Monday, December 16, 2019

Creating Tension Through the Presentation of Magwitch and...

How does Dickens create tension through his presentation of Magwitch and Miss Havisham in Great Expectations? Introduction ============ Great Expectations is about a young boy, Pip, who lives in a deprived town with his sister (Mrs Joe) and her husband (Mr Joe). Pip meets a fugitive, Magwitch and after meeting with this runaway he fears from his life. Pip is then summoned to go and play at Miss Havisham’s house. He then falls in love with Estella who chooses to ignore Pip, which makes him feel pitiful and he hates himself for this. Suddenly his life starts to change as he receives an astonishing gift from a covert benefactor. Pip becomes rich and decides to go and live in London. After becoming rich, Pip decides to forget†¦show more content†¦Magwitch asks Pip to get him a file or Magwitch will kill him. Pip is sad because he had just been to visit his mother and father’s grave. The weather was dull; it a rainy and stormy day. Pips mood was reflecting on the weather. This is called pathetic fallacy. With Miss Havisham Pip is nervous just by looking at the house. â€Å"The great front entrance had two chains across it†¦Ã¢â‚¬  this shows that Pip was frightened of Satis House. Also all the windows had iron bars on them and there would be no light in Satis House. â€Å"†¦ And had a great many iron bars to it† this shows that the windows had iron bars to them. â€Å"†¦ No glimpse of daylight could be seen in it† this shows that it was dark within the walls of Satis House. Dickens uses sinister language choices to create tension an example of this is â€Å" the great†¦Ã¢â‚¬  which refers to Satis House having an immense entrance. This creates tension because Satis House is described as dark and dreary as I have given evidence of this above. In the graveyard it is stormy, its raining, its dark and Pip is sad because he is visiting his parents grave’s. (Pathetic Fallacy), in Satis house its dark and prison like. I have compared both settings. Dickens creates tension through his presentation of Magwitch and Miss Havisham by creating the two similar settings and comparing both Magwitch and Miss Havisham to one another. Paragraph Three – Dickens creates tension through his initial description of

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