Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Salem Witch Trial vs Mccarthyism - 1208 Words

A review of A Fever in Salem: A New Interpretation of the New England Witch Trials, by Laurie Winn Carlson, Ivan R. Dee, Chicago, 2000; 224 pp. $14.95 Paperback. ISBN: 1-566633095 A FEVER IN SALEM POSITS A biological cause for the early modem witchcraft epidemic, which resulted in the hanging of 19 people in Salem, MA, in 1692. Witchcraft persecution, Laurie Carlson writes, arose because of the strange behavior of the supposedly bewitched accusers. She concludes that the cause was a disease unrecognizable by the science of the time: encephalitis. The history of the Salem witchcraft epidemic is well known. In the winter of 1692, two girls suffered convulsions and hallucinations, alarming fast their families and subsequently the entire†¦show more content†¦Is Carlson suggesting the epidemic actually had supernatural influences? Carlson also takes aim at the psychological profession, as she does in an earlier footnote comparing the late 15th century witch hunting guidebook, The Malleus Maleficarum, with the handbook of the American Psychological Association, the DSM-IV. Readers of SKEPTIC may be especially interested in Carlsons brief mention of women taken by planets while they slept, remarkably similar to modern descriptions of alien abductions. As interesting as all this is, especially to skeptics in search of natural causes for apparently supernatural events, A Fever in Salem is far from exemplary. Fundamentally, the evidence offered for the epidemiological hypothesis is inconclusive. I do not doubt Carlsons statement that historical epidemiology is inherently plausible, but this does not let her off the empirical hook. A Fever in Salems recounting of events beyond Salem is alternately superficial and contradictory, in spite of the authors own assertion that her hypothesis fails if it cannot be applied to Europe as well. Europe suffered under witchcraft accusations for more than a century, with approximately 100,000 casualties. Carlson hints that the Salem symptoms could be compared to what happened in Europe or other areas of New England, but never fully explores it. If she wants to build her case solely on Salem, discussion of witchcraft outside ofShow MoreRelatedThe Powerless- Analysing Mccarthyism Vs. The Salem Witch Trials2054 Words   |  9 PagesThe Empowerment of the Powerless- Analysing McCarthyism Vs. The Salem Witch Trials During the witch trials, almost two hundred innocent people were convicted of consorting with the Devil and practicing witchcraft, and a surprising twenty people were hanged for their lack of confession. The source for this mass hysteria, was nothing more than the silent influence of eleven young girls ranging from the age of nine to twenty-five. They began to accuse their neighbors of witchcraft, gaining them theRead MoreArthur Millers The Crucible And The Second Red Scare1293 Words   |  6 Pagesidentified as Communists† (Miller â€Å"Why I Wrote The Crucible†). Arthur Miller’s The Crucible is an effective allegory due to Miller connecting Salem to McCarthyism by the showing the people of Salem being driven into rash actions and unjust court systems because of their paranoid spirits. The most apparent similarities between Salem and the Second Red Scare are the trials themselves, however, Miller does not utilize them as his strongest connections. Miller create s the most connections through mirroring charactersRead MoreThe Mccarthy Hearings Vs The Salem Witch Trials Essay1011 Words   |  5 PagesMcCarthy Hearings vs The Salem Witch Trials The McCarthy Hearings and the Salem Witch Trials both transformed the thought process of Americans today. Despite being described as completely unique and distinguished events, they both are eerily similar in appearance. The Salem Witch Trials and McCarthyism are both described as witch hunts with several similarities in the way the inspired fear but they have several differences in the motivation and the end of each event. The Salem Witch Trials is know forRead MoreMccarthyism And The Salem Witch Trials1195 Words   |  5 PagesMcCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence (â€Å"McCarthyism†). The Salem Witch Trials was when more than 200 people were accused of practicing witchcraft and 20 were killed because of these accusations (Brooks). During the Red Scare like there are accusations of people committing treason during the Red Scare. In The Crucible people are accused of being witches during the Salem Witch trials. There are many similarities and differencesRead MoreThe Crucible : An Allegory For The Red Scare2011 Words   |  9 PagesAmericans being equal in status to White Americans during the Civil Rights movement. Although the crucible takes place in 1692, Salem, it reflects the concerns of 1950?s American life and is an allegory for the Red Scare, and Homosexuality. [2: Wall, Wendy. Anti-Communism in the 1950s. www.g N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Apr. 2016. .] The Crucible takes place in Salem, Massachusetts, which was a puritan town.[endnoteRef:3] Reverend Parris is praying over his daughter, Betty, who appears toRead MoreThe Hands Of An Angry God1627 Words   |  7 Pagesdirected to a Puritan congregation urging with orthodox fervor for transgressors to repent. Arthur Miller wrote the allegorical play The Crucible in 1953, lively portraying the hysteria occurring during the Salem Witch Trials in an effort to describe his perceptions of the post-war climate of McCarthyism and the sheer terror of Communism. In the pulpit oratory â€Å"Sinner in the Hands of an Angry God†, Edwards eloquently uses imagery, metaphors, and symbolism in order to instill fear in his congregation andRead MoreMccarthyism : Alive Yesterday, Today, And Tomorrow2146 Words   |  9 PagesMcCarthyism: Alive Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow â€Å"Want of foresight, unwillingness to act when action would be simple and effective, lack of clear thinking, confusion of counsel until the emergency comes, until self-preservation strikes its jarring gong - these are the features which constitute the endless repetition of history.† Winston Churchill Winston Churchill was correct to state that history does in fact repeat itself, and when one looks at the past one can see that McCarthyism, the executionRead MoreEssay about The Fear of the Noose in The Crucible by Arthur Miller713 Words   |  3 PagesArthur Miller establishes a period in the American history known as the Salem witch trials of 1692. It is a well built Puritan society in which the citizens are bonded with the church. During this time McCarthyism was in play, it was the anti-communist suspicions into the U.S. The theme in the story The Crucible was honesty and truth versus scapegoat. Arthur Miller used the noose to lead the reader to the theme of honesty vs. scapegoat. The noose represents the most prevalent symbol in The CrucibleRead MoreThe Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx Essay2047 Words   |  9 Pageswith their followers. These followers then spread their fraudulent ideas, which often added greater fire to their passionate causes. This characteristic, exemplif ied in their own time period by McCarthyism, inspired both Miller and Bradbury to create their works. Bradbury, unsettled by the McCarthy trials, critiques the negative effects of communism in his projection of the near future. This near future involves a suppression of knowledge rooted in a ban on all books. Government leaders suppress

Monday, December 16, 2019

Creating Tension Through the Presentation of Magwitch and...

How does Dickens create tension through his presentation of Magwitch and Miss Havisham in Great Expectations? Introduction ============ Great Expectations is about a young boy, Pip, who lives in a deprived town with his sister (Mrs Joe) and her husband (Mr Joe). Pip meets a fugitive, Magwitch and after meeting with this runaway he fears from his life. Pip is then summoned to go and play at Miss Havisham’s house. He then falls in love with Estella who chooses to ignore Pip, which makes him feel pitiful and he hates himself for this. Suddenly his life starts to change as he receives an astonishing gift from a covert benefactor. Pip becomes rich and decides to go and live in London. After becoming rich, Pip decides to forget†¦show more content†¦Magwitch asks Pip to get him a file or Magwitch will kill him. Pip is sad because he had just been to visit his mother and father’s grave. The weather was dull; it a rainy and stormy day. Pips mood was reflecting on the weather. This is called pathetic fallacy. With Miss Havisham Pip is nervous just by looking at the house. â€Å"The great front entrance had two chains across it†¦Ã¢â‚¬  this shows that Pip was frightened of Satis House. Also all the windows had iron bars on them and there would be no light in Satis House. â€Å"†¦ And had a great many iron bars to it† this shows that the windows had iron bars to them. â€Å"†¦ No glimpse of daylight could be seen in it† this shows that it was dark within the walls of Satis House. Dickens uses sinister language choices to create tension an example of this is â€Å" the great†¦Ã¢â‚¬  which refers to Satis House having an immense entrance. This creates tension because Satis House is described as dark and dreary as I have given evidence of this above. In the graveyard it is stormy, its raining, its dark and Pip is sad because he is visiting his parents grave’s. (Pathetic Fallacy), in Satis house its dark and prison like. I have compared both settings. Dickens creates tension through his presentation of Magwitch and Miss Havisham by creating the two similar settings and comparing both Magwitch and Miss Havisham to one another. Paragraph Three – Dickens creates tension through his initial description of

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Bell Jar Cancer versus Depression Essay Example For Students

