leading airline focused on improving operational efficiency and financial fit, In order to achieve strategic objectives. British Airways is necessary to measure HR performance in business and make their managers abide the responsibility for the delivery of objectives. British Airways is the UKs largest international scheduled airline, flying more than 550 destinations at convenient times, to the best located airports. Whether customers in the air or on the ground, British Airways is proud of providing a full service experience. British Airways group consists of British Airways PLC and a number of subsidiaries, including, in particular, British Airways Holidays Limited and British Airways Travel Shops Limited. __________________________________   Ã‚  Consultation, conciliation and arbitration (2003 employees Appraisal) Performance measurement and objective: My purpose of the study is to analyze and evaluate the activities of British Airways evaluation and performance management system, which is used to measure the effectiveness of staff I developed the following questions about the support of my statement of the problem: What is an appraisal management system, which is used in British Airways? What is the difference between the performance appraisal management in British Airways? What tools, techniques and standards, British Airways uses to analyze and evaluate effectiveness? As British Airways can increase their efficiency, quality, motivation and employee satisfaction? Objectives: There are a few goals of my research: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Measuring performance against goals and objectives, ie what has been achieved à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Measuring the performance of core competencies, ie how it was achieved à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Feedback results à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ To improve communication and understanding between managers and staff à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ identification of functions that need to be improved à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ recognition and validation of performance à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ To fulfill the goals and objectives à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Identification of key competencies Literature Review 2,1 PAS: PAS is the official system, which assesses the quality organization.The managing people at work are most concerned about controlling the interaction between what is inside people have the human potential, aptitude and needs, and that in the work, ie quantity and quality of output, and the satisfaction that people can get from their work. People go to work, to apply their capabilities, inclinations and needs to target the organization of production of goods and services in the economic quantity and quality. To assess how well they perform in the organization to achieve its objectives is assessing effectiveness. According to official Gluck evaluation is a system created at the plant regularly and systematically assess the work of employees Although Kenney, Donnelly and Reed defined it as assessment of the employee on his staff strengths and weaknesses On the other hand, Anderson describes the performance appraisal as a tool for learning and development, he said if the strengths and weaknesses of the employee, not known, it would be only a coincidence that development efforts will be directed in the right direction. By BSPS 2003 expertise is regularly record the evaluation of the employee, the potential and development needs. Certification is an opportunity to take an overview of the work content, loads and volume, to look at what was achieved during the reporting period and agree objectives for the next Fletcher and Williams (in 1985) went even further. They said that judging people is not the only thing they do when they evaluate the effectiveness of rights. They believe that there are actually two conflicting roles, participating in the evaluation, ie, the referee and assistant. This certification can be seen, at least in theory, but a process that brings together all the various approaches to managing performance and allows managers to implement them. This procedure, which can both reward and discipline, through which employees can be a coach and counseling, as well as vehicles through which improvements in productivity can be negotiated. a.d.b.p p author. name. Place of publication, publisher What 2,2 PAS? PAS involves the identification, measurement and management of human activities in the organization, as shown in Figure 1.1 Figure 1.1: Model evaluation 2.2.1 Identification: This means determining the direction of the manager should consider when measuring performance. The first step in the implementation of the evaluation process is to determine what to measure. It must be rational and legally justified on the basis of analysis work. The process of determining the performance dimensions very similar to the work of the analysis. The evaluation system should focus on performance, which affects the organizational success, not the performance is irrelevant characteristics such as race, age or sex. Definition of performance measurement is one of the most important steps in the process of certification. If you missed, it will demoralize the staff, because he will not be recognized in this dimension. In addition, if a value dimension included employees may perceive the process as meaningless. 2.2.2 Units of measurement: The second part of the evaluation is to measure employee performance. This entails making management decisions, as good or employee Bad was or is. The good results of the measurements should be consistent throughout the organization. All managers in the organization must maintain comparable standards of evaluation. Measuring employee involves assigning number reflects the performance of the employee to determine characteristics or dimensions. In general, this measurement is to determine the level of performance to judge the quantity, quality, timeliness and / or economic performance with a set of standards. For example, what has been achieved? It can also serve as a basis for determining when these achievements deserve special recognition. It is difficult to quantify the performance measurements. E.g. Creativity can be one of the important aspects of the advertising copywriter, but the measure creativity is difficult. How can you measure creativity? This is the number of ads written year The number of ads win industry awards, Or any other criterion? These are some of the issues that managers will face when trying to assess the effectiveness of the employee. 2.2.3 Management: The Office is the main objective of any evaluation system. Score more than in the past-oriented activities, which criticizes or praises employees for their work in the previous year, rather, an assessment should perspective view of the fact that the employee can do to realize their potential in the organization. This means that the manager must ensure that workers with feedback and coach them to higher levels of productivity. 2,3 is the difference between the results of evaluation and performance management It is usually assumed that the performance appraisal is the same as Performance Management. But there are significant differences. PAS is an important part of performance management. This in itself is not performance, but is one of the tools that can be used to manage performance. First, we must understand the word performance. What does that word mean? It is important to clarify what it means. There are different views on that performance. Bates and Holton said that The performance of a multidimensional construct, the measurement of which varies depending on various factors. Kane (1996) argues that performance is that people leave behind and that there is a separate form of goals. According to Al Bernadine and others performance should be defined as the work because they provide a strong connection with the strategic objectives of the organization, customer satisfaction and economic contribution. The initial value of productivity in the Oxford Dictionary is the achievement, performance, conduct, develop anything ordered or undertaken. From this we can pass on performance of doing the work, as well as about the result achieved. As productivity Campbell behavior, and should be distinguished from the result, because the behavior may be infected system factors A more complete picture of the performance behavior of hugs and out forward. It is well placed Brumbrach:   Performance means that both behaviors and results. The behavior comes from the artist and transform the performance of abstraction to action. Not only documents the results, the behavior and results in themselves a product of mental and physical effort in relation to problems and can judge, except the results. Now we know that the performance of both inputs (the behavior) and outputs (results) groups, individual or organization. PAS can be defined as a formal evaluation and assessment of people on their heads. On the other hand performance on the management of the organization. This strategy that we are talking about broader issues and long-term goals. Performance management is a natural process management rather than systems or equipment. Armstrong and Baron (1998) to determine the effectiveness of management, such as: The process, which contributes to the effective management of individuals and groups in order to achieve a high level of organizational effectiveness. Thus, it establishes a common understanding of what needs to be achieved, and the approach to leading and developing people who will ensure this is achieved. According to Armstrong, Baron (1998) Performance management should be a device or means to ensure that managers of good governance. Managers must ensure that individuals or groups they manage: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Know and understand what is expected of them. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Have the skills necessary to meet these expectations. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Supports the organization in developing the capacity to meet these expectations. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ We give feedback. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Be able to discuss and contribute to individual and team goals and objectives. The differences between them, and summed up Armstrong and Baron are in Table 1.1 Performance evaluation of management effectiveness From top to bottom evaluation of a collaborative process based on dialogue The annual assessment meeting constant review with one or more formal reviews Use of estimates Rating least Monolithic System Flexible process The focus on quantitative goals focus on values and behavior, as well as goals Often linked to pay less likely to be a direct link to pay Bureaucratic complex documents Documentation kept to a minimum Owner The owner of the personnel department line manager

Friday, October 25, 2019

Momma Lowrider: Sandra Teran of Dukes Car Club :: Essays Papers

Momma Lowrider: Sandra Teran of Duke's Car Club On Easter Sunday of last year, the sound of gunfire, then police sirens, interrupted the music booming from the cars on South Sixth Avenue. Three people died and six were injured in two separate shootings that occurred within an hour of each other on the street crowded with cars and people (Stauffer). This event reinforced the way the public often views cruisers: as violent juveniles or gang-bangers engaging in a dangerous, vain activity. The violence of Easter Sunday, however, does not typify cruising or cruisers. Cruising - and the intense work that goes into making a car, especially a lowrider, truly "cruise-worthy" - offers an alternative to violence and gangs. Often, a car club helps with the work of customizing a ride, giving the owner advice on how to get the look of the car just right. Duke's Car Club has been one of the most popular and visible car clubs in Tucson since it was founded forty years ago (Teran 10/8/01). Sandra Teran, a member of Duke's Car Club, represents an a spect of cruising and car clubs that few people are aware of: family involvement and community pride. When it comes to cruising, lowriders star in the show, and have for the last thirty years. "Lowrider" signifies any automobile, from trucks to cars to motorcycles, customized to ride low to the ground. The asphalt-scraping suspension isn't the only alteration; the cars often sport elaborate paint jobs, expensive wire rimmed wheels, plush upholstery, and tough hydraulics systems. The cars' owners, also called lowriders, display their cars by cruising slowly down the street or exhibiting them at car shows. Despite the time and money put into a lowrider, lowriding is not just about the cars. It is also about family and community, as Sandra Teran explained to me when I interviewed her. Sandra is prominent in the lowriding community, and driving up to her home I could see why. Three classic luxury cars sat in the driveways, their meticulous paint gleaming. The love for all things classic extends to the inside of her home; two jukeboxes stand by the front door and a photo of one of her son s wearing a zoot suit hangs on the wall. I arrived a few minutes early for our interview, and Sandra had gone to pick up one of her grandchildren, so I sat and waited.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Mystery of disappearing oil Essay

