Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Employee Performance Appraisal & Mitivation and Incentives Essay

Employee Performance Appraisal & Mitivation and Incentives - Essay Example This is one of the reasons why Nakheel has been such a success in the recent years and is making giant strides within the property development regimes in Dubai. The performance appraisal system that is in place within Nakheel makes use of the strengths that the employees possess within their folds and how they bring together the same for the organizational success in the long run. The objectives of performance appraisal within Nakheel are to make sure that the employees are compensated what they do and how they do within the workplace domains. The performance appraisal system that is in place is geared to achieve a great deal more than it is doing at the present. However, the vision is set to attain greater heights as have been promised by the performance appraisal system which is working to good effect within the organization. The objectives are therefore very succinct as far as Nakheel Group is concerned. The performance appraisal is clear cut as far as finding out the best availab le resources for the organization as this will reap rich dividends for the organization in the future. Nakheel is being seen as a much desired employer by the aspirants who seek employment within its aegis. It makes the entire organization a sign of being a positive one for the people at large. The methods and tools which are employed within the performance appraisal system that is implemented by Nakheel are important to ascertain. This is because it helps the organization to grow as a whole as far as its resources are concerned. Much emphasis has been paid on the fact that Nakheel is a name that delivers pure value for the stakeholders and end customers. The interviews are seen as some of the most important tools behind the performance appraisal methodologies which are in place. These also help the basis of determining where success areas for the sake of the employees within Nakheel remain. The methods and tools that are made use of within the performance appraisal system that is i n place within Nakheel is very specific and does not allow for any wastage as such. It taps the potential and the strengths of the employees and gives them a chance to excel within their chosen areas and departments. 2) Reinforcement Theory Reinforcement theory looks at reinforcing attitudes to make sure that results are achieved and attained in an easy going way. It allows for progress beyond what has been envisaged. What remains to be seen is how well the reinforcement theory works to best effect for the employees and what kind of results will be achieved at the end of the day (Hartman, 1991). The reinforcement theory is therefore an indication of how well the strategies are being made use of within the employee morale domains in an organization and what kind of results will be there for the taking by one and all. Undesired behaviors are sometimes given the go-ahead as far as workplace manifestations are concerned. This is because there is no check on such undesired behaviors and this results in a great amount of anarchy within the workplace settings. The role of the human resource management and indeed the top management is of essence here because it brings under focus the need for remaining one step ahead in terms of providing the solution that is required. The undesired behaviors need to be negatively reinforced so that employees could keep away from the same settings, for

Monday, February 3, 2020

The Management of Restraint and Seclusion for Aggression in Essay

The Management of Restraint and Seclusion for Aggression in Psychiatric Patients in Inpatient Units - Essay Example Although initially nonviolent, Jane turned aggressive during normal sampling for tests and punched the nurse who was collecting samples for the tests. On becoming excessively aggressive, the patient was secluded and further restraint to minimize harm to her, her loved ones and the facilities’ staffs and other clients. However, these interventions are rather controversial and the family members opposed their use just as health care and legal professionals and the public continue to question their therapeutic capacities. Consequently, their use is questioned and opposed in equal measures. Instead, aggression management strategies such as individualized safety plans, patient-specific and focused restraint management and prevention, staff notification of restraint and seclusion phenomena, official briefing and debriefing about restraint and nursing staff mentoring are encouraged. In applying these interventions, a nurse leaders and managers should work with all other stakeholders, especially other medical and nursing staff and the families or caretakers of the patient. Consultative approach to leadership would have been quite appropriate for dealing with Jane’s situation. Transformational leadership theory, which postulates that great leadership emerges in cases of problems and encourages collaboration and teamwork, could also apply in this situation. In addition, the contingency theory, which expects leaders to different behaviours and contexts or circumstances are and react accordingly is also appropriate for handling Jane’s aggression. This paper proposes strategies likely to help eliminate or reduce the use of restraint and seclusion as the first choice measures whenever a psychiatric patient turns aggressive on self or others. Introduction For many nurses working in psychiatric inpatient units, violence and aggression are common phenomena. Aggression continues to pose serious challenges to psychiatric inpatient unit nurses despite the many modern and universal methods and strategies of restraint (Schacht, 2006). The two most commonly used interventions applied in the treatment and management of violent and disruptive conducts in psychiatric patients are seclusion and intervention (Anderson & West, 2011). Notably, the application and management of these nursing interventions vary from one country and institution to another. The central role played by these interventions have been largely highlighted in quite a number of nursing and health care studies and literatures, with most of the authors citing numerous recommendations for managing and reducing mental patient aggression (Peterson, 2004). In most of the studies and literatures, the effects of seclusion and restraint on mental illness patients and the prevention of seclusion and restraint or the reduction of their use are among the most highlighted aspects of seclusion management (The Joint Commission, 2008). Whereas seclusion refers to retaining and placing a ment ally ill inpatient in a room so that the immediate aggressive clinical situation is contained, restraint entails the use of different techniques that are custom-made to confine a mentally person to specific body motions (Cruzan, 1992). Despite the difference in meaning, both seclusion and restraint are measures generally used with the aim of preventing further injuries to patients, harm to nurses and to reduce violence and agitation (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2006). This paper explores the appropriate management and leadership strategies for handling restraint of mentally ill inpatients by nurses. The following case study of an aggressive patient will form the basis of the proposed aggression management strategies outlined in the paper. Sample Case Jane (name changed for confidentiality)