The Bell Jar Cancer versus Depression Essay Integrated into the story of The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath is a case history of a depression patient, from its subtle beginnings to its terrifying consequences to its shaky resolution. On the subject of this depression, there is an article written by William Styron which, in the course of describing his own dealings with the disease, he compares it to cancer. It is my own firm opinion that this assertion is perfectly valid, and it can be shown through careful analysis of the causes and effects of both depression and cancer that this is so. In addition, using The Bell Jar as an example of a case of depression, we will see how this comparison makes clear sense. First, we must address the nature of cancer and its effect on the individual bearing its weight. Cancer is the result of a mutation of the genetic material of a cell, resulting in the lack of some inhibiting factor which would otherwise restrict the uncontrolled reproduction of this cell. As a consequence, this cell reproduces without bound, generating a cluster of cells which are reproducing uncontrollably, and which use the resources of the body to an extent beyond their proportional allotment. Eventually, the requirements of the tumor exceed the bodys ability to provide, and the individual dies. Treatment of cancer includes surgery, the use of chemotherapy, and the use of radiation therapy. Surgeons removing a tumor make every attempt to remove as much of the affected tissue as possible, because the presence of even a single, properly placed cell left after surgery could result in a second bout with the cancer. Chemotherapy entails exposing the cancer to a barrage of chemicals whi ch are toxic, in the hope of poisoning it to death. Unfortunately, these chemicals, which are toxic to the tumor, are also toxic to the patient. Chemotherapy results in a plethora of serious negative side effects for the patient, even for all of its ability to fight the disease. Radiation therapy works by the same premise as chemotherapy, but instead of chemicals it is radiation that is used to try and destroy the cancer. Interestingly enough, often it is radiation which generates the mutation in the genetic material of the cell which causes the cancer, and yet it is possible to treat the cancer with radiation (exposure to certain chemicals can cause cancer too, resulting in the same paradox relating to chemotherapy.) Now, these treatments for cancer can be related to treatments for depression, as we will see shortly. Important to any discussion of cancer is a consideration of its causes. Because of the statistical nature of genetic mutations, which are the cause not only of cancer but of evolution, more spontaneous, natural genetic mutations must be negative than advantageous. Some of these negative mutations result in cancer. These natural mutations (another paradox) are caused by sunlight, chemicals in food, and normal biological processes occurring in the cell. In all cases of cancer except for a select few, the victim has nothing to do with the cause of the cancer. Obvious exceptions include the use of tobacco and the careless exposure of ones skin to the sun. These situations are ones where the victim is wholly responsible for their condition, though we can still maintain compassion and make medical attempts to remedy their problem. One other issue relating to cancer which needs to be addressed is that of pain related either directly to the cancer, or to its treatment. In many cases of cance r, the patient is in great pain. Often this pain results from the cancer itself, though many times the treatment (particularly chemotherapy and radiation therapy) results in pain and sickness. Doctors are permitted to prescribe pain medication, and in some states cannabis, to alleviate this pain, though many times they are reluctant to prescribe pain medication for extended periods of time (or cannabis at all) because of a fear of raising the suspicions of local or federal drug enforcement agencies. In general, however, the pain of a cancer patient can be satisfactorily soothed, though rarely entirely relieved. A similar discussion of depression is necessary to thoroughly understand the situation, and begins as follows. Depression is

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Pros and cons of abortion to the society

Introduction For a very long time now the issue of abortion has been one of the most controversial and problems on the planet pitying two major sides. On one side pro-lifers insist that it is immoral and amounts to murdering an innocent child while pro-abortionists argue that is just a form of birth control and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it as all children should be born when they are wanted.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Pros and cons of abortion to the society specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The numerous legislations, policies by governments and even hard-line stands by some organizations like the church have over time made this subject more controversial instead of offering solutions, and at one point one may argue that there would never be a consensus on the abortion issue. The debate on abortion is likely to go on for several years unless the sturdy stands taken by both pro-lifers and anti-abo rtionists are softened. Those for or against abortion have to find ways of accommodating the views of each other regarding the issue. This paper will evaluate the issues surrounding the abortion debate while at the same time seek to find solutions to the conflicting ideas. Pros of abortion There are several arguments that one forward in support of abortion. First of all, any birth of a child should occur when the parents want and not by chance (Potts et al. 229). This way it would go a long way in assisting the world to have an environment where all children that are born in this world have an environment conducive for proper development. There is no need for inflating the world with many children who cannot have access to basic needs like adequate clothing, food, shelter, and education. It should also be noted that when a person decides to carry out an abortion it is not out of her dislike for children but because she feels that it would not be a wise decision to proceed with the p regnancy as it is still not yet the right time to have a baby (Potts et al. 229). In the case of rape or incest, keeping a pregnancy is very traumatizing to the person raped as no one would wish to keep a child that is a result of this, and the best solution to this problem would be to abort the unborn child. For the case of rape, the emotional effects of the occurrence are too traumatizing and take time to heal, and some rape victims do not recover at all. Adding a child to the rape victim is like adding more salt to a wound and would be a constant reminder that is likely to add more emotional trauma to the victim (Khoster 35).Advertising Looking for essay on ethics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Many studies on the morality or immoralities of abortion have found that some of those against the morality of abortion tend to agree that it is acceptable to abort a pregnancy that is a result of rape. For instance, the gulp poll carried out in Canada found only 13% of the respondents were against the practice completely while interestingly a whopping 65% were of the view that it is acceptable to abort an unwanted pregnancy in certain conditions like if it is a result of rape (Flanagan 130) There has also been an unending debate on the exact time that a fetus acquires life and becomes a person with rights and ability to have feelings (Sather 159). Sather further argues that before the 24th– 28th week, the fetus has not yet acquired human features and it does not amount to murder if you perform an abortion before this time. Pro-lifers led by the Catholic Church insist that life begins at conception and anyone who is found guilty of having performed an abortion could be excommunicated from the church because of committing murder (Kohmescher 137). That is not all several studies when life stars in the case of an unborn child have resulted in conflicting dates. The impending standoff as to, when a person can and cannot have an abortion, have left it possible for anyone to conduct an abortion. It is not clear as to when life begins, and as so long as a woman feels that she cannot have a baby, she has the freedom to do it since it is not yet clear when the life of a person begins. Sometimes complications can occur to a pregnancy that may put the life of the mother or unborn child in danger and even at times all of them. In this case, abortion ought to be permitted to save the physical health of the mother although some of those advocating for abortion have often argued that the mental health of the mother ought to be included when talking about health (white Baldwin 113). At this point, the life of the mother is given first consideration as the fetus cannot survive without the mother, and in any case, the chances are that the mother can always get other children if she wants, but there is no way a fetus can survive on its leave alone getting other parents which is impossible.Advertis ing We will write a custom essay sample on Pros and cons of abortion to the society specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Cons of abortion Several disadvantages of abortion are argued out by pro-lifers. Most of the books on the subject are mostly in support of the drawbacks of abortion as compared to the advantages. According to Koster abortion is only a temporary and irrational decision that make women feel that they have gotten some relief to an unwanted child against chances of permanent loss of infertility (Koster 304). She further argues that although removing an unwanted pregnancy may somehow offer relief to the woman the possibility of becoming infertile especially if an unqualified person performed the operation is very significant and once you lose your fertility there is zero chance that you will regain it. Even when performed by a qualified medical doctor there is a chance that complications may arise like in some medical p rocedures and if this happens, you could definitely lose your fertility. In fact, interviews conducted on women who had complications when performing an abortion revealed that a majority of them had lost the ability to conceive or hard a miscarriage (Koster 304) The relief that one feels after procuring an abortion is usually short-lived, and it dies after some time leading to a permanent feeling of guilt and sadness. In fact, in most of the times, this feeling of relief is just a deliberate attempt by the psychology of a person to delete the sense of guilt and shame that creeps in immediately one procures an abortion (Holman 321). Holman further adds that although most of the legislation and policies concerning abortion allow the practice in the case of schoolgirls the idea that you once killed part of you is not likely to go away and will haunt you forever. A lot of pro-lifers would equate abortion to murder, and it is therefore morally wrong and should be outlawed. Genovesi defin es murder as an intentional act of taking away the life of a human being (Genovesi 340). Fro this he further adds that since the fetus of a person has life, then taking it away will amount to killing it, which is the same as murder. Of course from this reason arguments are bound to arise as to when the life of a person actually begins. To all Christians led by the Catholic Church, it is completely unacceptable to allow a person to take away another person’s life for whichever reason and at whatever stage in life as it is still murder.Advertising Looking for essay on ethics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The late Pope John Paul is on record as having condemned the practice and even stating that it would threaten the freedom and dignity of humankind as it promotes a culture of accepting death as a normal thing (Zastrow Kirst 82) Procuring an abortion is not the only solution in the event of unwanted pregnancy as the child could also be put to adoption. It is estimated that in all married couples in the United States alone, between 10% -15% of them do not have the ability to have children (Grunlan 217). This figure is so high that more and more Americans are turning to other countries overseas in order to get children of their own and as Grunlan further adds; this figure has been increasing in the recent years as more mothers turn to abortion as a way of controlling birth. Furthermore, as Zastrow Kirst add, in this age where there are so many available contraceptive methods; there should be very minimal unwanted pregnancies that warrant the need to abort a baby who has already been conceived (Zastrow Kirst 82). Relationship between abortion and the course on religion The main concern in the abortion controversy is whether it is morally and ethically right or wrong. Ethics and morality are significantly discussed in unit one of the course. In unit one, the main issue discussed is how to know what is right and what is wrong. As argued by Aristotle in part of the course, to become ethical he should first reason well and have good character, and total happiness can only be achieved if people are noble. The abortion debate centers on ethics in that while those who are for abortion argue that it offers a solution to lots of problems that could be brought about by having unwanted children, those against it argue that this relief is only temporary. Unit three of the course is mainly on how to live a good life as Christians. In this essential part, the unit deals on acceptable Christian virtues and values. One such virtue is having unconditional love towards others. O n abortion, it is argued that when one performs an abortion automatically, she does not have love for that child regardless of the conditions. Moreover, all Christians should preserve human life and have respect for Gods creations, and failure to do so is a sin. People are also supposed to think critically of their actions and be held accountable to these actions, and, as discussed in the unit, they should avoid searching for quick-fix solutions to problems facing them. The Catholic Church has been the most vocal in speaking against abortion for a long time, and as it stands, there is no chance that this sturdy stand will be reverted. In the book Catholic morality and human sexuality, the author argues that immediately after fertilization, the resulting zygote has human features and should be respected as a human being. Removing it from the uterus amounts to murder (Genovesi 344). Furthermore, if you reject human life at any point, it is like rejecting God as humans are created in t he image of God (Ferrara Ireland 20). Accepting abortion has been argued by the church as accepting a culture of death and living without Jesus Christ as it amounts t killing an innocent creature of God who has not yet performed any sin. Even in cases of rape or incest, the church does not permit abortion (Kohmescher 138). In this case, a woman may seek treatment immediately after the incident but not abortion weeks after the incident, and even if the pregnancy is a threat to human life, there should be an attempt to save both lives human lives are sacred and equal before God an none is unique to the other. Conclusion As it stands today, it seems the debate on abortion will not come to an end soon. The stands taken by both the pro-abortionists and anti-abortionists are so rigid, and there have not been any attempts to build a consensus. For instance, the church will certainly not relent on its claim that abortion is murder and therefore a capital sin while pro-abortionists argue th at having a child should be a choice. The conflicting policies by different governments regarding the issue have added more controversy to this subject instead of offering guidelines. There should be efforts to provide a clear policy on this issue that would be acceptable in the whole world through an international body like the United Nations. Apart from that the church and other organizations that are anti-abortion ought to soften their stand in some incidences like rape which are too traumatizing. Works Cited Ferrara, Jennifer Ireland, Patricia. The catholic mystique: fourteen women find fulfillment in the Catholic Church. Huntington: Sunday visitor publishing, 2004. Print Flanagan, Thomas. Game theory and Canadian politics. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998. Print Genovesi, Vincent. In pursuit of love: Catholic morality and human sexuality. Minnesota: Hutts Publishing, 2002. Print Grunlan, Stephen. Marriage and the family. Michigan: Zondervan. 1983. Print Holman, Thoma s. The family in the new millennium. Westport: Praeger Publishers. 2007. Print liturgical press, 1996. Print Khoster, Winnie. Women and abortion in the Yoruba society, Nigeria. Amsterdam: Aksant academic publishers, 2003. Print Kohmescher, Matthew. Catholicism today: a survey of Catholic belief and practice the third edition. New Jersey: Paulist Press, 1999. Print Potts, Malcolm, Diggory Peter Peel John. Abortion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1977. Print Sather, Trevor. Pros and cons: a debaters handbook 18th edition. London: Routledge, 1999. Print White, Stuart Baldwin, Timothy. Legal and ethical aspects of anesthesia, critical care, and preoperative medicine. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2004. Print Zastrow, Charles Kirst, Karen. Understanding human behavior and the social environment: 8th edition. Belmont: Brookscole, 2007. Print This essay on Pros and cons of abortion to the society was written and submitted by user Romeo U. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

