Saturday, May 23, 2020

Quotations for Boss Appreciation Day

America and Canada have set aside 16 October (or the nearest working day) to celebrate Boss Appreciation Day. Employees think of innovative ways to express their  gratitude  to their bosses. Some say it with cards and flowers; others like to throw lavish parties. The first ever Boss Day was observed in 1958. That year, Patricia Bays Haroski, a secretary at the State Farm Insurance Company in Deerfield, Illinois, registered National Boss Day. Four years later, Illinois Governor Otto Kerner realized the importance of this occasion. National Boss Day became official in 1962. Today, the concept of Boss Day has spread to other countries too. Observing Boss Appreciation Day Boss Day  can be just another excuse for fawning employees to win favors from their manager who controls their promotions and salary incentives. Often, celebrations can reach comical proportions, where employees fall over each other, trying to outdo their gestures. But an astute boss rarely falls for such sycophantic advances. Instead of smiling down on the toadies, good bosses reward the best workers on their team. The retail industry has shown a burgeoning commercial interest in Boss Day. Retail giants have swooped in to cash in on the card  and gift sales. Merchandise such as mugs proclaiming No. 1 Boss to cards announcing Happy Boss Day generate tremendous revenues, as buyers throng to woo their bosses. You dont need to burn a hole in your pocket to impress your boss. Drop a  Thank You  note on their desk, share a meal, or simply wish your boss with a Happy Boss Day card. Good and Bad Bosses Bill Gates famously said, If you think your teacher is tough, wait until you get a boss. He doesnt have tenure.  Your boss is the first point of contact with the corporate world. If you have a great boss, you can smoothly sail through the rest of your work life. However, if you have a bad boss, well, you can hope to learn from lifes challenges. On Boss Day share this tongue-in-cheek quotation by motivational speaker Byron Pulsifer: If it wasnt for bad bosses, I wouldnt know what a good one was like. A bad boss makes you appreciate the worth of a good one. Dennis A. Peer highlighted one way to separate the good bosses from the bad when he said, One measure of leadership is the caliber of people who choose to follow you. The boss is just a reflection of his team. The stronger the boss, the more resilient the team. With these  Boss Day quotes, you can understand the role of bosses in the workplace. Your Boss May Need the Motivation It is not easy being the boss. You may hate your boss decisions, but at times, your boss has to swallow the bitter pill and play the hard taskmaster. Even the best bosses need recognition. Bosses feel reassured when their employees respond to them positively. Dale Carnegie, the best-selling author of How to Win Friends and Influence People said, There is only one way... to get anybody to do anything. And that is by making the other person want to do it. This quote about bosses reveals your boss well-kept secret. A bad manager may simply dump a project in your inbox; a good manager persuades you that the project will be good for your career. Appreciate Your Boss Leadership Qualities Compliment your boss on her  leadership skills. As Warren Bennis said, Managers are people who do things right, while leaders are people who do the right thing. Emulate Your Success-Oriented Boss Is your boss good at his job or is he just plain lucky? You might think it is the latter, but if you see a pattern of successes, you will realize that your boss methodology actually works. Learn from his insights, and understand the way he thinks. You can gain valuable insight with his mentorship. A positive outlook, a never-say-die attitude, and a constant drive for greater accomplishment pave the road to success. Are You Stuck With a Boss From Hell? Short of getting transferred or switching jobs, there is precious little you can do about a good-for-nothing boss. You can only hope that his superiors will see the light and strip him of his managerial powers. If you have a disorganized or unreasonable manager, you will have to work around his flaws. So, tune out the negative thoughts and refresh your mind with positive thinking. A good sense of humor will bail you out of misery. On bad days when Murphys Law rules, entertain you with this hilarious Homer Simpson quote, Kill my boss? Do I dare live out the American dream? Look at the Bright Side Fortunately, most bosses have their plus points too. That disorganized superior may be a  creative genius. That conniving manager could be a whiz with numbers. That lazy boss may never breathe down your neck. Assess your boss talent and efficiency by studying his work relationships. Good bosses earn respect from their colleagues and team members. Cary Grant said, Probably no greater honor can come to any man than the respect of his colleagues. This quote about respect provides great insight into workplace equations. How to Manage Your Boss Bosses are of different breeds and they come in all sizes and shapes. The best way to manage your boss is to let her know that you are by her side. Be the problem-solver, not the whining child. You will win her confidence by sorting out her problems along with your own. Make Boss Day a special occasion to strengthen the boss-employee relationship. Raise a glass in honor of your favorite boss. Remember the words of J. Paul Getty who said, The employer generally gets the employees he deserves.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Battle of Cryslers Farm in the War of 1812