1. Assume the role of Fuad, the accountant. What changes, if any, would you recommend, in the management of the petrol station, to Mat Jon? Why? Be as explicit as possible. The recommendation regarding to the management of the petrol station can divide into three major part, which is recording management, inventory management, and internal control. Because these problems can be directly or indirectly affect the performance of the business. In order to well managing a business, a skillful person with managerial aptitudes and ethical behavior are required. However, the person who carrying the day-to-day operation of the business, Jamel, does not possessed it. RECORDING MANAGEMENT Inaccurate amount in sales collection Based on the cases, the Mat Jon found out that the sales collection was greatly different for the beginning of July and ending of the July. The sales figures for first two days were reasonable good, it was around RM32, 000ï ¼Å'but it was dropped significantly in the end of the month, which is drop to RM14, 000 in 31st July. In 1st of July, the daily pump sales of unleaded petrol are RM34, 458.68, however, it already exceed the total sales of the day which amounting to RM 32, 220.40. Since the Mat Jon does not able to seek the explanation from his nephew, i suspect there is high possibility sales was take place, but may be intentionally or unintentionally omitted recording. Recommendation: I would suggest Mat Jon make a proper reconciliation between the sales recorded, physical balance of unleaded petrol and bank statement in order to found out the missing amount. Exceeding of the overdraft amount The petrol station facing the shortage of cash and this is showed on the exceed limit of the bank overdraft. Compare the daily cash sales receive with the amount in the bank statement, it showed that the cash sales that deposit into the bank are lower than the actual sales. The overdraft limit  is only RM20, 000, but they already overdraft for RM 21, 019.42. From the sales collection report, most of the sales is deemed from cash, so it is less likely the petrol station will facing the shortage of cash. It may be either have theft of cash or intentionally manipulation by Jamel since the Jamel was felt nervous when Mat Jon questioning him. Recommendation: Mat Jon should reconcile all the cash received against the sales, and this could be done in daily. In addition, Mat Jon should consider installing a CCTV all around the petrol station in order to prevent theft of cash by unethical staff. INVENTORY MANAGEMENT Inaccurate amount in stock balance report In addition, from the stock balance report, we found that the balance of the stock in the report is lower than the actual balance that the company should have. There are some shortfalls in the physical balance of the unleaded petrol. Jamel, who in charge in the petrol stationï ¼Å'should have responsible on the stock balances, so I assume that Jamel might be manipulate the figure in the stock balance report in order to gain self-interest. For example, he was paying out the cheque without obtaining any stock. Recommendation: Matching the purchase order (PO), delivery order (DO), and invoices when payment is made. Mat Jon should track back all the supporting documents in order to ensure the payment is made for the petrol purchased. In addition, this is related to the proper segregation of duties. Mat Jon should not give all the right and authority to Jamel. Increased in cost of sales while the sales are dropping over years Based on the trend analysis report, the cost of sales was increasing over years but the sales were decline significantly. One of the possibilities is that the inflation causes the cost of petrol increase and so leads to the decreasing in profit. But this assumption is less possible in this case. This is because the performance of recent year could not reasonably explain the increased cost. This might due to Jamel reported the cost of petrol at  higher price and gain the differences for himself or, he transferred the cost to the customer by raising the price of petrol, and thus loss of customers. Recommendation: Negotiated with the supplier and propose a hedging agreement to hedge the petrol price to avoid the inflation. INTERNAL CONTROL The role of Jamel Mat Jon left the management of the business almost wholly to his nephew, Jamel and he did not pay much attention to the business. But recently, Mat Jon suspected that Jamel was doing something unethical to his business, and also found that Jamel was not capable to manage the business. This raise the issue on the roles and capability of Jamel. Jamel does not have any direct interest in the business, so he might concern on his own interest instead of the revenue of the business. Recommendation Mat Jon should not fully rely on Jamel as he does not have any direct interest in this business thus there is possibilities that Jamel won’t put much effort on the petro station business. Mat Jon can remain the Jamel’s position just for the sake of avoiding the conflict between them, but he should monitor the petrol station business by himself to avoid any potential loss. Besides, this can also enable him to regularly reviewing the business, provided guidance to Jamel, and can detect the problems as earlier as he can. Impolite staff When they receiving the complaint from their regular customer, Supramaniam, the attendant ignore him and alleged that his fuel indicator may be faulty. And when Supramaniam request to talk with the person in charge, but he was informed that the manager was not around. At the meantime, the supervisor of the petrol station, Sudin, however, could not provide the immediate assistance to the customer. So there is end up with increasing the customer dissatisfaction. Recommendation Provide proper training to the staff. This including provides guidance on how to deal with the customer complaint and solve the question from the customer courtesy. In addition, the person in charge of the petrol station, Jamel, can be assumed not come to work frequently. Therefore, Mat Jon can consider to install a punch card system to track the attendance record of the employees. Segregation of duties Most of the problems is arise is due to there is not proper segregation of duties. When there is one person handling too much of responsibilities, the fraud may occur. In addition, it will also reduce the performance of the person who handling too much of responsibilities because of the work overload. In this case, Jamel, as the sole person who managing the petrol station, was handle too much of duties so that he tend to manipulate the amount in order to obtain the personal gain. Recommendation Mat Jon should have proper segregation of duties between the manager, Jamel and its supervisor, Sudin to enhance the performance of the petrol station. Jamel as a station managers, he should responsible in term of the inventory, pricing, recording, and also customer services. Hence, Jamel should responsible: Daily operations at gas stations and fuel-selling convenience stores. To ensure that sufficient amounts of fuel are available, Ensuring stores are well-stocked, The fuelling equipment is functional, To ensure staff is available to meet customer needs, The payments for fuel and merchandise are processed and recorded properly. Ensure company policies are upheld, examine timesheets for accuracy, train new employees, distribute paychecks, make financial bank deposits and report financial transactions. Sudin as a station supervisor, he should handle the following responsibilities: Supervise and co-ordinate sales staff and cashiers to  avoid the theft of cash Assign sales workers to duties Authorize payments by cheque Resolve customer complaints and supply shortages Maintain specified inventory and report to the station manager Prepare reports on sales collection