the euro essays

the euro essays 2) CREATION OF THE EUROPEAN MONETARY UNION 5) THE STRUCTURE OF THE ECB AND ESCB 7) HOW DOES IT AFFECT THE UNITED STATES? 8) THE CURRENT SITUATION AND FUTURE OF THE EURO On January 1, 1999 the eleven countries that make up the European Monetary Union (EMU) officially adopted the Euro as the single currency for the economic region. Currently the participating countries of the EMU are Germany, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Finland, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Ireland. The United Kingdom, Denmark, Sweden, and Greece have not yet joined the EMU, but they are still part of the European Union (EU). Greece did no meet the requirements to become a member of the EMU and the UK, Denmark and Sweden chose not to join, yet. January 4, 1999 marked the actual first working day and thus the eleven countries were permanently linked to the Euro and each other. The Euro, whose symbol is , entered the market on that first day at the value of $1.186 U.S. dollars and steadily depreciated to $1.03 in early June of 1999. This depreciation came to a surprise to those who thought that the Euro may hold strong against the dollar, but that was not the case. Some believe that part of the reason is due to the strength of the U.S. economy. It hasnt been since the fall of the Roman Empire since much of Western Europe has had a single currency. The idea of a single currency for Europe isnt new. Since the end of World War II the idea of a single European Currency surfaced. French Leaders Jean Monnet and Robert Schuman agreed that European economic integration was a key of embracing Germany and keeping them oriented towards the ways of the west. German political leaders such as Konrad Adenauer, Helmut Kohl, and Gerhard Schroeder have backed the integration along with the French, though almost entirely through economic and Although the Euro has officially b...

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Distraction of Prepositional Phrases in Noun-Verb Agreement

The Distraction of Prepositional Phrases in Noun-Verb Agreement The Distraction of Prepositional Phrases in Noun-Verb Agreement The Distraction of Prepositional Phrases in Noun-Verb Agreement By Mark Nichol The question of whether to use the singular or plural form of a verb in a sentence can be complicated by the distracting presence of a prepositional phrase- one that includes a preposition such as of, in, or to followed by a noun directly or after one or more an intervening verbs and/or adjectives. But as the following examples demonstrate, such a phrase should (with a key exception) be disregarded when identifying which noun the sentence’s key verb should agree with. 1. The rapid and almost ubiquitous deployment of smartphone technologies across the globe has/have put sophisticated technology in the hands of consumers. The multiplicity of nouns preceding has- deployment, technologies, globe- can throw a writer off, but the noun in a prepositional phrase (such as in â€Å"of smartphone technologies† or â€Å"across the globe†) is irrelevant, so the first in series of nouns in this sentence (â€Å"deployment . . . has†) is the pertinent one: â€Å"The rapid and almost ubiquitous deployment of smartphone technologies across the globe has put sophisticated technology in the hands of consumers.† 2. There is/are, however, a set of technologies and innovations that have already reached a point where they are robust enough to have real-world applicability. This sentence also features a distracting prepositional phrase, but it follows the key verb, rather than preceding it, as the one in the preceding example does, so the writer may not recognize the applicability of the previously mentioned rule; the pairing is â€Å"is . . . a set,† not â€Å"are . . . technologies and innovations†: â€Å"There is, however, a set of technologies and innovations that have already reached a point where they are robust enough to have real-world applicability. (Notice, however, that the subsequent verbs have and are apply to â€Å"technologies and innovations† rather than set, so they are correct in plural form.) 3. A number of factors have led to the increasing use of technology in relation to regulatory compliance. Note, however, an exception to the rule about the irrelevance of prepositional phrases in noun-verb agreement- when the prepositional phrase follows the phrase â€Å"a number†; in that case, the more substantial noun in the prepositional phrase, rather than the vague word number, is pertinent: â€Å"A number of factors have led to the increasing use of technology in relation to regulatory compliance.† You can test the exception by realizing that â€Å"a number of† can be replaced with the adjective many; the correct form of the verb following â€Å"many factors† is obvious. (This post provides a more detailed discussion of the issue.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:10 Rules for Writing Numbers and Numerals10 Techniques for More Precise WritingDouble Possessive

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Supporting Statement for a Secondary School Teacher of ICT Role Essay

Supporting Statement for a Secondary School Teacher of ICT Role - Essay Example Over the years, I have been able to identify many settings other than the regular class room, such as the laboratory, the cafeteria, or even a sporting event. As a teacher, it is my firm belief that my duty is not limited to a few hours of teaching. Rather, I also have an obligation of teaching my students to think out of the box and extend their thinking beyond the surroundings of the course. Therefore, my aim is to create such learning experiences for the students that allow them to recognize the innovative outcomes, understand the concepts, and identify places where these ideas connect in real life. My experience with teaching indicates that an idea is better understood if related with real life. I take teaching very seriously and believe it to be one of my greatest skills. As far as the teacher’s evaluation is concerned, my score had always been higher than the average score of other departments in almost all categories. The categories included the likes of encouraging tea mwork, zest in teaching methods, and whether or not the students would suggest me to other students. The evaluation also recorded students enjoying my teaching and indicated their interest in taking another course with me in future. As a teacher, I believe in collaborative learning and always aim to foster teamwork in the class room. Although my students will work as an independent unit, but in-spite of forming a group, they will also learn to work as a team where not only they are an independent unit but also recognize ‘one’ same goal. Considering the fast pace of the ICT environment, I understand that a teacher must learn to make the most of this subject and must continuously match the pace with the remarkable changes of the setting. As an ICT teacher, I would be aiming to help the students make use of this subject to enhance their capabilities in various areas of the subjects. Therefore, my diploma in this field will work as an important tool in helping me educating and training the students. As for the professional practice in ICT, I hope to make the most of this diploma as well. When it comes to leadership and management of the curriculum, I can easily instill the expectation of setting high standards for all. I always promote good attendance and have, in the past, achieved a 3 percent increase in attendance over my years of service. In order to develop such a culture, I always support the habit of ‘fun learning’ so that they learn to identify the worth of education and consequently maintain good attendance. In the past I have used tools like videos, competitions, and presentations that encouraged the importance of time management and how they can enjoy their work with effective prioritization. Newsletters and assemblies were also used which gave way to achievement oriented behavior in the students. Therefore, my aim is pretty simple, rather than presenting creative education as an alternative to literacy, I strive to maintain a teaching style that is a balance of both. I have also gained a substantial amount of familiarity with data base management system in the past. Being the primary instructor, I have thus gained enough sound knowledge of working with others. With the art of analyzing and applying various software development methodologies at hand, my delivery method in teaching inculcates the same style. I understand that one class can never be like the previous one. Where a new class changes with a new

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Explain and evaluate the significance of the IAASB clarity project for Essay

Explain and evaluate the significance of the IAASB clarity project for UK audits - Essay Example As a result, any case of bankruptcy of corporations whose financial accounts were audited; would directly or indirectly point out the role and possible and probable contribution of auditors. Since the fall of Enron, WorldCom and the most recent global financial crisis, the role and practices of auditors have come under more scrutiny than ever before. And these scandals and termed as ‘audit failures’, defined as an event in which the auditor fails either to implement generally accepted accounting principles or to issue qualified report.( Francis, 2004). But, previous research suggests that audit failures result in the impairment of auditor reputation, as witnesses by a loss in market share (Firth, 1990; Wison and Grimlund, 1990; weber et al.2008), also lower audit fees (Davis and Simon, 1992). The recently emerged financial conditions have put more pressure on the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) to revisit some of the basic International Stand ards on Auditing (ISAs). Undoubtedly, the use and need of these international auditing standards is never more needed and felt than this time. In the current economic and financial global circumstances, the need and significance is timely understood and realised by the IAASB. In collaboration with other international professional auditing, accounting and other professional bodies, the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board began its working on the clarity project in the year of 2006 (Smith, 2010). This clarity project is designed and established to reduce the ambiguity in some of the standards on the auditing, and it is designed to enhance clarity on some of the standards. Additionally, another significant aim of this clarity project is introduced to enhancing understandability on some of the auditing standards. The new clarified audit related standards came into force in the UK and in Ireland for the purpose of audit of financial statements for period ending on or aft er the date of 15 December 2010, But, before going to explain and evaluate this clarity project for UK, it is vitally important to understand the main objectives behind the establishment of the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board. Background of International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board The IAASB is established to develop auditing and assurance standards