The Battle of Cryslers Farm was fought November 11, 1813, during the War of 1812 (1812-1815) and saw an American campaign along the St. Lawrence River halted. In 1813, Secretary of War John Armstrong directed American forces to begin a two-pronged advance against Montreal. While one thrust was to advance down the St. Lawrence from Lake Ontario, the other was to move north from Lake Champlain. Commanding the western attack was Major General James Wilkinson. Known as a scoundrel before the war, he had served as an agent of the Spanish government as well as was involved in the conspiracy that saw former Vice President Aaron Burr charged with treason. Preparations As a result of Wilkinsons reputation, the commander on Lake Champlain, Major General Wade Hampton, refused to take orders from him. This led to Armstrong constructing an unwieldy command structure that would see all orders for coordinating the two forces pass through the War Department. Though he possessed around 8,000 men at Sackets Harbor, NY, Wilkinsons force was poorly trained and ill-supplied. Additionally, it lacked experienced officers and was suffering from an outbreak of disease. To the east, Hamptons command consisted of around 4,000 men. Together, the combined force was twice the size of the mobile forces available to the British in Montreal. American Plans Early planning for the campaign called for Wilkinson to capture the key British naval base at Kingston prior to moving on Montreal. Though this would have deprived Commodore Sir Jame Yeos squadron of its primary base, the senior American naval commander on Lake Ontario, Commodore Isaac Chauncey, did not wish to risk his ships in an attack on the town. As a result, Wilkinson intended to make a feint toward Kingston before slipping down the St. Lawrence. Delayed in departing Sackets Harbor due to bad weather, the army final moved out on October 17 using around 300 small craft and bateaux. the American army entered the St. Lawrence on November 1 and reached French Creek three days later. British Response It was at French Creek that the first shots of the campaign were fired when brigs and gunboats led by Commander William Mulcaster attacked the American anchorage before being driven off by artillery fire. Returning to Kingston, Mulcaster informed Major General Francis de Rottenburg of the American advance. Though focused on defending Kingston, Rottenburg dispatched Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Morrison with a Corps of Observation to harry the American rear. Initially consisting of 650 men drawn from the 49th and 89th Regiments, Morrison increased his strength to around 900 by absorbing local garrisons as he advanced. His corps was supported on the river by two schooners and seven gunboats. A Change of Plans On November 6, Wilkinson learned that Hampton had been beaten at Chateauguay on October 26. Though the Americans successfully bypassed a British fort at Prescott the following night, Wilkinson was unsure of how to proceed after receiving the news regarding Hamptons defeat. On November 9, he convened a council of war and met with his officers. The result was an agreement to continue on with the campaign and Brigadier General Jacob Brown was sent ahead with an advance force. Before the main body of the army embarked, Wilkinson was informed that a British force was in pursuit. Halting, he prepared to deal with Morrisons approaching force and established his headquarters at Cooks Tavern on November 10. Pressing hard, Morrisons troops spent that night encamped near Cryslers Farm approximately two miles from the American position. Armies Commanders Americans Major General James WilkinsonBrigadier General John Parker Boyd8,000 men British Lieutenant Colonel James MorrisonCommander William Mulcasterapprox. 900 men Dispositions On the morning of November 11, a series of confused reports led each side to believe that the other was preparing to attack. At Cryslers Farm, Morrison formed the 89th and 49th Regiments in a line with detachments under Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Pearson and Captain G.W. Barnes in advance and to the right. These occupied buildings near the river and gully extending north from the shore. A skirmish line of Canadian Voltigeurs and Native American allies occupied a ravine in advance of Pearson as well as a large wood to the north of the British position. Around 10:30 AM, Wilkinson received a report from Brown stating that he had defeated a militia force at Hooples Creek the previous evening and the line of advance was open. As the American boats would shortly need to run Long Sault Rapids, Wilkinson decided to clear his rear before moving forward. Fighting an illness, Wilkinson was not in a condition to lead the attack and his second-in-command, Major General Morgan Lewis, was unavailable. As a result, command of the assault fell to Brigadier General John Parker Boyd. For the assault, he had the brigades of Brigadier Generals Leonard Covington and Robert Swartwout. The Americans Turned Back Forming for battle, Boyd placed Covingtons regiments on the left extending north from the river, while Swartwouts brigade was on the right extending north into the woods. Advancing that afternoon, Colonel Eleazer W. Ripleys 21st US Infantry from Swartwouts brigade drove back the British skirmishers. On the left, Covingtons brigade struggled to deploy due to a ravine on their front. Finally attacking across the field, Covingtons men came under heavy fire from the Pearsons troops. In the course of the fighting, Covington was mortally wounded as was his second-in-command. This