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Palliative Care Nursing

Introduction Palliative is a concept of care that provides coordinated medical service to patients with progressive incurable diseases.The allied health service is proactive and seeks to improve the lives of individuals that are faced with life threatening diseases and their families. Dying and death are part of life and as such palliative care offers the patients a holistic care service that includes social, psychological and spiritual care (1, p.33). Therefore palliative care aims at ensuring that the patients and their families lead the best quality of life without having to be stressed about their condition. This essay takes a critical look at the philosophy and principles of palliative care and how they apply in nursing care. Discussion on the Statement The philosophical statement given by the World Health Organisation on palliative care is directed at ensuring that the patients have the best quality of life even when they have terminal illnesses. Palliative care is extended to the family of the patients to ensure that they continue to lead normal lives despite the challenges caused by the terminal diseases. In the past, patients with terminal illnesses were seen as sufferers and with the continual advancement of the disease, care was focused was on lessening the pain for the dying patients. However, with the development of palliative care, the dying patients are no longer seen as sufferers but as other normal patients and are given specialised care from designated professionals (5, p. 23). These professionals maintain humaneness as a core value and must respect the law with regards to the patients and their families and include them in all key decisions. The care is comprehensively provided to manage physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs of the patients and their families. Palliative care is governed by principles that govern its practice. In the nursing profession, the nurses affirm life and regard dying as a normal process. This is a message that is communicated to both the patients and their families to help them accept the harsh reality of life. Communication is an important part of the process and as such the nurses are required to communicate with the patients and their families in the best possible manner. The nurses are required not to hasten or postpone the death of the ailing patients. They are instead required to relieve the patients from pain and distress to ensure that they improve the patient’s quality of life. Principles of Palliative Care in Nursing Palliative care is governed by some core principles that the professionals like nurses, doctors, counsellors and social workers are supposed to adhere to. This section takes a critical look at the principles of palliative care as they apply to the palliative care of patients and families in nursing care. Successful incorporation of palliative care in nursing practice is not a function of complex specialist environments, medical interventions or availability of drugs and disciplines (3, p54). The principles highlighted here apply to nurses working in any environment where they encounter the dying. The principles are discussed under the following themes: Emphasis on the quality of life Palliative care should be centred on the quality of life of the patients and their families. The nurses are required to encourage the patients and their families and help them focus on the quality of the life of the patient and not the number of days left to live. Quality of life is defined differently depending on the patient and the disease. The nurses improve the quality of life of the patient by managing the distressing symptoms in order to positively impact the course of the illness. The nursing palliative care team should help the patients and their families enjoy their lives to the maximum while facing the complex medical conditions (10, p. 74). Communication plays an integral part in the nursing palliative care and as such the nurses are required to continually speak with the patients and their families about their wishes, desires and what quality of life means to them (6, p. 63). The communication on quality of life should start early in the course of the illness when the ol der members of the family are able to contribute before they get stressed and start making immediate decisions. The emphasis on quality of life improves management of symptoms and communication between the nurses and the family. Patient and family are the focus of care This is a core principle that cuts across all settings because the patients and their families are the unit of care, not the disease (2, p. 77). Palliative care addresses the meaning of suffering, life, death and disease within the context of each family unit. It recognises the fact that all family members will be part of the disease process and as such their views and individual care plans must be taken into account in the palliative care. Symptom Management The nurses are required to assess and treat symptoms using the least invasive ways that will not cause more distress than the original symptom (7, p. 80). Interdisciplinary collaboration, frequent assessment, communication and appropriate management are important concepts of symptom management in palliative care. Symptom management should always be the start of diagnosis in patients with life threatening diseases or those that are potentially life threatening. This should be continued throughout the treatment process in order to improve the patient’s quality of life (3, p. 87). Communication and Decision Making Communication with the patients and family should be done clearly, collaboratively and compassionately in order to improve the patient’s quality of life (8, p. 81). Communication with the patients and family is important as it ensures that the family and patients are consistently updated on the course of the disease and treatment. The patients and their families depend on frequent, consistent communication on sensitive and difficult information and may at times need repetition of facts. The communication should be both ways as the nurses should listen to the views of the patients and their families in order to be able to provide care that suits their needs in all ways including culturally and spiritually (11, p. 101). It also allows the family members to reveal more about the patient as this information may be useful in the treatment process depending on the disease. Recommendations for Palliative Nursing Care As already indicated earlier in the discussion, it is not easy to fully implement the principles of palliative nursing care. However, nurses should try hard to ensure that these principles are fully implemented in nursing care. Palliative care can be further incorporated through good hospital practice with nurses spending more time with the patients and their families to discuss and plan care within a multidisciplinary team framework (4, p. 15). The nurses should pursue a partnership approach and make good use of open and honest communication with the patients, relatives and the health team. Such ideology is important in nursing philosophy of individualised care that embraces a holistic approach and active patient participation in care (9, p. 71). The nurses should reintegrate palliative care into the culture of the hospitals. This reintegration into the hospital culture will be helpful to the patients particularly those with terminal illnesses. This is very critical because nurses a re often at the forefront of general delivery of palliative care within the hospital. They are very well placed and should use their position to help uncover better ways of improving the quality of care to the patients and their families. Lastly, the nurses should receive palliative care education to ensure that they are equipped with the knowledge and management skills necessary for dealing with patients and their relatives as they have diverse personalities, cultures and beliefs. Conclusion Palliative care is very important to the patients and their families particularly those with terminal illnesses. This essay has explored the philosophy and principles of palliative care in nursing and has concluded by making recommendations on how hospitals can incorporate it within their cultures. For effective implementation of palliative care in nursing, the nurses need to be well educated on palliative care and how to conduct it in order to minimise misunderstands between them and the patients and their relatives. Proper implementation and execution of palliative care is important in improving the quality of lives of the patients and their families, especially those with terminal or potentially terminal illnesses. Therefore nurses should engage the patients and their relatives in all key decisions to ensure that they get as much information from them in time before the levels of stress get high. Such information is important and can be used in providing individualised care to the patients. References Aitken, Sandra. Community Palliative Care The Role of the Clinical Nurse Specialist. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2009. Bern-Klug, Mercedes. Transforming Palliative Care in Nursing Homes: The Social Work Role. New York: Columbia University Press, 2010. Byrne, Judi. Palliative Care in Neurological Disease: A Team Approach. Oxford: Radcliffe Pub, 2009. Foyle, Lorna, and Janis Hostad. Illuminating the Diversity of Cancer and Palliative Care Education: Sharing Good Practice. Oxford: Radcliffe Pub, 2010. Lugton, Jean, and Rosemary McIntyre. Palliative Care: The Nursing Role. Edinburgh: Elsevier/Churchill Livingstone, 2005. Matzo, Marianne, and Deborah Witt Sherman. Palliative Care Nursing: Quality Care to the End of Life. New York: Springer Pub. Co, 2010. Payne, Sheila, Jane Seymour, and Christine Ingleton. Palliative Care Nursing Principles and Evidence for Practice. Maidenhead, Berkshire, England: Open University Press, 2004. Payne, Sheila, Jane Seymour, and Christine Ingleton. Palliative Care Nursing: Principles and Evidence for Practice. Maidenhead: Open University Press, 2008. Perrin, Kathleen Ouimet. Palliative Care Nursing: Caring for Suffering Patients. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2012. Pfund, Rita. Palliative Care Nursing of Children and Young People. Oxford: Radcliffe, 2007. Stevens, Elaine, Susan Jackson, and Stuart Milligan. Palliative Nursing Across the Spectrum of Care. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2009

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Nursing Essay The Recommendations to Guide You through the Writing Process