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Value of Liberal Arts Essay Example for Free

The Value of Liberal Arts Essay Liberal Arts can be defined as the study of general knowledge, humanities, fine arts, natural science and social science, instead of technical studies. These subjects are considered necessary for people in society. A Liberal Arts education is valuable because it is intellectual, it teaches you how to think, and heightens creativity. Studying Liberal Arts will enhance my skills and will develop me into a well-rounded person with a Nursing career. Unlike most professional studies with a focus on career goals, Liberal Art prepares at student for the real world. Most students are not aware of the importance and value of a Liberal Arts education. Courses like English, History, Psychology, Philosophy, and Christianity teaches you how to write and understand. It gives you a better understanding of the world and improves your communication skills. With such a variety students will be more decisive about ideas, beliefs, problems, and choices. This will prepare them for the dilemmas they will face in the world. Higher education is not about simply finding a good job after graduation. A liberal college gives you values and standards that will make you a better person. With a nursing major I will need the communication skills that a Liberal Arts education will give. This will help me interact better with my patients and co-workers and understand differences. Working in a nursing home or hospital I will experience different people and beliefs. I have some skills, but an education with a variety will give me an advantage over nurses with a basic 2-year degree that is career orientated. I interpret it as HBU giving me a foundation. Nursing pre-requisites concurrent with Liberal Arts pre- requisite gives me stepping stones into the nursing program. I will gain more knowledge this way and once I do enter the program I will be well balanced. Some of my acquaintances think that the pre-requisites are harder than the actual program because of the variety, but I disagree. Some of my high school classmates wanted to attend HBU but were deterred because of the Liberal Arts and Christianity requirements. They felt social gatherings like convocation and bible studies were unnecessary and boring, but they help you develop better morals and discipline. They will lack these features that I will have. Liberal studies require you to be artistic and think outside the box. Managers at the odd jobs I have had lacked those features, and that’s why they were bad employers. A liberal college gives students a smaller learning setting which enables us to develop relationships with teachers and students. It’s much better than a major that’s strictly pre-med or pre-pharmacy. It’s very different from a non-liberal college. It helps develop relationships between the teachers and students. This is impossible at a school with over a hundred thousand students. I was not aware of how liberal this college was until my SOAR orientation. Courses like Philosophy and Psychology can be applied to life. In my opinion, high school wasn’t liberal enough. My friends and I would find ourselves asking, â€Å"When are we going to use this stuff?† and â€Å"Why don’t they teach us stuff that’s useful?† Where can we apply chemistry if we’re not a Chemist? I thank GOD for bringing me to HBU. When I graduate I know I will be well prepared for the world. The medical field is a stressful career. You really have to be well- rounded because you are dealing with people. As a nurse you have to understand your patients especially when you are in a nursing home. Overall, I am really enjoying this experience. HBU has this spirit that makes me feel great.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Coal Mining and Its Impacts Essay -- Coal Dangers Mines Essays Papers

Coal Mining and Its Impacts Coal is a hard, black colored rock-like substance. It is made up of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and varying amount of sulphur. Coal was form as decomposition took place in the absence of oxygen and much of the hydrogen content of the matter was eroded away, leaving a material rich in carbon. The material was compressed over the years by sand and dirt, leaving the form of a carbon known as coal. The different types of coals are Anthracite, bituminous, lignite, peat, coke, and charcoal. Coal is mined out of the ground and used to produce energy. However, they are many deaths, injuries, and sickness involved in mining coal. The earliest known use of coal was in China. Coal from the Fun-Shun mine in northeastern China may have been used to smelt copper as early as 3,000 years ago. Since then there have been several deaths and injuries in mining coal. â€Å"In 1966, an unstable waste tip from the Merthyr Vale mine in Wales released an avalanche of sludge over the village of Aberfan, engulfing not only houses but the primary school, killing 114 children†( Boyle, Everett, & Ramage p. 165). In Britain in the mid-nineteenth century it was estimated that one in every miners would face a fatal accident before completing their mining career. â€Å"1913 saw Britain’s worst mining disaster, with 439 miners killed in an explosion at the Senghenydd mine in Walse†( Boyle, Everett, & Ramage p. 165). It is important to note that the work of a coal miner is one of the most dangerous occupations in the world. The life expectancy of a miner is very low. Mining coal involves going underground to remove coal on to conveyor belts. The deeper the miners go the higher the potential for a disaster becomes.... ...use surface mining which uses machine instead of people to extract coal. The coal companies could provide incentive to workers that suffer from pneumoconiosis. Protective clothing and face mask could also be enhancing to ensure workers safety in coal mining. With government policies and public support the fatalities involved with mining coal could decrease within the next few years. Reference Page Boyle, G., Everett, B. & Ramage, .J. (2003) Energy System and sustainability. United Kingdom: Open University Energy Matters(2003) Energy Matters: Fossil Fuels-coal. Retrieved February, 8, 2007. From http://library. Zou CQ, Gao Y, Ma Y. (1997). Pneumoconiosis in China: Asian-Pacific News Letter on Occupational Health and Safety. Retrieved February, 8, 2007, From http://www. China/ Coal Mining and Its Impacts Essay -- Coal Dangers Mines Essays Papers Coal Mining and Its Impacts Coal is a hard, black colored rock-like substance. It is made up of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and varying amount of sulphur. Coal was form as decomposition took place in the absence of oxygen and much of the hydrogen content of the matter was eroded away, leaving a material rich in carbon. The material was compressed over the years by sand and dirt, leaving the form of a carbon known as coal. The different types of coals are Anthracite, bituminous, lignite, peat, coke, and charcoal. Coal is mined out of the ground and used to produce energy. However, they are many deaths, injuries, and sickness involved in mining coal. The earliest known use of coal was in China. Coal from the Fun-Shun mine in northeastern China may have been used to smelt copper as early as 3,000 years ago. Since then there have been several deaths and injuries in mining coal. â€Å"In 1966, an unstable waste tip from the Merthyr Vale mine in Wales released an avalanche of sludge over the village of Aberfan, engulfing not only houses but the primary school, killing 114 children†( Boyle, Everett, & Ramage p. 165). In Britain in the mid-nineteenth century it was estimated that one in every miners would face a fatal accident before completing their mining career. â€Å"1913 saw Britain’s worst mining disaster, with 439 miners killed in an explosion at the Senghenydd mine in Walse†( Boyle, Everett, & Ramage p. 165). It is important to note that the work of a coal miner is one of the most dangerous occupations in the world. The life expectancy of a miner is very low. Mining coal involves going underground to remove coal on to conveyor belts. The deeper the miners go the higher the potential for a disaster becomes.... ...use surface mining which uses machine instead of people to extract coal. The coal companies could provide incentive to workers that suffer from pneumoconiosis. Protective clothing and face mask could also be enhancing to ensure workers safety in coal mining. With government policies and public support the fatalities involved with mining coal could decrease within the next few years. Reference Page Boyle, G., Everett, B. & Ramage, .J. (2003) Energy System and sustainability. United Kingdom: Open University Energy Matters(2003) Energy Matters: Fossil Fuels-coal. Retrieved February, 8, 2007. From http://library. Zou CQ, Gao Y, Ma Y. (1997). Pneumoconiosis in China: Asian-Pacific News Letter on Occupational Health and Safety. Retrieved February, 8, 2007, From http://www. China/ Coal Mining and Its Impacts Essay -- Coal Dangers Mines Essays Papers Coal Mining and Its Impacts Coal is a hard, black colored rock-like substance. It is made up of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and varying amount of sulphur. Coal was form as decomposition took place in the absence of oxygen and much of the hydrogen content of the matter was eroded away, leaving a material rich in carbon. The material was compressed over the years by sand and dirt, leaving the form of a carbon known as coal. The different types of coals are Anthracite, bituminous, lignite, peat, coke, and charcoal. Coal is mined out of the ground and used to produce energy. However, they are many deaths, injuries, and sickness involved in mining coal. The earliest known use of coal was in China. Coal from the Fun-Shun mine in northeastern China may have been used to smelt copper as early as 3,000 years ago. Since then there have been several deaths and injuries in mining coal. â€Å"In 1966, an unstable waste tip from the Merthyr Vale mine in Wales released an avalanche of sludge over the village of Aberfan, engulfing not only houses but the primary school, killing 114 children†( Boyle, Everett, & Ramage p. 165). In Britain in the mid-nineteenth century it was estimated that one in every miners would face a fatal accident before completing their mining career. â€Å"1913 saw Britain’s worst mining disaster, with 439 miners killed in an explosion at the Senghenydd mine in Walse†( Boyle, Everett, & Ramage p. 165). It is important to note that the work of a coal miner is one of the most dangerous occupations in the world. The life expectancy of a miner is very low. Mining coal involves going underground to remove coal on to conveyor belts. The deeper the miners go the higher the potential for a disaster becomes.... ...use surface mining which uses machine instead of people to extract coal. The coal companies could provide incentive to workers that suffer from pneumoconiosis. Protective clothing and face mask could also be enhancing to ensure workers safety in coal mining. With government policies and public support the fatalities involved with mining coal could decrease within the next few years. Reference Page Boyle, G., Everett, B. & Ramage, .J. (2003) Energy System and sustainability. United Kingdom: Open University Energy Matters(2003) Energy Matters: Fossil Fuels-coal. Retrieved February, 8, 2007. From http://library. Zou CQ, Gao Y, Ma Y. (1997). Pneumoconiosis in China: Asian-Pacific News Letter on Occupational Health and Safety. Retrieved February, 8, 2007, From http://www. China/

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Atmosphere Compasrion: Jc Penney vs Kohl’s