led to a breakdown in organization on this part of the field. To the north, Boyd attempted to push troops across the field and around the British left. These efforts failed as they were met by heavy fire from the 49th and 89th. All across the field, the American attack lost momentum and Boyds men began falling back. Having struggled to bring up his artillery, it was not in place until his infantry was retreating. Opening fire, they inflicted losses on the enemy. Seeking to drive off the Americans and capture the guns, Morrisons men began a counterattack across the field. As the 49th neared the American artillery, the 2nd US Dragoons, led by Colonel John Walbach, arrived and in a series of charges bought sufficient time for all but one of Boyds guns to be withdrawn. Aftermath A stunning victory for a much smaller British force, Cryslers Farm saw Morrisons command inflict losses of 102 killed, 237 wounded, and 120 captured on the Americans. His force lost 31 killed, 148 wounded, 13 missing. Though disheartened by the defeat, Wilkinson pressed on and moved through the Long Sault rapids. On November 12, Wilkinson united with Browns advance detachment and a short time later received Colonel Henry Atkinson from Hamptons staff. Atkinson brought word that his superior had retired to Plattsburgh, NY, citing a lack of supplies, rather than move west around Chateauguay and to join Wilkinsons army on the river as originally ordered. Again meeting with his officers, Wilkinson decided to end the campaign and the army went into winter quarters at French Mills, NY. Following a defeat at Lacolle Mills in March 1814, Wilkinson was removed from command by Armstrong.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Coroperate Social Responsibility Free Essays

Corporate Social responsibility Introduction A few years ago firms only goal was to gain economic profit from their businesses. In recent times it has been discussions if economic profit are the only reason for businesses to exist (Kilotons 1991) In modern society the belief that businesses have responsibilities against the society they operate in have grown bigger, but there are still people and organizations who believe that gaining economic profit from their business are the only thing they have to be concerned about (Chant 2013). The purpose of this essay is to discuss and compare the different viewpoints of corporate social responsibility (hereafter referred to as CARS) and the key issue is to see why corporations and their management should be concerned with CARS. We will write a custom essay sample on Coroperate Social Responsibility or any similar topic only for you Order Now The paper will start by explaining what CARS is and how businesses can gain profit from applying CARS. Thereafter the counterargument, that business doesn’t have any other responsibilities then gaining profit, will be presented. An example of good CARS-work will thereafter be demonstrated. The relationship between ethics in business will also be discussed. Different views of CARS There are many different definitions of what corporate social responsibility is but one ay to look at it is that corporate responsibility is used to describe the work that companies do voluntarily that has a positive impact on society, the environment or the economy (Shill, Apothecary ; Kansas 2010). CARS is supposed to help businesses to behave ethically and gain economic profit and at the same time helping to solve social issues (Chant 2013). Not only are CARS good for the society and the people in it but also for the stakeholders of the company. CARS can change stakeholders purchase behavior, employment seeking and also investment. Over mime CARS can also help the company to build a stronger brand and in that way also gain an economic profit (Shill, Apothecary ; Kansas 2010). In recent times a lot of critiques have been pointed to CARS. The counterargument meaner that business only responsibility against the society is to gain economic profit and only do what the business was created to do (Chant 2013). Many opponents against CARS say that businesses only should use their resources and engage in activities that are designed to increase profits so long as it stays within the law (Kilotons, 1991). Why corporate social responsibility? The question is if businesses and corporations have a social nature and responsibility or not? My own answer to this question is that businesses, in the modern society, is of social nature and have responsibilities against the society. Corporations and businesses are a big part of our society and what they do make a big impact on people, environment and also how other business act. I would like to compare it with people walking on the street and don’t put their rubbish in the garbage bins. I believe that almost everyone thinks that it would be ethically wrong not to put their rubbish in the bins. If everyone throws their rubbish on the street the society and community would not have looked nice and people would care less about, in this case, the environment because no one else does. My point of view is that it reflection of the people in it and so are the corporations and business (Chant 2013). It’s understandable that some corporations think it is unnecessary to implement CARS and that it only will cost them money that they won’t get back. To demonstrate how businesses can gain economic advantages from CARS I will use a Swedish company ‘KEA. KEA is a big home decoration company that operates all over the world and ton is one of their most important raw materials. The company want all cotton used in their products to come