Nursing Essay The Recommendations to Guide You through the Writing Process To begin with, nursing is one of the most challenging academic courses as it requires great commitment to complete it successfully. Although nursing is considered to be a practical profession, you have to possess the necessary skills to write essays to show your great awareness of the discipline. As such, a nursing essay distances you from the practical side of training and gives an opportunity to demonstrate an academic understanding of nursing practice. A field of nursing has a diverse scope of applications, including a wide range of functions, roles, and responsibilities that a Registered Nurse, Advanced Practice Nurse, and Midwife are educated to perform. Without a doubt, nursing is a difficult discipline for students who want to dedicate their lives to other people’s health and well-being. Thus, nursing essays provide learners with an opportunity to improve their skills, enhance their knowledge, and gain useful experience in the field. For writing a high-quality and informative nursing essay, you can use the following list of questions that will help you test your skills and become confident about the essay: Do you have sufficient knowledge about the basics of nursing practice? Are you aware of the essay topic? Can proposed reforms or initiatives be applied in practice? Can you connect the essay information with the most significant nursing theories? Can you provide the main arguments and draw appropriate conclusions? Which role can your work play in the field of nursing? What would you change if you had the second chance to write your nursing essay? Can you say that you are satisfied with the subsequent results? With this questions in mind, you should plan your writing process, paying attention to every detail. The provided list of questions will help you understand the instructor’s expectations about your essay. Before starting to write the essay, you should profoundly consider what topic you take, what arguments you use, and how you reveal the theme. You should remember that nursing essay must focus on the use of evidence-based medicine that will help make better decisions when it comes to providing care solutions to the patients. The next section of this document will guide you through the writing of an effective and valuable nursing essay. Choosing a Suitable Topic for a Nursing Essay Due to the complex nature of nursing practice, there is a broad range of topics you can choose from. However, your main goal is to produce a competitive and original topic that reveals different aspects of a particular disease, health reform, clinical practice, or global health issue. If your professor did not provide you with a specific topic, you should develop it on your own. To come up with a juicy topic, you should be: Critical. Do not allow your personal feelings or judgments to influence the topics you choose. Instead, be as objective as possible to choose a topic that provides a set of various aspects to reveal. Be unbiased when choosing a topic to receive rational results after all. For example, if you decide to write about benchmarking data for nursing productivity, do not refer to the best issues only. Instead, you should be impartial and attempt to reveal all possible influences of benchmarking data on nursing performance. Open-minded. Do not focus on a specific area of nursing practice since this field of study contains plenty of interesting and undisclosed healthcare issues, diseases, and reforms. Therefore, you should be open-minded and willing to consider various ideas while choosing an appropriate topic for a nursing essay. In particular, if you plan to write about the role of a nurse in clinical practice or the effect of continuous anxiety on nurses’ career, do not hurry up. Instead, consider other possible themes which would be much more interesting, valuable, and informative such as the medical risks in adolescent pregnancy. Culturally competent. Do not choose a topic that can harm other students or even professors from different cultural backgrounds. You should always pay attention to what you write and whether you approach a topic in a right way. For instance, if you intend to write about a global health issue such as AIDS, and you choose to reveal the devastating effect of LGBT communities on the AIDS incidence rate, choose another theme or formulate your topic according to the rules of Nursing Code of Ethics. Therefore, the topic may sound like the connection between unprotected intercourses and the growth of the AIDS incidence rate. As a result, if you are critical, open-minded, and culturally competent when choosing an essay topic, you are more likely to create a suitable theme for a discussion. The following list of themes will encourage you to organize your ideas and develop your own topic: Cultural Sensitivity in the Context of Advanced Nursing Practice; Effective Management of Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing; The Relationship Between the Patronage and Patience in Children Care; Simple Regression Analysis of Health-Care Settings; The Importance of Professional Status for Nurse Achievements; The Disturbing Growth of Infectious Diseases as a Global Health Issue; The Role of Informed Consent in Quantitative Research; Leadership and Nursing Practice; Palliative Care and Nursing Advocacy. The Main Aspects of Nursing Essay Writing To achieve good grades for your essay in the nursing course, you should take into account the main aspects of writing. That is why you should review the essential pillars of nursing essay writing before you reflect upon your theme. \ Evaluate Your Evidence Like a Pro In the process of writing, you should build your arguments and suggestions on practice-based evidence. For this purpose, it is important to evaluate this evidence because it can also be argued due to a lack of effectiveness or limited resources. Besides, the evidence consists of information which is authoritative and reliable since it is more than a simple point of view or someone’s prediction. Moreover, available evidence can be limited contradict other evidence. Furthermore, it is crucial to evaluate and make judgments about what you found. You can use different kinds of evidence for different purposes. In particular, evidence of how individuals endure a specific disease may tell you about patients’ feeling. However, it cannot inform you about what kind of care is the most appropriate in this situation. What is more important, statistical evidence may help you determine the particular effect of a given cause and decide how exactly the care should be arranged. Nevertheless, not every evidence originates from robust experiments, while some may be more powerful than the other. That is why you should determine a connection between evidence and practice before you use it in your essay. It is important to evaluate evidence well to understand its nature and decide whether it can serve your topic. You should be critical and make wise judgments concerning the authority, cohesion, and coherence of the available evidence. Understanding Types of Evidence Is a Must When writing a nursing essay, it is important to distinguish evidence that comes from research and experiments since various research designs influence the nature of evidence differently. Classifying evidence will help you organize the plan reflection and observation more carefully with regard to specific questions. When evidence is appropriately arranged, it is always easier to determine its purpose. It is important to mention that experiential evidence is of great importance for healthcare because it illustrates the analysis of case studies and associates them with risk management. You can use such evidence to analyze cases and clarify what went wrong or what was misinterpreted to avoid similar mistakes in your research. You should remember that the most reliable form of evidence you can use is the one found in your research. It is accurately produced since all inquiries are properly arranged, and great efforts are put to collect data which adhere to research questions. Research is designed to remove the risk of someone’s biased opinion by collecting sufficient data to make objective claims. While choosing evidence for a nursing essay, you should determine whether the work approaches a particular subject closely and intimately. You can create your statements and provide appropriate arguments only on the basis of authentic data. Never make claims that are unsupportable. Do the Evidence Judgments When you finally have different sorts of evidence, you have to judge its merits. The way that you judge evidence is linked to the research design directly. To establish the authority of the design, you should state whether the research is ethical, reliable, and valid. If it really is, you can count on the type of evidence. Plus, you should judge whether the research methods provide sufficient relevant information to meet the goal of the study and answer research questions. As such, it is essential to determine whether the design arrangements are ambiguous and clear to ensure the validity of the findings. Judging critical theory research is the most important part of the work with evidence because it entails establishing the completeness and truthfulness of the premises about the subject. The Ultimate Structure of a Nursing Essay When you have already chosen a suitable topic and selected a portion of evidence to use in your nursing essay, you should understand the final structure of the assignment. The nursing essay structure is similar to the works from the other disciplines. The introduction, the main body, and the conclusion are the skeleton of the essay and the foundation of any writing assignment. You should look through the following sections to understand the structure of your future nursing essay. Introduction The main goal of the introduction is to present your essay topic to the target audience and provide sufficient background information about the theme. In the introduction, you should give the rationale behind your paper and show its importance in the nursing field. In general, the introductory paragraph is designed to raise the reader’s interest in the topic and grab his/her attention. For this purpose, there is a need for a hook that can be in the form of questions, surprising statistical data, or quotes coming from the famous healthcare professionals. In addition, you should try to make your introduction concise but informative at the same time to provide a short review of your essay. The concluding sentence of your introduction will be the so-called thesis statement. It is the main part of any nursing essay that presents your position concerning the topic and provides a summary of the main points. Hence, it is essential that your thesis statement includes one sentence that will serve as a basis for your further argumentation. The thesis statement is considered effective if it answers the question of the essay directly and makes a claim that others may dispute. The following list includes examples of strong thesis statements: The shortage of nurses in the global healthcare system affects patients’ satisfaction, a level of mortality, and the quality of care. In this essay, the strong point is presented to advocate for the growth in nursing that will address patient complaints, family concerns, and enhance the completion of health programs. Amnesia is the most dangerous illness since it causes the loss of important memories, complicates the new information learning process, and forms false memories. The Main Body of a Nursing Essay Probably, this is the most significant part of your essay since the thesis statement does not work until it is justified using strong arguments. The main body of your nursing essay shows the consecutive development of your analysis. Thus, it is important to remember that each issue you would like to discuss should appear in a separate paragraph. Additionally, each paragraph should contain a topic sentence in which you present your opinion regarding the issue, evidence for support, discussion, and the concluding statements in which you clarify whether the subsequent analysis refuted or proved your argument. Don’t use any irrelevant information to meet the word count requirements because the quality of your work will significantly decrease. Strong Conclusion In this section, you should restate your thesis statement, summarize the main arguments revealed in the main body, and give further recommendations concerning the topic. You should frame your conclusion exceptionally to make your work more appealing to the reader. The main task of the conclusion in your nursing essay is to outline the results and all findings and reflect upon their significance in the field of nursing. The findings presented in the concluding segment should relate back to the position provided in the thesis statement. The conclusion can also be viewed as your last opportunity to convince the reader that your essay is strong, reliable, and valid. Only such an essay will earn you a good grade. You are not allowed to introduce new concepts or express new opinions in the conclusion since this part is completely based on the argumentation presented in the main body of the essay. You need to concentrate on the essential arguments of the essay and formulate the ultimate mea ning of your research. Proofreading and Editing Tips from Our Writers When you’re done with the writing part, it is time to check your work for different types of common mistakes. Proofreading is an important step in the entire writing process because the grammar, the punctuation, and the spelling mistakes can affect the clarity of your essay significantly. You are not allowed to use the first person â€Å"I† or â€Å"We† in your nursing essay since it will make your work informal and too personal. All kinds of statistics, statements, and ideas should be presented in a scholarly manner. Do not forget to cite any information that is not common knowledge to avoid plagiarism issues. Finally, take your time and examine your essay as thoroughly as possible. Pay attention to all figures, tables, or graphs that can be used in the nursing essay. Investigate whether your essay is readable and looks appealing to the reader. Check the consistency of your work and evaluate the effectiveness of your analysis. Make sure that all statements used in your nursing essay are meaningful and up to a point. Use this nursing essay writing guide to save up time and create an excellent nursing essay. References Academic Essay Writing. (2018). Retrieved from Five Tips for Writing Your Nursing School Application Essay. (2018). Retrieved from Middleton, J. (2013). Clear writing: How to get top marks for your essays. Nursing Times. Retrieved from Pace, A., Guariglia, L. (2017). OS05.5 Pallative care in Brain Tumors: 15 years of activity of a Neuroncological Home Care Service. Neuro-Oncology, 19 (Suppl_3), Iii9-Iii10.doi:10.1093/neuonc/nox036.032 Professional Values In Nursing (Essay Sample). (2018). Retrieved from Shields, L. (2013). A personal essay on the role of the nurse. Contemporary Nurse, 43(2), 213-218. doi:10.5172/conu.2013.43.2.213 Subject Guides: Nursing and Midwifery: Referencing Writing. (2017). Retrieved from The Nursing School Essay: Application Tips Part I | Northeastern University. (2018, March 14). Retrieved from Wyman-Chmielewski, J. Nursing Essay. Retrieved from