Atmosphere Comparison The two stores’ atmospheres that I will compare in this paper will be J. C. Penney and Kohl’s. Both stores are very similar in every aspect. They are both retailers that offer a variety of goods, such as apparel, shoes, and accessories for women, children and men, and home products such as small electronics, kitchen electrics, electric shavers, toothbrushes, vacuums ; floor care, bedding, toys, and luggage. Basically anything you would ever need to survive except for food is offered at both of these retailers.As I pulled into J. C. Penney’s parking lot, I found it very convenient in terms of how far the parking spots were from the doors of the store. When I walked in, the first thing I noticed was the nice marble flooring of the store, then I looked up and noticed 3 different racks of flyers with coupons in them. While I wandered the store I noticed that the lighting was bright and vibrant. There was a very nice perfume/cologne aroma coming from the lease department of Sephora.The music that was playing was Christmas jingles, because it is already that time of year. I felt toasty as I looked through the merchandise; the temperature of the store was definitely comfortable. I noticed that J. C. Penney featured some not so recognized brand merchandise such as â€Å"American Living† brand, which is developed by Ralph Lauren. When I pulled into the Kohl’s parking lot, I felt the convenience was the same as J. C. Penney’s lot.Once I got into Kohl’s, I noticed that they did not offer a rack of flyers, but that they had their registers near the doors of the store. The lighting in Kohl’s was definitely not as bright and inviting as it was in J. C. Penney. My nasal passage was not really stimulated in Kohl’s; I feel that’s because of a lack of a cosmetics department. The music being played was obviously Christmas jingles due to the season. The temperature of Kohl’s did not make me feel as comfortable as I felt in J. C. Penney.Kohl’s does not offer any leased departments like the other store does. The biggest plus side about Kohl’s was the fact that they feature nationally recognized brand-name merchandise such as Levis, Dockers, and Columbia Sportswear. Also, they offer exclusive labels and private-branded goods as well. All in all I felt like both of these stores were virtually identical in every aspect. There are minor distinctions that differentiate both of these stores but at the end of the day they are both still retailers selling the same types of products.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Unit 2 M1

Unit 2 m1 Compare the aims and objectives of different types of business. I am going to compare a profit making and non-profit making business. All profit making business or organisation’s main goal is to maximizing profit- try to make the most profit possible. This is most likely to be the aim of business owners and shareholders. Another objective that other businesses have is to survive in the market – survival. It is a short term objective, possibly for small business just starting out, or when a new firm enters the market or at a time of crisis.However, Non-profit organisations are established around a variety of different sectors. These include social services, sports, cultural groups, education, and support groups. Their main objectives include: assisting others to participate in society, providing care and treatment, providing opportunities for people to engage in sporting teams, and promoting cultural or social values. TESCOS Tesco is a large business and it has a lot of aims and objectives. Some of which are: â€Å"To grow the UK core†.Tesco wish to expand on the number of stores in the UK and all over the world, also the number of services they provide. This is as relevant today as it was in 1997. The UK is the largest business in the Group and a key driver of sales and profit. Their objective is to â€Å"improve the shopping trips and driving a strong pace† This year, they are making a ? 1 billion commitment to improve the shopping trip, driving a strong pace of improvement in the things that are important to its customers which will involve the need to use revenue and capital investment.These changes will strengthen the shopping trip for customers, and consequently deliver improved performance for shareholders. â€Å"To be an understanding international retailer in stores & online† and â€Å"to respect their markets outside the UK† In 1997, their international businesses generated 1. 8% of the Group’s profits. In addition, today, they represent 30% and they’re now either number one or number two in eight of their 12 markets outside the UK. So they’re already ‘successful’ and are working  to be an outstanding international retailer in stores and online.OXFAM Oxfam focuses on five areas that are informed by their beliefs as an organization. They are: * All human lives are of equal value. Everyone has fundamental rights which must be recognized and upheld at all times. * Poverty makes people more vulnerable to conflicts and natural disasters. Much of this suffering is unnecessary, and we must relieve it. * Unequal power relations – gender, race, class, caste and disability – make people more vulnerable to poverty and suffering.Women, who make up the majority of the world's poor people, are especially disadvantaged. Unequal power relations must be addressed wherever they occur. * In a world rich in resources, poverty is a morally indefensib le injustice. It can and must be overcome. Too often, poverty is the result of powerful people's decisions. We must challenge and remove unjust policies and practices. * With the right resources, support, and training, people living in poverty can solve their own problems. We're all responsible for working together to overcome poverty and suffering.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Global Economy and International Security India

Global Economy and International Security India The world of two super powers has ceased to exist. Now researchers note that the world is multi-polarized. Some researchers think that China is more likely to take the place of the USA in several years (Rachman 2011). Some think that the world will remain multi-polarized where countries will have to cooperate (Nowak 2008).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Global Economy and International Security: India specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, all researchers agree that the world is changing. Countries which were regarded as outsiders several decades ago acquire leading positions. India is one of these countries. Admittedly, the new order affects the world as well as each country in particular. It is necessary to note that many countries including India adopted Western ways at some point of their history. This brought them to the international arena. Thus, India is now becoming one of the most influential countries i n the world. The country has become a part of the global economy (Feigenbaum 2010). Of course, the country has become a part of geopolitical relationships. For instance, India is often seen as an US ally (Rachman 2011). The USA is interested in India’s development which can be a kind of counterpoise to China’s growth. It is but natural that the ties between the USA and India are growing stronger (Feigenbaum 2010). These ties are manifested in different areas: economic, political and even military. The USA has been the country that spent a lot on military development (Feigenbaum 2010). Now China and India become the rivals of the USA in this ‘rating’. Notably, this development is quite beneficial for the USA as India is the country’s ally in the region. India also has its strategic partners in the region. Thus, Pakistan and Afghanistan are these allies. The long-lasting conflicts between the countries have not been solved, but the countries became st rategic partners in certain fields. Thus, India adopts democratic (western) ways. The political situation in the country confirms that India chooses western approaches. There have been numerous upheavals and riots (Pant 2008). There even were numerous attacks. Different political forces have tried to achieve certain goals. Nonetheless, the country managed to overcome those difficulties to focus on its development and growth. It is important to note that India is now playing an important role in the region. The support of the USA has enabled the country to develop rapidly. Of course, India has certain influence on such countries as Afghanistan and Pakistan. Undoubtedly, it affects China as well.Advertising Looking for essay on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In fact, India is majorly regarded as a rival to China which starts playing a very important role in global economy and politics. India i s the country which prevents China from becoming the single super power in the region and one of the most influential countries in the world. It is also necessary to note that economies of the two countries just like any other country in the world have many ties. The financial crises of the recent decades have shown that now all countries are parts of a single system (Rachman 2011). Now international relationships are based on understanding that changes in some part of the world will inevitably cause changes in the rest of the world. India is one of the illustrations of this trend. Thus, growth of China has led to various changes in the world arena. The USA is losing its leading position as China as well as other former outsiders is a rapidly growing economy. At the same time, India’s development prevents China from becoming a leading power in the region, as well as in the rest of the world. Reference List Feigenbaum, Evan A. 2010. â€Å"India’s rise, America’s interest.† Foreign Affairs, . Nowak, Wolfgang. 2008. â€Å"The challenges of the new world order.† Spiegel Online International, . Pant, Harsh V. 2008. â€Å"Will Kashmir protests and terrorism thwart India’s global ambitions.† Yale Global Online, . Rachman, Gideon. 2011. â€Å"Think again: American decline.† Foreign Policy, .Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Global Economy and International Security: India specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

About The Deadly Tangshan Earthquake

About The Deadly Tangshan Earthquake At 3:42 a.m. on July 28, 1976, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake hit the sleeping city of Tangshan, in northeastern China. The very large earthquake, striking an area where it was totally unexpected, obliterated the city of Tangshan and killed over 240,000 people - making it the deadliest earthquake of the twentieth century. Fireballs and Animals Give Warning Though scientific earthquake prediction is in its nascent stages, nature often gives some advance warning of an impending earthquake. In a village outside of Tangshan, well water reportedly rose and fell three times the day before the earthquake. In another village, gas began to spout out the water well on July 12 and then increased on July 25th and 26th. Other wells throughout the area showed signs of cracking. Animals also gave a warning that something was about to happen. One thousand chickens in Baiguantuan refused to eat and ran around excitedly chirping. Mice and yellow weasels were seen running around looking for a place to hide. In one household in the city of Tangshan, a goldfish began jumping wildly in its bowl. At 2 a.m. on July 28, shortly before the earthquake struck, the goldfish jumped out of its bowl. Once its owner had returned him to his bowl, the goldfish continued to jump out of its bowl until the earthquake hit.1 Strange? Indeed. These were isolated incidents, spread across a city of a million people and a countryside scattered with villages. But nature gave additional warnings. The night preceding the earthquake, July 27-28, many people reported seeing strange lights as well as loud sounds. The lights were seen in a multitude of hues. Some people saw flashes of light; others witnessed fireballs flying across the sky. Loud, roaring noises followed the lights and fireballs. Workers at the Tangshan airport described the noises as louder than that of an airplane.2 The Earthquake Strikes When the 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Tangshan at 3:42 a.m. on July 28, over a million people lay sleeping, unaware of the disaster that was to befall them. As the earth began to shake, a few people who were awake had the forethought to dive under a table or other heavy piece of furniture, but most were asleep and did not have time. The entire earthquake lasted approximately 14 to 16 seconds. Once the quake was over, the people who could, scrambled out into the open, only to see the entire city levelled. After an initial period of shock, the survivors began to dig through debris to answer the muffled calls for help as well as find loved ones still under rubble. As injured people were saved from under the rubble, they were lain on the side of the road. Many of the medical personnel were also trapped under debris or killed by the earthquake. The medical centers were destroyed as well as the roads to get there. Survivors were faced with no water, no food, and no electricity. All but one of the roads into Tangshan was undrivable. Unfortunately, relief workers accidentally clogged the one remaining road, leaving them and their supplies stuck for hours in the traffic jam. People needed help immediately; survivors could not wait for help to arrive. Survivors formed groups to dig for others. They set up medical areas where emergency procedures were conducted with the minimum of supplies. They searched for food and set up temporary shelters. Though 80 percent of the people trapped under rubble were saved, a 7.1 magnitude aftershock that hit in the afternoon of July 28 sealed the fate for many who had been waiting under the rubble for help. After the earthquake hit, 242,419 people lay dead or dying, along with another 164,581 people who were severely injured. In 7,218 households, all members of the family were killed by the earthquake. Corpses were buried quickly, usually close to the residences in which they perished. This later caused health problems, especially after it rained and the bodies were again exposed. Workers had to find these impromptu graves, dig up the bodies, and then move and rebury the corpses outside of the city.3 Damage and Recovery Before the 1976 earthquake, scientists didnt think Tangshan was susceptible to a large earthquake; thus, the area was zoned an intensity level of VI on the Chinese intensity scale (similar to the Mercalli scale). The 7.8 earthquake that hit Tangshan was given an intensity level of XI (out of XII). The buildings in Tangshan were not built to withstand such a large earthquake. Ninety-three percent of residential buildings and 78 percent of industrial buildings were completely destroyed. Eighty percent of the water pumping stations were seriously damaged and the water pipes were damaged throughout the city. Fourteen percent of the sewage pipes were severely damaged. The foundations of bridges gave way, causing the bridges to collapse. Railroad lines bent. Roads were covered with debris as well as riddled with fissures. With so much damage, recovery was not easy. Food was a high priority. Some food was parachuted in, but the distribution was uneven. Water, even just for drinking, was extremely scarce. Many people drank out of pools or other locations that had become contaminated during the earthquake. Relief workers eventually got water trucks and others to transport clean drinking water into the affected areas. After the emergency care was given, the rebuilding of Tangshan began almost immediately. Though it took time, the entire city was rebuilt and is again home to over a million people, earning Tangshan the name Brave City of China. Notes 1. Chen Yong, et al, The Great Tangshan Earthquake of 1976: An Anatomy of Disaster (New York: Pergamon Press, 1988) 53.2. Yong, Great Tangshan 53.3. Yong, Great Tangshan 70. Bibliography Ash, Russell. The Top 10 of Everything, 1999. New York: DK Publishing, Inc., 1998. Yong, Chen, et al. The Great Tangshan Earthquake of 1976: An Anatomy of Disaster. New York: Pergamon Press, 1988.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Controling the Scene of a Terrorist Attack and Potential Secondary Essay