from sustainable productions. By using the better cotton initiative they can help reduce environmental and social impacts. They have also proved that this initiative can help KEA to offer competitive priced products that satisfy customers’ needs and also helps the company to reach one of their ambitions to provide responsibly sourced products (CARS: Sweden leads by example in corporate responsibility 2013) With that said, my point is that many companies have to look ore on the output they can gain from CARS and not so much on the input. Conclusion There are many ways of looking at and understand CARS and my point of view in this paper is that CARS is a good thing and that corporations and businesses can gain both social and economic profits from it. On the other hand it can be difficult to measure performance of CARS and to compare business with each other (Chant 2013). But maybe comparing and competitiveness is not necessary as in economical ways. Maybe CARS can be Just a question of good ethics, something as obvious as throwing rubbish in the garbage bin or pay your employees’ salary in time. Is that a realistic goal? Probably not, because it takes that CARS belong to some sort of common sense if that’s going to happen. The important thing for businesses to understand is that CARS should be a part of their business strategy and goal. The modern world is growing and businesses have to keep up with the changes in the environment around them. People are getting more knowledge about ethics and culture and that’s why it’s getting more important for businesses and their management to apply it in to their strategy. Maybe people are going to choose one supermarket in front of the other cause the first one didn’t care about the ethical issues with food production. How to cite Coroperate Social Responsibility, Papers

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Gillette Case free essay sample

Vice President, new business development, Gillette Safety Razor Division (SRD) Problem: Ralph needs to achieve company targets for earnings growth for his division by developing a new business product. Ralph has commissioned an extensive investigation into the blank cassette tape market and he views this market as poised for substantial growth and opportunity over the long-term range of ten to fifteen years. Ralph feels that his division is well positioned to enter the market through utilization of its many core strengths. Market Overview The current blank tape market segment has many weaknesses, such as, lack of widespread distribution, lack of media coverage, poor product display and packaging, and lack of a true market leader. These weaknesses in the blank cassette tape market are all areas where Gillette has developed strong core competencies in their Safety Razor Division. The blank cassette tape market is segmented into three distinct product markets: Professional quality, Standard Quality, and Budget Quality and within those segments there are recording lengths of 30, 60, 90 and 120 minute cassette tapes. We will write a custom essay sample on Gillette Case or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Bingham’s consultants have focused on the 60-minute cassette tape market in particular. Gillette Safety Razor Division Decisions Gillette has four product options: 1. ) do not enter market. 2. ) enter professional tape market 3. ) enter standard tape market. 4. ) enter the budget tape market. The professional quality market offers the greatest margin on products, but it is also the smallest segment in the market. The professional segment will also have the most competition as more established tape makers enter the market. As such, the fierce competition may potentially saturate the market and decrease the margins on these tapes and make it less appealing in the long run. Alternatively, standard tape market has moderate margins, but is a highly growing segment and is ready for a market leader, such as a company like Gillette. Lastly, the budget market has the lowest profit margins, the highest volume sales, but also requires a high volume of sales in order to be profitable due to the significant fixed costs associated with manufacturing. Gillette’s manufacturing constraints make it difficult for Gillette to enter the budget product market and Gillette would not want to damage its brand name by affiliating with a lower end product such as the budget quality tapes. (See appendix for quantitative analysis) Recommendations Conclusions The Gillette Safety Razor division should enter the Standard Quality 60-minute cassette tape market and target the teenager and student market as it is a growing segment and offers much potential. Gillette should distribute the tapes using their established channels and wholesalers. Gillette should promote this new line through an aggressive advertising program as a high standard quality tape free from the defects of budget cassette tapes and with greater quality than the average standard tape. Gillette should leverage its brand name to promote the quality and value of these tapes. Gillette’s pricing for the standard quality tapes should be priced at the regular retail price with the design that consumers will choose Gillette’s product and pay more than the discounted brands due to Gillette’s high quality and brand name. In this scenario, Gillette’s monthly break-even quantity would be 518,758 units and it would make a monthly profit of $92,867 if it conservatively sells 750,000 units/mo. in year one. Annualized, the company’s net profit would be $1,114,400 at 9,000,000 units sold (See appendix for quantitative analysis).