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Anthrax

Anthrax, disease of warm-blooded animals, including humans, caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis. Anthrax most commonly occurs in cattle and other plant-eating mammals, but it can also affect humans who come in contact with infected animals. The disease is not considered contagious, however, and person-to-person spread of the disease is highly unlikely. Vaccines can protect against anthrax, and antibiotics can treat the disease in its early stages. Anthrax is a spore-forming bacterium . The spores have protective coats and can withstand extreme heat, drought, and other harsh conditions. They can live for centuries in soil. Anthrax spores also have the potential for use in biological warfare because of their ability to survive and because they spread easily in air and can be inhaled. Once the spores are inside the lungs, the bacteria develop and begin to multiply. In humans, the disease can appear in three forms: cutaneous, inhalation, and gastrointestinal. The cutaneous, or external form, primarily involves the skin and is contracted mainly by those who handle contaminated hides, wool, or carcasses. The bacteria enter through a cut or other opening in the skin, and a dark, itchy bump that resembles an insect bite appears. The bump then develops into an open sore with a black area in the center. The cutaneous form of anthrax can be treated with antimicrobial drugs. Death results in about 20 percent of untreated cases. Veterinarians, mill workers, laboratory researchers, and other people at risk of exposure to anthrax are generally vaccinated against the disease. Humans contract internal forms of anthrax by inhaling anthrax spores or by eating contaminated meat. People who work with animal hair and wool are most likely to inhale the spores, especially in areas where anthrax occurs in animals. Symptoms of inhaled anthrax initially resemble those of a cold or the flu- general aches and pains, fever, fatigue, cough, and mi... Free Essays on Anthrax Free Essays on Anthrax Anthrax is the preferred biological warfare agent because: It is highly lethal. 100 million lethal doses per gram of anthrax material (100,000 times deadlier than the deadliest chemical warfare agent). Silent, invisible killer. Inhalational anthrax is virtually always fatal. There are low barriers to production. Low cost of producing the anthrax material. Not high-technology. Knowledge is widely available. Easy to produce in large quantities. It is easy to weaponize. It is extremely stable. It can be stored almost indefinitely as a dry powder. It can be loaded, in a freeze-dried condition, in munitions or disseminated as an aerosol with crude sprayers. Currently, we have a limited detection capability. What is Anthrax? Anthrax is a naturally occurring disease of plant eating animals (goats, sheep, cattle, wine, etc.) caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis. It is an illness which has been recognized since antiquity. Anthrax was common in essentially all areas where livestock are raised. Intensive livestock immunization programs have greatly reduced the occurrence of the disease among both animals and humans in much of the world, an most outbreaks occur in areas where immunization programs have not been implemented or have become compromised (primarily Africa and Asia; however, outbreaks occurred during the mid- I 990's in Haiti and the former Soviet Union). Anthrax spores can remain viable for several decades under suitable environmental conditions; thus, absence of cases does not equate to absence of risk. Humans can contract anthrax in three ways: Through cuts or breaks in the skin resulting from contact with an infected animal (cutaneous anthrax), resulting in local and possibly systemic (bloodstream) infection. From breathing anthrax spores (termed "woolsorters" disease) resulting in an infection of the lungs (inhalational anthrax). From eating infected meat, resulting in gastrointestinal i... Free Essays on Anthrax Anthrax, disease of warm-blooded animals, including humans, caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis. Anthrax most commonly occurs in cattle and other plant-eating mammals, but it can also affect humans who come in contact with infected animals. The disease is not considered contagious, however, and person-to-person spread of the disease is highly unlikely. Vaccines can protect against anthrax, and antibiotics can treat the disease in its early stages. Anthrax is a spore-forming bacterium . The spores have protective coats and can withstand extreme heat, drought, and other harsh conditions. They can live for centuries in soil. Anthrax spores also have the potential for use in biological warfare because of their ability to survive and because they spread easily in air and can be inhaled. Once the spores are inside the lungs, the bacteria develop and begin to multiply. In humans, the disease can appear in three forms: cutaneous, inhalation, and gastrointestinal. The cutaneous, or external form, primarily involves the skin and is contracted mainly by those who handle contaminated hides, wool, or carcasses. The bacteria enter through a cut or other opening in the skin, and a dark, itchy bump that resembles an insect bite appears. The bump then develops into an open sore with a black area in the center. The cutaneous form of anthrax can be treated with antimicrobial drugs. Death results in about 20 percent of untreated cases. Veterinarians, mill workers, laboratory researchers, and other people at risk of exposure to anthrax are generally vaccinated against the disease. Humans contract internal forms of anthrax by inhaling anthrax spores or by eating contaminated meat. People who work with animal hair and wool are most likely to inhale the spores, especially in areas where anthrax occurs in animals. Symptoms of inhaled anthrax initially resemble those of a cold or the flu- general aches and pains, fever, fatigue, cough, and mi... Free Essays on Anthrax What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You â€Å"You sound like you have a cold,† my grandpa said over the phone. â€Å"Yeah, I have had it for almost two months now but it seems to be getting better,† I replied. â€Å"Gee, I hope it’s not Anthrax!† he darted back at me without hesitation. After the routine small talk I hung up the phone since my mom was not home to talk to him. I thought to myself, â€Å"He is loosing it worse than I thought! Anthrax is only found in livestock.† I told my mom he called and about the laugh I had but then she informed me that livestock was the most common carriers but not the only. After that incident, I started to ponder about this deadly disease. Is it a disease? To start, all I knew to be true about Anthrax is that it can kill people and that the vaccine is not available to the general public. After searching on the Internet for information I found the most common definition for Anthrax to be this: Anthrax is an acute infectious disease caused by the spore-forming bacterium Bacillus Anthracis. The three parts of that bacterium are edema toxin, lethal toxin, and a capsular antigen. To me, this means nothing. It doesn’t tell me how to avoid getting Anthrax or how it can be contracted. After reading deeper into it, I discovered that there are three major clinical forms: cutaneous, inhalation, and gastrointestinal. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Cutaneous Anthrax is the most common naturally occurring type of infection and usually occurs after skin contact with contaminated meat, wool, hides, or leather from infected animals. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) It seems strange to me that this is the most common because meats have to be approved before being put on the shelves of stores. Inhalation Anthrax is the most lethal form of Anthrax. The spores must be aerosolized (to disperse as an aerosol) in order to cause this type. The studies aren’t too sure of ho... Free Essays on Anthrax Anthrax As the number of Americans exposed to anthrax increases, so does public anxiety. What do you need to know? I am here to inform you of what anthrax really is? How people get anthrax? Where does anthrax come from? What are the symptoms and treatment to anthrax? What is anthrax? Anthrax is acute infectious animal disease that has been around for tens of thousands of years. The germ produces long-lasting infectious spores. These spores can survive in the environment for a long time. Grass-eating animals, such as cattle, are most often infected because they can eat spores living in the soil. Animal vaccination - and destruction of infected herds - has drastically reduced the number of infected animals. Even so, anthrax spores continue to be found in soil samples from all over the world. When anthrax spores get inside the body, they grow rapidly. The germs themselves can cause dangerous infections. Far more dangerous is a substance they produce in the body called- anthrax toxin - which helps the bug survive by killing off cells of the immune system. This toxin is so deadly that it can kill even after infection is brought under control. How do people get anthrax? People can catch anthrax from infected animals or contaminated animal products. Most natural infection comes from skin contact. In the past, industrial wool sorters were at high risk of infection. You can also get anthrax infection from eating raw or too-rare meat - but this is uncommon. Even more uncommon - but by far most deadly - is anthrax caught by inhaling spores or infection is transmitted through the skin. . Until the events of September, 2001, there hadn’t been a case of inhalation anthrax in the U.S. since 1978. The disease has two forms: a skin from and a pulmonary form. In the skin and most contagious form of the infection is transmitted through a break in the skin. After an abrasion forms and the dead tissue and crust fall off, infections may sp... Free Essays on Anthrax Terrorism and Anthrax in America The threat of a terrorist attack of any kind in America at this point and time seems very unrealistic. Should we let our guard down? Even though nothing has happened in the last several months regarding terrorism in America. The last few months in the Middle East unfortunately has been chaos. Are the Palestinians planning something big against America or could it be some of Americans own citizens to perform the next act of major terrorism? We as Americans should still fear the threat of any kind of terrorism that me be brought before us. America has been a target with terrorism ever since our political involvement with the Middle East. The United States has had involvement with the Middle East ever since the Gulf War in the early 1990’s. The United States became more involved in the happenings in the Middle East when the Palestinian Liberation Organization (P.L.O.) was recognized. The P.L.O. is an organization that was developed to help the Palestinians try to recover land that they lost when the country of Israel was established in 1948. America soon became allies with Israel, because America felt like the Palestinian countries were being a threat to the people of Israel. Which in terms is the major reason Americans and Jews are hated and despised by a majority of Palestinians. There is even an extreme an Afghanistan terrorist group called the Al Qaeda which whom Osama Bin Laden is believed to be in leadership of. The extreme terrorist group has training camps to teach kids as young as 14 years old how to use guns, bombs, and different types of weapons of mass destruction. These kids are even taught to hate Americans and Jews. On September 11, 2001 two planes crashed into the World Trade Centers in New York City. This has been the one of the only major attacks on United States soil. Some things that transpired after the attack were a higher security alert for terrorists in Ameri... Free Essays on Anthrax What is anthrax? Anthrax is an acute infectious disease caused by the spore-forming bacterium Bacillus anthracis. Anthrax most commonly occurs in warm-blooded animals, but can also infect man. Anthrax spores can be produced in a dry form (for biological warfare ) which may be stored and ground into particles. When inhaled by humans, these particles cause respiratory failure and death within a week. Why has anthrax become a current issue? Because anthrax is considered to be a potential agent for use in biological warfare, the Department of Defense (DOD) announced that it will begin systematic vaccination of all U.S. military personnel. Who gets anthrax? Anthrax is most common in agricultural regions where it occurs in animals. These include South and Central America, Southern and Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, and the Middle East. When anthrax affects humans, it is usually due to an occupational exposure to infected animals or their products. Workers who are exposed to dead animals and animal products (industrial anthrax) from other countries where anthrax is more common may become infected with B. anthracis. Anthrax in animals rarely occurs in the United States. Most reports of animal infection are received from Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma and South Dakota. How is anthrax transmitted? Anthrax infection can occur in three forms: cutaneous (skin), inhalation, and gastrointestinal. B. anthracis spores can live in the soil for many years and humans can become infected with anthrax by handling animal products from infected animals or by inhaling anthrax spores from contaminated animal products. Anthrax can also be spread by eating undercooked meat from infected animals. It is rare to find infected animals in the United States. What are the symptoms of anthrax? Symptoms of disease vary depending on how the disease was contracted, but symptoms usually occur within seven days. Cutaneous: Most anthra...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Basic Parts of the Brain and Their Responsibilities