Controling the Scene of a Terrorist Attack and Potential Secondary Hazards - Essay Example The first people to respond are police officers, paramedics, firefighters and concerned citizens. They are the quickest ones to reach the scene, and this can be dangerous because terrorists do not just blow things up without a plan. It takes time and preparation to pull of a terror plot. Establishing and maintaining control of a terrorist scene and the surrounding area is most important. Relevant authorities should designate their duties and work simultaneously with the rescue workers. For example, the police should work on crowd control while the paramedics and the fire fighters tend to the wounded and the trapped. Terrorists usually wish to inflict as much pain and suffering as possible, so they plan their attacks with a clear objective. To achieve this, they set up dummies and traps, and if they are ruthless they may set off other devices in different locations simultaneously. Some of the traps set could include trip wires, landmines, booby traps and explosives attached to pressur e plates. The bombing of Oklahoma City was the most devastating terrorist attack in the United States. That was until the September 11 attacks. The figures from this attack were appalling. The number of fatalities was 168, casualties 680, destroyed buildings 324 and 86 burned cars. The total damage was estimated at 652 million dollars (Clinton, 2010). During the course of the rescue operation, the rescue operators found another device buried in the debris that was marked â€Å"live†. They called the relevant authorities and refused to leave until all the people in the adjacent buildings and the crowds that had gathered were evacuated. When it was done, the bomb was found to be inert and was not armed. It was later determined that it was intentionally left there to create a diversion. This diversion caused the rescue workers to get distracted for a while since the rescue operation had been halted to allow for the disposal of the secondary

Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Great Depression Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

The Great Depression - Essay Example As the research declares most farmers and companies hence began to incur losses and default on their loans. The situation got worse after some parts of the nation were hit by a terrible drought. America was also operating on a laissez-faire economic policy that did not impose any regulations on businesses. Most companies paid low wages to their workers leading to uneven wealth distribution. The above factors coupled with the fact that Europe was also going through the depression led to an increased decline in the market for American products. It led to the closure of businesses, increase in debts, massive unemployment, and foreclosure of banks. The final blow resulted from the collapse of the New York stock market that led to the loss of billions of dollars of investor money. As the report stresses President Hoover tried to end the economic crisis by encouraging cooperation between government and business, establishing government agencies, fostering labor harmony and attempting to balance the budget. He refused to involve the federal government in manipulating the currency, fixing prices or controlling businesses. He also refused to use federal money to give direct aid citizens hence operated on the principle of rugged individualism. President Franklin Roosevelt, on the other hand, held a much more liberal philosophy as he believed the federal government was required to step in and give direct aid to its people.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Chapter 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Chapter 1 - Essay Example Diagnoses by medical practitioners are also not correct, absolutely, and some conditions are misdiagnosed or are not diagnosed at all (Improvements in Healthcare p3). One of the implications of Princess Alexandra Hospital researchers’ finding is that it might reassure internet users of the reliability of Google and the internet at general in self-diagnosis. Many people are increasingly resorting to the internet to find out their possible medical conditions despite warnings about its unreliability and Google’s high success rate for diagnosis might change this perception. The other implication is that Google might now compete more favorably with other trusted internet sites used for self-diagnosis. MedLinePlus is one such site that is trusted by many online users for information because the National Library of Medicine manages it (Improvements in Healthcare p3). An important implication for Google’s 57percent success rate is that if continually refined, the internet can serve as a complementary and alternative diagnostic tool. The contemporary world has become increasingly dependent on the internet that has traversed many aspects of life and medical field is not an exception. The reservations that most medical practitioners have with the internet as a diagnostic tool should be countered by improving on its shortcomings. After all, to many, the internet is more accessible than a medical practitioner is. Medical practitioners should therefore not feel threatened by the internet. Rather, they should embrace and incorporate it in their practice (Improvements in Healthcare p3). Google’s success case demonstrates the potential of the internet in helping to provide more people with access to healthcare with minimal costs. Hospital settings are limited by space and time required to accommodate and attend to all the patients seeking treatment. These deny physicians quality time with every patient and this is something that can countered by using the internet.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Performance Appraisal System In British Airways Commerce Essay