Basic Parts of the Brain and Their Responsibilities The scarecrow needed it, Einstein had an excellent one, and it can store a whole lot of information. What is it you say? Why, the brain of course.  The brain is the control center of the body. Think of a telephone operator who answers incoming calls and directs them to where they need to go. Similarly, your brain acts as an operator by sending messages to and receiving messages from all over the body. The brain processes the information it receives and ensures that  messages are directed to their proper destinations. Neurons The brain is composed of specialized cells called neurons. These cells  are the basic unit of the nervous system. Neurons send and receive messages through electrical impulses and chemical messages. Chemical messages are known as neurotransmitters and they can either inhibit cell activity or cause cells to become excitable.   Brain Divisions The brain is one of the largest and most important organs of the human body. Weighing in at about three pounds, this organ is covered by a three-layered protective membrane called the meninges. The brain  has a wide range of responsibilities. From coordinating our movement to managing our emotions, this organ does it all.  The brain is composed of three main divisions: the forebrain, brainstem, and hindbrain. Forebrain The forebrain is the most complex of the three parts. It gives us the ability to feel, learn, and remember. It consists of two parts: the telencephalon (contains the cerebral cortex and corpus callosum) and the diencephalon (contains the thalamus and hypothalamus). The cerebral cortex allows us to understand the mounds of information we receive from all around us. The left and right regions of the cerebral cortex are separated by a thick band of tissue called the corpus callosum. The thalamus acts as a telephone line of sorts, allowing information to get through to the cerebral cortex. It is also a component of the limbic system,  which  connects areas of the cerebral cortex that are involved in sensory perception and movement with other parts of the brain and  spinal cord.  The hypothalamus is important for regulating hormones, hunger, thirst, and arousal. Brainstem The brainstem consists of the midbrain and the hindbrain. Just as the name suggests, the brainstem resembles the stem of a branch. The midbrain is the upper part of the branch that is connected to the forebrain. This region of the brain sends and receives information. Data from our senses, such as the eyes and ears, are sent to this area and then directed to the forebrain. Hindbrain The hindbrain makes up the lower portion of the brainstem and consists of three units. The medulla oblongata controls involuntary functions such as digestion and breathing. The second unit of the hindbrain, the pons, also assists in controlling these functions. The third unit, the cerebellum, is responsible for the coordination of movement. Those of you who are blessed with great hand-eye coordination have your cerebellum to thank. Brain Disorders As you can imagine, all of us desire a brain that is healthy and functions properly. Unfortunately, there are some who suffer from neurological disorders of the brain. A few of these disorders include: Alzheimers disease, epilepsy, sleep disorders,  and Parkinsons disease.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Educational Finance (Budget Calendar) Assignment

Educational Finance (Budget Calendar) - Assignment Example There are steps to be followed in the budgeting process. The first step is usually a review of the program and management achievements and the fiscal performance of the year that is about to end. The objectives are therefore reviewed, the committee will compare the budget to the actual figures, and takes into account the number of people served during each program. The solution obtained after dividing true cost of the program by the number of people served will help analyze the cost per unit of service. Hence, ne goals and objectives should be discussed and an consensus is reached. All the individuals and groups affected by the budget should be involved in the whole process. Consultations are fundamental in the budgeting process. This would minimize unnecessary conflicts during or even after preparation of the budget. In addition, it would also help spearhead the implementation process. A school budget for instance should be inclusive of the parents and teachers as it will have an im pact on them either directly or indirectly. Parents have a responsibility of paying school fees for their sons and daughters hence have exclusive rights for information on how school funds are used. At the district level, it is the responsibility of the civilians to interrogate how fund are utilized in the development of infra-structural projects such as road construction, railway lines, hospitals, electrification projects among other social amenities. Because they pay taxes, it is their right to scrutinize how district budgeting committees prioritize their fiscal year spending spree through budgets. Budgets are important tools towards realization of goals and ambitions of any organization. Without budgets, it would be difficult to anticipate what stands good or bad on the way of the organization. The School Budget Many stakeholders are usually involved in the budging process of schools. For instance, the representatives of school administration, the board of Governors, parents as w ell as budgeting experts must be involved either directly or indirectly in the budgeting process. These representatives make up the budget committee. The staff and the Board must all participate in the budgeting process at all phases. The district Budget The budgeting process in the district primarily comprises three phases. First, is the budget formulation. Here the budget is clearly drawn with all-important priorities taken into consideration. The budgeting committee shall have employed thorough consultation among themselves and with the stakeholders and financial experts. The second procedure would be the budget presentation and the congregational process (Van, 2011). This process would ensure that contentious issues are harmonized and attain amicable solution is attained. Members and other groups affected by the budget are allowed to express their reservations about the estimates. Some projects, which were under-estimated in financing, would therefore get much more funding than previously. In addition, those one, which had earlier enjoyed unnecessary huge allocations, would therefore have their finances cut down. Moreover, the white elephant projects would also be scrapped out at this particular stage. Many financial analysts argue that lack of financial expertise in most budgeting activities have seen many district waste funds in projects that are never viable at all or even those that they waste a lot of money in never to finish. However, it is important to

Friday, October 18, 2019

The violin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The violin - Essay Example This "The violin" work outlines the origin and usage of this instrument. The name violin is an English word derived from a Latin word vitula, which translates to stringed instrument in English. This implies that the instrument was not an English creation and only gained a lot of prominence in the United Kingdom in the sixteenth century following its extensive use in the modern day Italy. The violin was played a lot in Italy and became part of the Italian cultural heritage. Some of the most celebrated violinists and violin manufacturers such as Gasparo da Salà ² and Giovanni Paolo Maggini among many others were all Italians. The instrument played a role in the development of the modern day salsa dance, which coincidentally was part of the Italian heritage too. The spread of the instrument to other parts of the world resulted from colonization and the subsequent industrialization in the late eighteenth century. Italians spread throughout the world to the Americas and other parts of Europe taking their culture with them. In doing so, other people began appreciating the instrument in music production. Celine Dion one of the modern day musicians who have used violins in most of her songs is a Canadian but of Italian decent. The use of the instrument has today acquired a global acceptance and appreciation by different people from all over the world. The development of the instrument has centered on the modifications of its features and addition of aesthetics to make it look more beautiful and produce better quality sounds. (Bartruff, 1989). Among the common features of a violin are the strings. This is a fundamental part of the instrument mandated with the production of the sound. The strings nailed to the tail stretch the entire length of the instrument and pass all the way to the upper most part of the instrument called the scroll. In the ancient Greek and Roman days, the strings were made of sheep gut, these were pieced, stretched and dried to the desired quality to produce high quality sound and last longer. With the modern day technological advancements, the strings are today made of steel or aluminum. Additionally, while in the ancient day the people relied only on the instrument to entertain, the modern technological developments allow the sound to pass through other machines that boosts its gain and quality. These make recordings and music productions easier. Furthermore, the instrument earns the ability to entertain a large number of people despite is small size and the relatively low sound it produces. Tunings are other essential parts of the instrument. These regulate the quality and pitch of sound that every stroke of the strings produces. The tunings resemble those found in a guitar and are placed at the scro ll end of the instrument. These are protruding stick at the end of the instrument on which the strings wind. The violinists therefore use these to adjust the tightness of the strings depending on the note of the music required. Without the tunings, the strings may easily break; the tunings gives the strings an allowance to slacken thereby preventing any synapses from accidental pulls. Despite the numerous advantages and purposes of the tunings, their primary function is to regulate the pitches of the sounds produced. Bows on the other hand are not

Bacteriology Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Bacteriology - Case Study Example difficile microorganisms. The selected methods must be affordable for the organisation undertaking the testing. Since the different methods require different testing durations, the number of samples and the time results expected also determine the testing methods to be utilised (DuPont 2011). To ensure that all these factors have been met, optional methods can be utilised either singly or by combining two methods. The best option for testing would be combining Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) assay with enzyme immune-assay (EIA). The combination of these methods would enhance the limitations experienced by each method and increase the reliability of results. Samples would be prepared and each sample tested using both methods, and results recorded separately. A comparison of the results would then be undertaken to establish the various attributes being analysed by the results. The GDH method has been identified as having high sensitivity, but very poor specificity. The method can, therefore, accurately rule out the presence of clostridium difficile, but cannot ascertain the presence of the microbes (Goldenberg et al. 2010). The method rarely produces a negative for samples labelled true-positive using the EIA testing method. In most testing processes, GDH produces 100% specificity result because of the lack of false positive result, from the testing. The combination of these methods would enhance findings since GDH produces high sensitivity, and EIA produces relatively high specificity. Combining these methods, therefore, presents researchers with a capacity to have reliable results from the laboratory testing of clostridium difficile. GDH accurately tests the presence of enzymes produced by these microorganisms, but cannot ascertain the presence of C. difficile since similar enzymes are produced by other bacteria (Eastwood et al. 2009). The method can, therefore, rule out the presence of the microbial

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Comparison Of Love Poems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Comparison Of Love Poems - Essay Example However, I would say that Ted Hughes had not succeeded in blotting out the unpleasant events. Overall, this poem examines their wedding day in retrospect, and I would say that this poem was a realization for everything that had happened that he probably never got to understand at that time. First off, he describes his plain outfit on his wedding day: â€Å"sole, drab, veteran RAF black†. This description of his clothes and the way he emphasized Sylvia’s outfit on this day (which was even made the title of the poem) seemed to show how contradicting their feelings were toward their own wedding. I cannot help but think that this poem shows that only one party was ecstatic at this event: only Sylvia. This is shown in the last two stanzas of the poem, which described the happiness that Ted Hughes saw in Sylvia Plath during their wedding. Clearly, he was aware of how much this wedding meant to his wife. This was evidently one of her happiest days despite the lack of a grand c elebration. However, for his part, the poet used strong words that suggest the feeling of being forced into getting married: exhausted, conscript, squeezed. Despite having a title that seems to convey sweetness and beauty, this poem for the most part, describes how their wedding was unlike any other wedding day. They did not really choose the location of their wedding, which would normally be one of the first considerations in wedding preparations. Next, they did not even have a wedding entourage, and they had to request the sexton, of all people, to be the ring-bearer. Finally, his family and friends did not even know that he was getting married. On the contrary, Sylvia Plath’s â€Å"Wreath for a Bridal† is a magical recollection of their wedding day. Written in the same year as her wedding, the poem conjures images of beauty and nature. Perhaps despite the lack of preparations, Sylvia was personally convinced that she had the most beautiful wedding

Dual-career families Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Dual-career families - Essay Example , couples in a dual-career relationship have jobs that require a high degree of commitment and effectively the developmental nature of the professions these couples engage in is high. In effect, such couples pursue careers while still performing their main roles in parenting. These relationships have certain characteristics such as economic rewards for the couples and ultimately to the family. In addition, the family derives an added social prestige when both parents are working. Furthermore, a personal investment on the part of both partners is evident when they commit their time and energy to their careers. However, the commitment of time and energy can influence the relationship of the couples within the family setup. Hamner & Turner (2000) noted that, many working couples with children experienced conflicts in their work and family relationships effectively influencing their performance and creating stress at both work and in the family. Such conflicts influenced greatly on the children’s behavior. In this regard, one big issue in dual-career families concerns absentee parents. As such, house helps, who at most instances lack the basic knowledge in parentage, have the biggest responsibility on children. On the other hand, commitment to work drains the energy out of the parents once they reach home and eventually fail to spend quality time with their children. Effectively, children will pick behavior, at times undesirable, from other people since the parents are not monitoring their children progress closely as should be the case. Faced with such challenges, there are various ways that dual-career families can overcome them. According to Hester & Dickerson (1984), different programs devised by extension personnel are essential in training couples on ways of improving their relationship. Such programs establish unique responsibilities in each relationship advising each couple on the best way to parent their children while both juggle with their careers,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

U.S. Federal Reserve System Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

U.S. Federal Reserve System - Research Paper Example Moreover, the system is operating in United States to provide exchange benefits among different regions, to control the money supply and demand fluctuations, to control arising systematic risks in financial market, to fulfill liquidity needs and to manage and supervise banking institutions (News Events, 2009). However, its primary aim is to strengthen country’s economy by taking various active measures. The perfect monitory policies, measures taken to achieve national economic goals will lead to successful economic growth. Moreover, it requires different tools such as discount rate and open market operations in order to influence reserves of private financial institutes. It works as a government’s body and it is associated with several functions. First, it serves as a bank for bank, it involves in various transaction of banks. Whereas, financial institutions borrows money in case of shortage of money. Secondly, it works as a regulatory in buying and selling of securities in an open market and as a government’s bank, it issues U.S currency. Thirdly, as a regulatory agency, it monitors that the rights of consumers are protected, and ensures that things run smoothly in banks. However, the current economic policy is focusing on unemployment and does not include plans to r aise interest rates (Plossers, pp. 1-3). Moreover, the current monetary policy is not working well the decline of dollar is problematic for businesses. Due to the fact, investments are drastically decline whereas; foreign investments are speaking out and divesting (Philadelphia, pp. 2). According to personal opinion, I agree, because Federal Reserve System has extended its lending programs and open market operations by enlarging reserve securities, agency debts, mortgages, and by increasing maturity transformation on balance sheet. Therefore, monitory policies affect economic activities badly. Federal Reserve System focuses on unemployment which is also a major factor but high interest

Dual-career families Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Dual-career families - Essay Example , couples in a dual-career relationship have jobs that require a high degree of commitment and effectively the developmental nature of the professions these couples engage in is high. In effect, such couples pursue careers while still performing their main roles in parenting. These relationships have certain characteristics such as economic rewards for the couples and ultimately to the family. In addition, the family derives an added social prestige when both parents are working. Furthermore, a personal investment on the part of both partners is evident when they commit their time and energy to their careers. However, the commitment of time and energy can influence the relationship of the couples within the family setup. Hamner & Turner (2000) noted that, many working couples with children experienced conflicts in their work and family relationships effectively influencing their performance and creating stress at both work and in the family. Such conflicts influenced greatly on the children’s behavior. In this regard, one big issue in dual-career families concerns absentee parents. As such, house helps, who at most instances lack the basic knowledge in parentage, have the biggest responsibility on children. On the other hand, commitment to work drains the energy out of the parents once they reach home and eventually fail to spend quality time with their children. Effectively, children will pick behavior, at times undesirable, from other people since the parents are not monitoring their children progress closely as should be the case. Faced with such challenges, there are various ways that dual-career families can overcome them. According to Hester & Dickerson (1984), different programs devised by extension personnel are essential in training couples on ways of improving their relationship. Such programs establish unique responsibilities in each relationship advising each couple on the best way to parent their children while both juggle with their careers,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