The Performance Appraisal System In British Airways Commerce Essay Effective People resources include not only the acquisition of quantity and quality of people, as well as management employees to endorse that performance is constantly reviewed, and at a level that meets the objectives of the organization. It is important that employees should know what is expected from of them, not only in terms of roles and responsibilities, but also in terms of performance. The research proposal involves mainly the performance appraisal system of British Airways. The study aims to analyze the performance, evaluation, monitoring, hearten and build up and improve their effectiveness, in turn contributes to the success of the organization. Performance appraisal includes an assessment of the employee, opinion for people and confrontation, as productivity can be improved. Definition of performance appraisal: Managing people at work of all fears in the management of the interaction between what is inside people have the human potential, and the inclination and needs, and the fact that in the work, i.e. quantity and quality output, and the satisfaction that people can get from their work. By BSPS 2003 expertise is regularly record the evaluation of the employee, the potential and development needs. Certification is an opportunity to take an overview of the work content, loads and volume, to look at what was achieved during the reporting period and agree objectives for the next Reference Organization: The structure of the worlds leading airline focused on improving operational efficiency and financial fit, In order to achieve strategic objectives. British Airways is necessary to measure HR performance in business and make their managers abide the responsibility for the delivery of objectives. British Airways is the UKs largest international scheduled airline, flying more than 550 destinations at convenient times, to the best located airports. Whether customers in the air or on the ground, British Airways is proud of providing a full service experience. British Airways group consists of British Airways PLC and a number of subsidiaries, including, in particular, British Airways Holidays Limited and British Airways Travel Shops Limited. __________________________________   Ã‚  Consultation, conciliation and arbitration (2003 employees Appraisal) Performance measurement and objective: My purpose of the study is to analyze and evaluate the activities of British Airways evaluation and performance management system, which is used to measure the effectiveness of staff I developed the following questions about the support of my statement of the problem: What is an appraisal management system, which is used in British Airways? What is the difference between the performance appraisal management in British Airways? What tools, techniques and standards, British Airways uses to analyze and evaluate effectiveness? As British Airways can increase their efficiency, quality, motivation and employee satisfaction? Objectives: There are a few goals of my research: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Measuring performance against goals and objectives, ie what has been achieved à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Measuring the performance of core competencies, ie how it was achieved à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Feedback results à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ To improve communication and understanding between managers and staff à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ identification of functions that need to be improved à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ recognition and validation of performance à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ To fulfill the goals and objectives à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Identification of key competencies Literature Review 2,1 PAS: PAS is the official system, which assesses the quality organization.The managing people at work are most concerned about controlling the interaction between what is inside people have the human potential, aptitude and needs, and that in the work, ie quantity and quality of output, and the satisfaction that people can get from their work. People go to work, to apply their capabilities, inclinations and needs to target the organization of production of goods and services in the economic quantity and quality. To assess how well they perform in the organization to achieve its objectives is assessing effectiveness. According to official Gluck evaluation is a system created at the plant regularly and systematically assess the work of employees Although Kenney, Donnelly and Reed defined it as assessment of the employee on his staff strengths and weaknesses On the other hand, Anderson describes the performance appraisal as a tool for learning and development, he said if the strengths and weaknesses of the employee, not known, it would be only a coincidence that development efforts will be directed in the right direction. By BSPS 2003 expertise is regularly record the evaluation of the employee, the potential and development needs. Certification is an opportunity to take an overview of the work content, loads and volume, to look at what was achieved during the reporting period and agree objectives for the next Fletcher and Williams (in 1985) went even further. They said that judging people is not the only thing they do when they evaluate the effectiveness of rights. They believe that there are actually two conflicting roles, participating in the evaluation, ie, the referee and assistant. This certification can be seen, at least in theory, but a process that brings together all the various approaches to managing performance and allows managers to implement them. This procedure, which can both reward and discipline, through which employees can be a coach and counseling, as well as vehicles through which improvements in productivity can be negotiated. a.d.b.p p author. name. Place of publication, publisher What 2,2 PAS? PAS involves the identification, measurement and management of human activities in the organization, as shown in Figure 1.1 Figure 1.1: Model evaluation 2.2.1 Identification: This means determining the direction of the manager should consider when measuring performance. The first step in the implementation of the evaluation process is to determine what to measure. It must be rational and legally justified on the basis of analysis work. The process of determining the performance dimensions very similar to the work of the analysis. The evaluation system should focus on performance, which affects the organizational success, not the performance is irrelevant characteristics such as race, age or sex. Definition of performance measurement is one of the most important steps in the process of certification. If you missed, it will demoralize the staff, because he will not be recognized in this dimension. In addition, if a value dimension included employees may perceive the process as meaningless. 2.2.2 Units of measurement: The second part of the evaluation is to measure employee performance. This entails making management decisions, as good or employee Bad was or is. The good results of the measurements should be consistent throughout the organization. All managers in the organization must maintain comparable standards of evaluation. Measuring employee involves assigning number reflects the performance of the employee to determine characteristics or dimensions. In general, this measurement is to determine the level of performance to judge the quantity, quality, timeliness and / or economic performance with a set of standards. For example, what has been achieved? It can also serve as a basis for determining when these achievements deserve special recognition. It is difficult to quantify the performance measurements. E.g. Creativity can be one of the important aspects of the advertising copywriter, but the measure creativity is difficult. How can you measure creativity? This is the number of ads written year The number of ads win industry awards, Or any other criterion? These are some of the issues that managers will face when trying to assess the effectiveness of the employee. 2.2.3 Management: The Office is the main objective of any evaluation system. Score more than in the past-oriented activities, which criticizes or praises employees for their work in the previous year, rather, an assessment should perspective view of the fact that the employee can do to realize their potential in the organization. This means that the manager must ensure that workers with feedback and coach them to higher levels of productivity. 2,3 is the difference between the results of evaluation and performance management It is usually assumed that the performance appraisal is the same as Performance Management. But there are significant differences. PAS is an important part of performance management. This in itself is not performance, but is one of the tools that can be used to manage performance. First, we must understand the word performance. What does that word mean? It is important to clarify what it means. There are different views on that performance. Bates and Holton said that The performance of a multidimensional construct, the measurement of which varies depending on various factors. Kane (1996) argues that performance is that people leave behind and that there is a separate form of goals. According to Al Bernadine and others performance should be defined as the work because they provide a strong connection with the strategic objectives of the organization, customer satisfaction and economic contribution. The initial value of productivity in the Oxford Dictionary is the achievement, performance, conduct, develop anything ordered or undertaken. From this we can pass on performance of doing the work, as well as about the result achieved. As productivity Campbell behavior, and should be distinguished from the result, because the behavior may be infected system factors A more complete picture of the performance behavior of hugs and out forward. It is well placed Brumbrach:   Performance means that both behaviors and results. The behavior comes from the artist and transform the performance of abstraction to action. Not only documents the results, the behavior and results in themselves a product of mental and physical effort in relation to problems and can judge, except the results. Now we know that the performance of both inputs (the behavior) and outputs (results) groups, individual or organization. PAS can be defined as a formal evaluation and assessment of people on their heads. On the other hand performance on the management of the organization. This strategy that we are talking about broader issues and long-term goals. Performance management is a natural process management rather than systems or equipment. Armstrong and Baron (1998) to determine the effectiveness of management, such as: The process, which contributes to the effective management of individuals and groups in order to achieve a high level of organizational effectiveness. Thus, it establishes a common understanding of what needs to be achieved, and the approach to leading and developing people who will ensure this is achieved. According to Armstrong, Baron (1998) Performance management should be a device or means to ensure that managers of good governance. Managers must ensure that individuals or groups they manage: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Know and understand what is expected of them. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Have the skills necessary to meet these expectations. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Supports the organization in developing the capacity to meet these expectations. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ We give feedback. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Be able to discuss and contribute to individual and team goals and objectives. The differences between them, and summed up Armstrong and Baron are in Table 1.1 Performance evaluation of management effectiveness From top to bottom evaluation of a collaborative process based on dialogue The annual assessment meeting constant review with one or more formal reviews Use of estimates Rating least Monolithic System Flexible process The focus on quantitative goals focus on values and behavior, as well as goals Often linked to pay less likely to be a direct link to pay Bureaucratic complex documents Documentation kept to a minimum Owner The owner of the personnel department line manager

Friday, October 25, 2019

Momma Lowrider: Sandra Teran of Dukes Car Club :: Essays Papers

Momma Lowrider: Sandra Teran of Duke's Car Club On Easter Sunday of last year, the sound of gunfire, then police sirens, interrupted the music booming from the cars on South Sixth Avenue. Three people died and six were injured in two separate shootings that occurred within an hour of each other on the street crowded with cars and people (Stauffer). This event reinforced the way the public often views cruisers: as violent juveniles or gang-bangers engaging in a dangerous, vain activity. The violence of Easter Sunday, however, does not typify cruising or cruisers. Cruising - and the intense work that goes into making a car, especially a lowrider, truly "cruise-worthy" - offers an alternative to violence and gangs. Often, a car club helps with the work of customizing a ride, giving the owner advice on how to get the look of the car just right. Duke's Car Club has been one of the most popular and visible car clubs in Tucson since it was founded forty years ago (Teran 10/8/01). Sandra Teran, a member of Duke's Car Club, represents an a spect of cruising and car clubs that few people are aware of: family involvement and community pride. When it comes to cruising, lowriders star in the show, and have for the last thirty years. "Lowrider" signifies any automobile, from trucks to cars to motorcycles, customized to ride low to the ground. The asphalt-scraping suspension isn't the only alteration; the cars often sport elaborate paint jobs, expensive wire rimmed wheels, plush upholstery, and tough hydraulics systems. The cars' owners, also called lowriders, display their cars by cruising slowly down the street or exhibiting them at car shows. Despite the time and money put into a lowrider, lowriding is not just about the cars. It is also about family and community, as Sandra Teran explained to me when I interviewed her. Sandra is prominent in the lowriding community, and driving up to her home I could see why. Three classic luxury cars sat in the driveways, their meticulous paint gleaming. The love for all things classic extends to the inside of her home; two jukeboxes stand by the front door and a photo of one of her son s wearing a zoot suit hangs on the wall. I arrived a few minutes early for our interview, and Sandra had gone to pick up one of her grandchildren, so I sat and waited.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Mystery of disappearing oil Essay

1. Assume the role of Fuad, the accountant. What changes, if any, would you recommend, in the management of the petrol station, to Mat Jon? Why? Be as explicit as possible. The recommendation regarding to the management of the petrol station can divide into three major part, which is recording management, inventory management, and internal control. Because these problems can be directly or indirectly affect the performance of the business. In order to well managing a business, a skillful person with managerial aptitudes and ethical behavior are required. However, the person who carrying the day-to-day operation of the business, Jamel, does not possessed it. RECORDING MANAGEMENT Inaccurate amount in sales collection Based on the cases, the Mat Jon found out that the sales collection was greatly different for the beginning of July and ending of the July. The sales figures for first two days were reasonable good, it was around RM32, 000ï ¼Å'but it was dropped significantly in the end of the month, which is drop to RM14, 000 in 31st July. In 1st of July, the daily pump sales of unleaded petrol are RM34, 458.68, however, it already exceed the total sales of the day which amounting to RM 32, 220.40. Since the Mat Jon does not able to seek the explanation from his nephew, i suspect there is high possibility sales was take place, but may be intentionally or unintentionally omitted recording. Recommendation: I would suggest Mat Jon make a proper reconciliation between the sales recorded, physical balance of unleaded petrol and bank statement in order to found out the missing amount. Exceeding of the overdraft amount The petrol station facing the shortage of cash and this is showed on the exceed limit of the bank overdraft. Compare the daily cash sales receive with the amount in the bank statement, it showed that the cash sales that deposit into the bank are lower than the actual sales. The overdraft limit  is only RM20, 000, but they already overdraft for RM 21, 019.42. From the sales collection report, most of the sales is deemed from cash, so it is less likely the petrol station will facing the shortage of cash. It may be either have theft of cash or intentionally manipulation by Jamel since the Jamel was felt nervous when Mat Jon questioning him. Recommendation: Mat Jon should reconcile all the cash received against the sales, and this could be done in daily. In addition, Mat Jon should consider installing a CCTV all around the petrol station in order to prevent theft of cash by unethical staff. INVENTORY MANAGEMENT Inaccurate amount in stock balance report In addition, from the stock balance report, we found that the balance of the stock in the report is lower than the actual balance that the company should have. There are some shortfalls in the physical balance of the unleaded petrol. Jamel, who in charge in the petrol stationï ¼Å'should have responsible on the stock balances, so I assume that Jamel might be manipulate the figure in the stock balance report in order to gain self-interest. For example, he was paying out the cheque without obtaining any stock. Recommendation: Matching the purchase order (PO), delivery order (DO), and invoices when payment is made. Mat Jon should track back all the supporting documents in order to ensure the payment is made for the petrol purchased. In addition, this is related to the proper segregation of duties. Mat Jon should not give all the right and authority to Jamel. Increased in cost of sales while the sales are dropping over years Based on the trend analysis report, the cost of sales was increasing over years but the sales were decline significantly. One of the possibilities is that the inflation causes the cost of petrol increase and so leads to the decreasing in profit. But this assumption is less possible in this case. This is because the performance of recent year could not reasonably explain the increased cost. This might due to Jamel reported the cost of petrol at  higher price and gain the differences for himself or, he transferred the cost to the customer by raising the price of petrol, and thus loss of customers. Recommendation: Negotiated with the supplier and propose a hedging agreement to hedge the petrol price to avoid the inflation. INTERNAL CONTROL The role of Jamel Mat Jon left the management of the business almost wholly to his nephew, Jamel and he did not pay much attention to the business. But recently, Mat Jon suspected that Jamel was doing something unethical to his business, and also found that Jamel was not capable to manage the business. This raise the issue on the roles and capability of Jamel. Jamel does not have any direct interest in the business, so he might concern on his own interest instead of the revenue of the business. Recommendation Mat Jon should not fully rely on Jamel as he does not have any direct interest in this business thus there is possibilities that Jamel won’t put much effort on the petro station business. Mat Jon can remain the Jamel’s position just for the sake of avoiding the conflict between them, but he should monitor the petrol station business by himself to avoid any potential loss. Besides, this can also enable him to regularly reviewing the business, provided guidance to Jamel, and can detect the problems as earlier as he can. Impolite staff When they receiving the complaint from their regular customer, Supramaniam, the attendant ignore him and alleged that his fuel indicator may be faulty. And when Supramaniam request to talk with the person in charge, but he was informed that the manager was not around. At the meantime, the supervisor of the petrol station, Sudin, however, could not provide the immediate assistance to the customer. So there is end up with increasing the customer dissatisfaction. Recommendation Provide proper training to the staff. This including provides guidance on how to deal with the customer complaint and solve the question from the customer courtesy. In addition, the person in charge of the petrol station, Jamel, can be assumed not come to work frequently. Therefore, Mat Jon can consider to install a punch card system to track the attendance record of the employees. Segregation of duties Most of the problems is arise is due to there is not proper segregation of duties. When there is one person handling too much of responsibilities, the fraud may occur. In addition, it will also reduce the performance of the person who handling too much of responsibilities because of the work overload. In this case, Jamel, as the sole person who managing the petrol station, was handle too much of duties so that he tend to manipulate the amount in order to obtain the personal gain. Recommendation Mat Jon should have proper segregation of duties between the manager, Jamel and its supervisor, Sudin to enhance the performance of the petrol station. Jamel as a station managers, he should responsible in term of the inventory, pricing, recording, and also customer services. Hence, Jamel should responsible: Daily operations at gas stations and fuel-selling convenience stores. To ensure that sufficient amounts of fuel are available, Ensuring stores are well-stocked, The fuelling equipment is functional, To ensure staff is available to meet customer needs, The payments for fuel and merchandise are processed and recorded properly. Ensure company policies are upheld, examine timesheets for accuracy, train new employees, distribute paychecks, make financial bank deposits and report financial transactions. Sudin as a station supervisor, he should handle the following responsibilities: Supervise and co-ordinate sales staff and cashiers to  avoid the theft of cash Assign sales workers to duties Authorize payments by cheque Resolve customer complaints and supply shortages Maintain specified inventory and report to the station manager Prepare reports on sales collection