New businesses Essay Example for Free

New businesses Essay Consistent findings have imperatively indicated that the correlation between firm entry and survival is negative. Out of every one hundred new businesses introduced in the UK, 50 percent of them become obsolete before their third anniversary. Such high attrition levels are not only evident UK in alone but also in most modern economies and can be said to be a generic rule of thumb. Just why is it that so many nascent firms end up accomplishing little or nothing before they finally become extinct? Is it that their owners do not put enough efforts into the business development or are there other internal and external causes of this prevalent occurrence of business failure? Many theories have been put forth to explain the possible causes of the high rates of new business failure. It is not surprising that major diagnoses of the root causes of low survival rate in new businesses identify management inefficiency as one of the causes of the high attrition levels. Policy makers have also been blamed for recommending entrepreneurship as the solution to rejuvenating the economy yet little is done to educate people on what to expect amid globalization pressures, competition and technological changes that are likely to impact on the business survival. Other theories put forward include the supportive environment thesis, nature of activity and industry theory. Firm survival can however be properly classified in three explanatory dimensions: The firms specific characteristics; Operational factors and the business cycle. This paper explores the characteristics of business failure under these three dimensions and at the same time introduces a discussion on how entrepreneurs can enhance their businesss chances of survival by providing possible solutions to the low levels of survival witnessed in infant businesses. II. Analysis a) Definitions Birth of the firm: The introduction of a business marks the birth of a firm. This may actually start when the idea of the business is borne. Consequent activities such as registering the company, acquiring premises and capital are secondary elements in the birth of a business. Survival of the firm: Survival of the firm refers to its ability to withstand internal and external pressures to meet the objectives for which it was established. Survival determines whether a firm makes it through its lifetime or whether it fails and consequently exits the market. Death of the firm: This denotes the final stage in a business at a point where nothing can be done to revive the business and the only solution is complete closure. Termination of the firm as a legal entity: This means that the business is no longer recognized by the law. It means that a business in the context of the law is no longer operational and it is therefore not liable to debts, taxes among other liabilities to stakeholders. b) New Firms Survival Literature New businesses in the UK have in the past shown high levels of business failures witnessed within the first three years of inception. According to Caliendo and Fossen (2009: 154) at least fifty out of every one hundred new businesses introduced did not make it to their third birthday. A study by the DTI Small Business Service from 1995 to 2004 reveals that these failures are actually vary with industries which could be attributed to the various conditions that exist in these sectors (DTI, 2007: 13). On average, 82% of new businesses established survived the first year in business. Improvement has been recorded and by 2004, an average of 58% of new businesses survived the first three years over all the sectors. Detailed survey results are shown in table 1 and 2. c) Why Half of Nascent Firms Fail: The Survival Explanatory Dimensions 1) Firm Specific Characteristics i)Managerial Organization Discernible management errors and high incidents of poor management highly contribute to the low survival rates of newly established firms. The death of many firms is mostly characterized by management which has turned out to be reactionary. Inefficient decision making and inadequate or non-existent planning will have contributed to the failure of the business in at least 30 percent of nascent firms (Phillips, 2004: 68-70). Veronique and Wever (2000: 138) note that managers inability to react to various forces affecting the business operations such as competition, technological advancements, economic trends and money issues could lead to the ultimate downfall of a business. Inadequacy in management expertise is essentially attributable for the business failure to explore alternative financing options leading to bankruptcy. ii)Inadequacy of Cash Reserves Inadequate financing comes in as a close second after poor management. New owners with little or no prior experience in business may fail to effectively predict cash flow. Miscalculation of amounts required to sustain the business before it picks up and underestimation of the costs associated with borrowing money are the major causes of financial strain (Lane and Schary, 1991: 101-103). Exhaustion of cash reserves is also likely to be influenced by poor pricing, over-investment in fixed assets and uncontrolled growth. Uncontrolled growth occurs when the owners want to take up every opportunity that comes so that at the end of it all they cannot satisfy all their customers. In this case, firms end up borrowing large amounts to meet the high demand and when the loans cannot be paid effectively, what results is collapse of the firm (Audretsch and Keilbach, 2004: 423). Other causes include over dependence on a few customers, fraud and uncontrolled drawings by the owner. iii)Poor debt management and Over-borrowing This is closely associated with cash inadequacy and it results where managers are ill-equipped in financial management. Small business owners are likely to obtain the wrong type of financing and worse still take more than the business can afford to pay (Jostarndt, 2007: 139). This may lead to borrowing loans to clear existing ones which is not a good debt management strategy. Inability to pay debts on time and lack of coordination between incoming cash and outgoing cash may lead to the business finally going bankrupt and consequently causing its death. iv)Ownership Status There are two ways of looking at this perspective: the legal ownership and the reasons for starting the business. A sole proprietorship business is more likely to fail due to financial and management problems than a partnership or a limited company. The reasons for starting the business can highly influence a firms survival. Moore and Gooderl (2008: 8-10) name two types of entrepreneurs: the opportunity entrepreneur and the necessity entrepreneur. The former establishes a business to exploit available business opportunity while the latter may start up a business for the purpose of sustaining himself probably if he cannot find a job. According to Moore and Gooderl (2008: 16-17) the opportunity entrepreneur is likely to succeed while the necessity entrepreneur may not exert enough efforts towards the business. The increased number of necessity entrepreneurs in the UK has highly increased the failure levels in new businesses. v)Personal Characteristics of the owner This mostly has to do with the attitude of the owner and the manner in which he or she applies these in the business context. Owners make a mistake of taking up all responsibilities without making use of delegation to junior employees as a result of fearing that they may not do it perfectly. Jensen (1976: 335) describes this as the challenge of letting go. Owners normally find themselves exhausted from overwork and yet do not find time to address important issues facing the business. Use of business funds by the owner can also cause detrimental effects on the business. Personal attitudes such as aggressiveness and lack of concern for the employees may cause high rate of employee turnover as well as keep away customers (Daily et al, 2002: 398-343). vi)Innovation and reaction to technological changes The world is advancing at a high rate and technology is one of the areas that a business needs to keep up with. Many new businesses fail due to being left behind in technological advancements such that they are overtaken by their competitors who take with them all the customers (Agarwal, 1996: 103-106). Innovation is one of the major tools for a successful business and this is one area that new businesses have not been able to address mainly due to lack of enough capital to come up with new products and services. viii)Poor knowledge of the market Most business owners enter the market with little knowledge about what to expect. Failing to conduct market feasibility studies limit the owners knowledge on the competitors in the market and their influence; the customers characteristics and behaviour and various market fluctuations they are likely to encounter (Covin et al, 2000: 199-206). 2) Operational factors i) Competition New businesses are often overwhelmed by the efforts required to counter competition from already existing firms. This is considering that these firms have already established their customer base and winning loyal customers could prove quite a challenging task for new businesses. Usually, dominant competitors may even device ways of putting new entrants out of business such as lowering prices and offering discounts (Covin et al, 2000: 200). Their aim is to push the new competitors until they cannot keep up with the situation such that they eventually quit. ii) Location The location of a business is a major determinant for its survival. New businesses in rural areas are likely to fail due to limited local markets and isolation. On the other hand high costs, presence of large firms and regulatory barriers pose challenges to businesses located in the urban areas (Sutaria and Donald, 2004: 250-253). 3)Changes in Business Cycle i)Macroeconomic growth and economic pressures New businesses are usually unable to handle economic shocks that may result from high interest rates, fluctuations in exchange rates and general inflation. According to David and Mahmood (1995: 89-93) not many businesses survive an economic surge or a recessionary period which may lead to skyrocketing of supply prices and high costs of borrowing. ii)Entering Cohorts exit rate Cohorts refer to groups with similar characteristics. The result of exit of similar businesses can either have a positive or negative effect on a new business. Exit may mean less competition which is an advantage. New firms however rely on one another for inspiration. A person operating a business where everyone is quitting due to one reason or another is bound to get disillusioned and have the attitude that his business may fail too (Phillips, 2004: 69-71). iii)Changes in legal environment When the laws of a country change, new businesses are likely to suffer since they are not yet stable enough to cushion themselves from such changes. Amendment of tax laws and business requirements may cause a new business to go bankrupt. d) Increasing Survival Chances Strategies to increase the chances of survival for a business entail addressing the leading causes of failure. The most fundamental requirement is the improvement of the management capabilities. When there is good management in a firm, other factors will follow suit because every operation of the business is determined by the management (Sutaria and Donald, 2004: 253-255). Improvement of communication within the business and proper sharing of duties are skills that the owners of the business need to acquire. This can be done through attending management and entrepreneurial seminars and conferences so as to learn secrets of firm survival from professionals. Proper planning is the ideal solution to financial problems. Veronique and Wever, 2000: 139-141) refers adequate anticipation of cash flow as the secret to overcoming financial problems for starters. This could be done through the help of an expert if the owner is not in a position to do so. Finding alternative sources of finance apart from the usual ones is key in preventing the collapse of a business due to lack of funds. There are many available sources of finance including bank loans, credit card advances, sale of assets among others (Moore and Gooderl, 2008: 298-299). Care should then be taken to make sure the finances are properly utilized. The firm should avoid relying on a few customers because huge losses can be felt if the customers suddenly withdraw. Instead, they should aim at a large customer base. Over-borrowing can be reduced through making proper cash forecasts and using the limited resources that the business has. In essence, the firm can adopt a steady growth over time instead of rushing to expand at once (Daily et al, 2002: 399-401). Finally, the management should be keen in managing the debts of the business keenly balancing the income and expenditure so as to cover all liabilities and debts in time. A business must clearly identify its customers and establish whether they can sustain the business effectively considering the level of competition. This can be done prior to the business establishment through a market feasibility studies while answering the following questions: How many competitors are in the area you plan to establish your business? Who will be the businesss customers and what are their buying habits? What is the level of loyalty of these potential customers to the current suppliers? Are they likely to buy your product? Is the product seasonal? Is it possible to make profit out of the business? Once these questions are answered, the likelihood of failure can be minimized as specific strategies to address the issues can be formulated (Audretsch and Thurik, 2007: 113-141). Business owners must realize that they cannot do everything by themselves. Employers can delegate and allow employees to make certain decisions. Consequently, owners will have ample time to concentrate on more important business issues such as finding new customers, getting more funds for the business as well as solving the current issues facing the business (Daily et al, 2002: 403-405). The need for long-term planning is inevitable. This involves planning for growth and transition in the future. It also involves planning for uncertainties such as loss of employees, customers and suppliers. In the wake of the high global trade advancement and changes in the market, businesses should always be alert to avoid being taken unaware by advancements in technology, innovation and changes in customer preferences and culture (Zoltan, 1988: 321). Legal changes and changes in tax systems should be catered for in the long-term business plan. The state of the economy is bound to change from time to time which is why firms must anticipate for any future economic shocks through investing in stocks, futures, options among others. Insurance is also an option for more larger firms. III. Conclusion No environment can be said to specifically favour new firms in all angles hence the need for those starting new firms to be overly cautious. Firms are most definitely exposed to numerous risks that may lead to their extinction as indicated in this discussion. Management is identified as the root cause of low survival rates among nascent firms and its improvement could work to solve the predicament presently being witnessed in new firm survival. Proper balancing of the firms cash reserves; being generally alert to any changes in the business environment; making informed decisions to deal with these changes coupled with excellent management practices is exactly what is needed to save young firms from their predicament and promote their longevity.