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Palliative Care Nursing

Introduction Palliative is a concept of care that provides coordinated medical service to patients with progressive incurable diseases.The allied health service is proactive and seeks to improve the lives of individuals that are faced with life threatening diseases and their families. Dying and death are part of life and as such palliative care offers the patients a holistic care service that includes social, psychological and spiritual care (1, p.33). Therefore palliative care aims at ensuring that the patients and their families lead the best quality of life without having to be stressed about their condition. This essay takes a critical look at the philosophy and principles of palliative care and how they apply in nursing care. Discussion on the Statement The philosophical statement given by the World Health Organisation on palliative care is directed at ensuring that the patients have the best quality of life even when they have terminal illnesses. Palliative care is extended to the family of the patients to ensure that they continue to lead normal lives despite the challenges caused by the terminal diseases. In the past, patients with terminal illnesses were seen as sufferers and with the continual advancement of the disease, care was focused was on lessening the pain for the dying patients. However, with the development of palliative care, the dying patients are no longer seen as sufferers but as other normal patients and are given specialised care from designated professionals (5, p. 23). These professionals maintain humaneness as a core value and must respect the law with regards to the patients and their families and include them in all key decisions. The care is comprehensively provided to manage physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs of the patients and their families. Palliative care is governed by principles that govern its practice. In the nursing profession, the nurses affirm life and regard dying as a normal process. This is a message that is communicated to both the patients and their families to help them accept the harsh reality of life. Communication is an important part of the process and as such the nurses are required to communicate with the patients and their families in the best possible manner. The nurses are required not to hasten or postpone the death of the ailing patients. They are instead required to relieve the patients from pain and distress to ensure that they improve the patient’s quality of life. Principles of Palliative Care in Nursing Palliative care is governed by some core principles that the professionals like nurses, doctors, counsellors and social workers are supposed to adhere to. This section takes a critical look at the principles of palliative care as they apply to the palliative care of patients and families in nursing care. Successful incorporation of palliative care in nursing practice is not a function of complex specialist environments, medical interventions or availability of drugs and disciplines (3, p54). The principles highlighted here apply to nurses working in any environment where they encounter the dying. The principles are discussed under the following themes: Emphasis on the quality of life Palliative care should be centred on the quality of life of the patients and their families. The nurses are required to encourage the patients and their families and help them focus on the quality of the life of the patient and not the number of days left to live. Quality of life is defined differently depending on the patient and the disease. The nurses improve the quality of life of the patient by managing the distressing symptoms in order to positively impact the course of the illness. The nursing palliative care team should help the patients and their families enjoy their lives to the maximum while facing the complex medical conditions (10, p. 74). Communication plays an integral part in the nursing palliative care and as such the nurses are required to continually speak with the patients and their families about their wishes, desires and what quality of life means to them (6, p. 63). The communication on quality of life should start early in the course of the illness when the ol der members of the family are able to contribute before they get stressed and start making immediate decisions. The emphasis on quality of life improves management of symptoms and communication between the nurses and the family. Patient and family are the focus of care This is a core principle that cuts across all settings because the patients and their families are the unit of care, not the disease (2, p. 77). Palliative care addresses the meaning of suffering, life, death and disease within the context of each family unit. It recognises the fact that all family members will be part of the disease process and as such their views and individual care plans must be taken into account in the palliative care. Symptom Management The nurses are required to assess and treat symptoms using the least invasive ways that will not cause more distress than the original symptom (7, p. 80). Interdisciplinary collaboration, frequent assessment, communication and appropriate management are important concepts of symptom management in palliative care. Symptom management should always be the start of diagnosis in patients with life threatening diseases or those that are potentially life threatening. This should be continued throughout the treatment process in order to improve the patient’s quality of life (3, p. 87). Communication and Decision Making Communication with the patients and family should be done clearly, collaboratively and compassionately in order to improve the patient’s quality of life (8, p. 81). Communication with the patients and family is important as it ensures that the family and patients are consistently updated on the course of the disease and treatment. The patients and their families depend on frequent, consistent communication on sensitive and difficult information and may at times need repetition of facts. The communication should be both ways as the nurses should listen to the views of the patients and their families in order to be able to provide care that suits their needs in all ways including culturally and spiritually (11, p. 101). It also allows the family members to reveal more about the patient as this information may be useful in the treatment process depending on the disease. Recommendations for Palliative Nursing Care As already indicated earlier in the discussion, it is not easy to fully implement the principles of palliative nursing care. However, nurses should try hard to ensure that these principles are fully implemented in nursing care. Palliative care can be further incorporated through good hospital practice with nurses spending more time with the patients and their families to discuss and plan care within a multidisciplinary team framework (4, p. 15). The nurses should pursue a partnership approach and make good use of open and honest communication with the patients, relatives and the health team. Such ideology is important in nursing philosophy of individualised care that embraces a holistic approach and active patient participation in care (9, p. 71). The nurses should reintegrate palliative care into the culture of the hospitals. This reintegration into the hospital culture will be helpful to the patients particularly those with terminal illnesses. This is very critical because nurses a re often at the forefront of general delivery of palliative care within the hospital. They are very well placed and should use their position to help uncover better ways of improving the quality of care to the patients and their families. Lastly, the nurses should receive palliative care education to ensure that they are equipped with the knowledge and management skills necessary for dealing with patients and their relatives as they have diverse personalities, cultures and beliefs. Conclusion Palliative care is very important to the patients and their families particularly those with terminal illnesses. This essay has explored the philosophy and principles of palliative care in nursing and has concluded by making recommendations on how hospitals can incorporate it within their cultures. For effective implementation of palliative care in nursing, the nurses need to be well educated on palliative care and how to conduct it in order to minimise misunderstands between them and the patients and their relatives. Proper implementation and execution of palliative care is important in improving the quality of lives of the patients and their families, especially those with terminal or potentially terminal illnesses. Therefore nurses should engage the patients and their relatives in all key decisions to ensure that they get as much information from them in time before the levels of stress get high. Such information is important and can be used in providing individualised care to the patients. References Aitken, Sandra. Community Palliative Care The Role of the Clinical Nurse Specialist. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2009. Bern-Klug, Mercedes. Transforming Palliative Care in Nursing Homes: The Social Work Role. New York: Columbia University Press, 2010. Byrne, Judi. Palliative Care in Neurological Disease: A Team Approach. Oxford: Radcliffe Pub, 2009. Foyle, Lorna, and Janis Hostad. Illuminating the Diversity of Cancer and Palliative Care Education: Sharing Good Practice. Oxford: Radcliffe Pub, 2010. Lugton, Jean, and Rosemary McIntyre. Palliative Care: The Nursing Role. Edinburgh: Elsevier/Churchill Livingstone, 2005. Matzo, Marianne, and Deborah Witt Sherman. Palliative Care Nursing: Quality Care to the End of Life. New York: Springer Pub. Co, 2010. Payne, Sheila, Jane Seymour, and Christine Ingleton. Palliative Care Nursing Principles and Evidence for Practice. Maidenhead, Berkshire, England: Open University Press, 2004. Payne, Sheila, Jane Seymour, and Christine Ingleton. Palliative Care Nursing: Principles and Evidence for Practice. Maidenhead: Open University Press, 2008. Perrin, Kathleen Ouimet. Palliative Care Nursing: Caring for Suffering Patients. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2012. Pfund, Rita. Palliative Care Nursing of Children and Young People. Oxford: Radcliffe, 2007. Stevens, Elaine, Susan Jackson, and Stuart Milligan. Palliative Nursing Across the Spectrum of Care. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2009